8th Ed. 20 Skinks & 2 Krox

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by asrodrig, Aug 31, 2010.

  1. Rokanos

    Rokanos Well-Known Member

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    Well son of a gun..my mistake then, guess I need to re-read through the FAQ.
  2. DesertLIZARD

    DesertLIZARD New Member

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    Darn good idea there Arli. Usually i use the Skink Chiefs for Terradon units so i can harass my enemy with a strong skink chief flanking units or destroying enemy warmachines (its a hobby). Also, never thought toput a Chief in that unit cause it might be overrunned lol. Thanks
  3. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    My thought is to have two skink chiefs (one a BSB with +1 to combat rez) in the unit. The unit champion will take the challenges. The other two are for the extra wounds. The unit is a horde unit so it is stubborn. I will try to keep it within range of my slann. I think this will make it a pretty solid unit that can hold up at least a few turns. While it is in combat, I will flank with another unit of skink cohorts and maybe a unit of kroxigors.
  4. Larinus
    Chameleon Skink

    Larinus New Member

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    Sounds like a cool idea, Arli, however, I do see one flaw that if you wouldn't mind clarifying for me, that would be great.

    Aren't Skrox units typically used as flanking units themselves? I can see with your setup you could probably put them closer to the center, but I wouldn't put them in the middle of the battleline. And isn't the middle of the battleline where the BSB should be most of the time? If you could clarify how and where you put them and in what size games that would be appreciated.
  5. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I plan on running a 2650 list Sunday vs high elves. I will have two units of skrox. One with 40 skinks and 4 krox. The other with 30 and 3 krox. The horde unit will have a skink chief bsb and a skink chief with fencer blades. Both units have full command (the champions will issue and accept challenges). That way the skink chiefs wounds always go to combat rez. The second unit will have a skink chief with the gold sigil sword and glittering scales armor with a luck stone. I will also have a unit of 6 krox. A slann and 10 temple guard. Cupped hands and lore of death. 2 skink priests. One of those with the forbidden rod (to die for a strong magic phase when the winds of magic blow the wrong way), the other with a dispel scroll and blood statuette of spite. Also, two units of 1 sally (with extra snack) and 2x5.

    Everything will center on the slann. Sallies on the flanks. I want to use the krox for flanking. I am hoping to snipe his bsb and lords,then drop his ld by 3 and burn him with the sallies. Not necessarily in that order.

    No saurus you say. I don t like them, too slow. I want the speed. The TG are to protect the slann.

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