AoS Totaly new to AOS and starting with Seraphon

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by biggy2020, Apr 11, 2022.

  1. biggy2020
    Jungle Swarm

    biggy2020 New Member

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    There is so much to learn. I haven't played or painted Warhammer (or tabletop in general) in over a decade and I'm feeling information overload.

    I purchased the start collecting box.

    Any suggestions on where to go from here for an army say around 1500 points that won't have a huge learning curve? Would just like to start off somewhat simple and have some fun.

    Also it has been mentioned that I should make all of my Saurus Warriors holding spears. Any advice on that?

    Thank you for any advice!
  2. Schneelachs

    Schneelachs Member

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    Hey Mate welcome ;)

    Maybe to give you some good overview what kind of units you want even if you not clear what exact list ( Subfaction ) you wann play.

    Slann ( nearly every list plays him, hes just to good )
    Skinks ( as a blob of 30 or just cheap 10 for screening )
    Saurus Guard (to protect your Slann/Kroak )
    Bastilladon ( in TL mandatory, but also a nice addition to any List )
    Buffheros Skinkprist/Starprist
    Realshaperengiene (Hes free so just use him )
    A Stegadon ( usaly as an EOTG )

    "Also it has been mentioned that I should make all of my Saurus Warriors holding spears. Any advice on that?"

    Its not wrong but mantatory if you use more then 10 in one unit.

    If you already now what subfaction you want to play, its easy to form a list ;)

    Tombomb7, Just A Skink and Bowser like this.
  3. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    well if you want a easy list you can run monster mash.
    4 stegs a eotg a bastiladon 2 priests and a slann
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    My opinion on the Saurus is build them with clubs unless you want to run blocks of 30 Saurus (maybe even 20). Seraphon tend to lack Rend, and I think the -1 Rend on the clubs is better for a unit of 10 Warriors. With the 3.0 coherency rules, spears are more effective in "ranked" numbers.

    Generally the Scar-veteran on Carnosuar is preferred over the Oldblood. The Oldblood is a bit overpriced in the game right now and the Scar-vet arguably has the more effective command ability. But, the Oldblood looks cool, so it's up to you.

    Saurus Knights are good in the game, even in a unit of 5. They will need buffs to really be more effective.

    I think @Schneelachs and @Erta Wanderer offer some good ideas for further units.

    A Slann is VERY helpful and thematic for Seraphon. A Start Collecting Skinks box might not be a bad idea. You get some Skinks for chaff/speed/range (build as boltspitters), a Starpriest who is very useful, a Bastiladon which is very sturdy monster and good in Thunder Lizard armies (build as Solar Engine), and some flyers (which should probably be built as Terradons).

    This is still a great thread to Get the Most Out of Your Start Collecting Seraphon Box.
  5. biggy2020
    Jungle Swarm

    biggy2020 New Member

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    Hey! Thank you for all the kind suggestions. I really appreciate it. I will be digging in and checking out everything tonight after work!

    Thank you again this is amazing.
  6. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    just let us know if you have any other questions. we are always happy to help
    Tombomb7, Just A Skink and Bowser like this.

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