Hey new to the forum, and new to 8th edition in general, but a few things keep popping up that I can't seem to find and that is all these items I see people listing in their army lists. An example would be Scar-Vet- Fencer's Blades, Dragonhelm, Light Armour- Where in our army book is the Fencer's Blade and Dragonhelm? Or even Scar-Vet- Burning Blade, Glittering Scales, Shield- where are Glittering Scales and Burning Blade? If someone could help me out in finding these items it would be greatly appreciated!
Greetings, welcome to the board! The items you seek are in the new 8th edition rulebook. They came out with a list of common magic items that any army can use, and published them in the big rulebook but obviously not the army books yet.
Ah well that makes a lot of sense, thank you for the help Strewart, guess I'll have to wait and look through the new rulebook before I finalize my army list