Yes they do, that's why i joined this forum. I want to know some good strategic plans to defeat my other friends who play Chaos and High Elves. I have used the Lizardmen's advantage of speed and strength to be able to cripple my enemies, but somethings i can't get away from. I need your help for that. The High elf player is my main problem, his name is Rick. His strategy is to not move his units until i come to him. Meanwhile, he'll use his 2 bolt throwers to take down my calvary, stegadons, or kroxigors. Usually he's been using dragon princes, lothern sea guard, swordmasters and phoenix guard. I cannot attempt to use any magic agianst him with his amount of dispel dice he carries. Help me beat him. My Chaos friend, ryan, on the other hand, uses all his strength into using Chaos knights of nurgle and a mage on the chaos dragon. I kind of match up with him but his knights seem to take my ass down if i don't get the charge from my cold one calvary or stegadon. His armor saves are a bitch to beat if lizardmen doesn't have no armor save weapons besides the 65 point weapon or Tic tac toes Blade (I know its not his name but it sounds like it) Whats your strategy agianst a chaos player?
Re: Don't Lizardmen just I swear too much I swear too much up? Greetings, welcome to the board! You will see from your title that we have swear filters in effect. Defensive High Elves? You obviously want to nullify the bolt throwers as quickly as possibly, and they are rather fragile now with just two wound each so terradons flying in and charmeleon skinks scouting in to take them down as soon as possible. Try to keep your expensive troops covered as much as possible until that is done. Ignore the seaguard arrows, they will bounce off your tough armour. Keep your units in large blocks and the couple of wounds they do will have little effect. Magic? The current magic rules are rather balanced, I don't know how he could be carrying too many dispel dice to stop a Slann throwing a few spells around. You are using 8th ed yeah? Chaos? They are using basically the same tactics as you; get into combat with heavy hard hitting stuff and blitz. To bring that dragon down, a couple of units of skinks with poison blow pipes should put a serious dent in it. The knights are tougher, generally you should not let them engage your cold ones or steg. Plant a huge unit of saurus in front of them so with steadfast, even if they kill a lot, you will stick around and have time to get in their flank and counter charge. Hope that helped, good luck with it!
Re: Don't Lizardmen just I swear too much I swear too much up? Haha, yea the swear words i noticed mixed my intro down a bit. For the chameleon skinks, they can be deployed at a certain range away from his units, my high elf friend makes sure he puts his units back farther so i can't get behind him at all. I was thinking a unit of terradon riders would take care of his bolt throwers if i rush in straight to the front over his regiments but his flames of the phoenix take them out no problem. I feel as if i should use the shief of the mirror pool on a chief in that unit so i can reflect it back for revenge! Thanks for the tips. And i still have to get the 8th ed., i just have been in school and thought why buy it now?
Re: Don't Lizardmen just I swear too much I swear too much up? Mirror pool only works on magic missiles, so it won't effect flames of the phoenix... It will effect fury of khaine, but as soon as your opponent knows you have the item he simply won't point magic missiles at that unit anymore so there isn't a whole lot of point.
Re: Don't Lizardmen just I swear too much I swear too much up? Oh crap...i thought it was a masic missile that would have devastated his unit. Usually he puts his wizard with his calvary unit. Maybe I'll dispel the flames and hope he casts the Fury of Khaine on them. But what would the Fury of Khaine's use be better on?