I had a thought, what else can our armies have that are like Salamander or Razordons? I was thinking what else would a reptilian creature use for a missile weapon that would benefit for us? I was thinking something acidic like reptile from mortal combat and heres how i thought it up. Acid Spitter M6, WS3 BS3, S5, T4, W3, I4, A2, Ld 4 Same rules as the other creatures but Spit Acid. Spitting acid: the Acid Spitter has the option of spitting corrosive, poisonous acid that can melt through an opponents armor with ease. Using the flame template, direct the template towards any enemy unit in sight. (Move the template left and right of that unit to see who is hit) If the unit is under the template, the first rank that is being touched by the template are automatically hit and are resulted for no armor saves since the greater amount of acid hits the front rank. Additional units in the back ranks that are touched are hit, but still have armor saves. Resolve the wounds on a Strength 4. If any wounds are inflicted, the unit must immediatly pass a Leadership test to stay or flee. Glob: The Acid spitter has the option to accuratly hit 1 single enemy model (exept enemy characters if he's/she's in a unit) within 8" with a condenssed glob of acid. Hitting the model always hits on a +4. The wound is resulted at Strength 5 with no armor saves and D3 wounds (monsters) Sounds too good so the point value of these creatures can we worth 100 points each? Probably more no?
would hit quite more this way than salamanders but you should get closser (not a big problem). over all this model would win over salamanders and they would be the only models taken imho, i could be wrong just think what they would do if they goten to a horde units flan 1" away ~50 hits
I always used razordons rather than salamanders because i'm worried about the range in trying to reach my opponent without being charged by a unit of calvary or such. It's a one shot deal, you have to make them flee or they'll end up charging you, that's why i don't favor salamanders too much.
and if you play corectly slamanders apear in the flank and can shoot without fear of a charge. march and shoot helps alot you can march to no los to them and be safe. IMHO. it works for me
nerf them a bit, but it is a great idea. A frog would be ideal to use as a model since it would be fun to see on the battlefield and not much are seen of frogs in the lizardmen army, the only "frogs" used are the slaan and the frogs on the camelion skink-models. cool idea.
This coming weekend I plan on running two units of two salamanders (each on the flanks). Add the extra handler and I will see what happens. My salamanders usually are one of my MVPs lately (along with chameleons).