8th Ed. Some (unofficial) Special Characters

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by venom_x51, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. venom_x51

    venom_x51 New Member

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    I've been working on a new special character (for house games - we like to be creative as it adds a bit of variety to the same weekly match ups). So I thought I'd share my latest with you...

    Gar’Kek - 300 points

    Histroy... (to be written)

    Gar’Kek is a Kroxigor with the following stats
    M WS BS S T W I A Ld
    6 3 - 5 5 4 2 4 7
    Cold Blooded, Aquatic, Fear, Scaly Skin (3+)

    Gar’Kek counts as a single Hero choice.
    Gar’Kek may join units of Kroxigor, but no other units.

    Equipment and Armour
    Scaly Skin (3+)

    Special Rules

    Thick Skinned
    Gar’Kek’s scaly hide has hardened over the ages to such a degree that even the mightiest of blows will find hard purchase to penetrate it. Providing an enemies attack allows an Armour Save to be taken, Gar’Kek will always pass his Armour Save roll on a 5+ regardless of any modifiers to the saving throw.

    Magic Items

    Great Mace of B'Hohol
    The Great Mace of B'Hohol is a massive stone club forged of the densest obsidian. Only a true gargantuan could ever hope to lift the mace, let alone wield it in combat. The sheer weight of the mace makes a mockery of any armour worn by the target and inflicts devastating wounds to even the largest of foes.

    Great Weapon. No Armour Saves are allowed against wounds caused by the Great Mace of B'Hohol. Additional the mace has the Multi-Wound (D3) Special Rule.

    Miasma of Pa’Qur
    The Miasma of Pa’Qur radiates an aura that causes visual and audio feedback in any being that comes near, manifesting as disorientating flashes of light and nausea inducing sound. To the dumb beasts of the jungle it is a barely perceivable nuisance, a something on the edge of what their limited senses can perceive. But to those beings with heightened senses, the effects can be quite debilitating.

    At the start of each close combat phase, any unit in base contact with Gar’Kek, friend or foe and including models in any unit Gar'Kek has joined must take an Initiative test (Enemuy characters within a unit must make a separate test from the unit they have joined). If the initiative test is passed all models in the unit have their Weapon Skill reduced by 1, with an additional reduction of 1 for each point the test is passed by, down to a minimum of 1 until the start of the next close combat phase.

    Have also included updated rules for my other favourite (which I posted on here a while back)

    Cho’Haukek & Nae-Pam - 235 points

    Deep within the Lustrian Jungles, Nature is left unchecked in a constant arms race against itself. Mutations are the natural order of evolution, a one-upmanship of life trying to survive in an increasingly hostile environment. Most of these freakish mutations are less than beneficial, because no matter how many ways there are of living, there are many more ways of being dead. Most do not survive.
    It was during the hatching of a newly collected batch of eggs that Cho'Haukek discovered one of these mutated creatures; A salamander with two head and twice the temper. Cho'Haukek named the Salamander Nae-Pam, meaning "The Burning Pair" and spent his life rearing the mutant and protecting it from itself.

    Cho'Haukek is a Skink Handler with the following profile
    M WS BS S T W I A Ld
    6 3 3 3 2 2 5 1 7
    Cold Blooded, Aquatic

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld
    6 3 3 5 5 4 4 4 4
    Scaly Skin 5+, Fear, Aquatic, Cold Blooded

    Special Rules
    Cho-Haukek and Nae'Pam are Skirmishers with the Monster and Handler Special Rule.
    Cho-Haukek and Nae’Pam count as a single Hero choice.

    Joining a Hunting Party
    Cho-Haukek and Nae'Pam may join a Salamander Hunting Party, but may not join other units. Note this is in exception to the rules stating that characters may not join a Salamander Hunting Party. If joining a Salamander Hunting Party, Cho-Haukek will benefit from the Lookout Sir! Rule as long as there is at least 1 Skink Handler remaining.
    Any unsaved wounds taken by a Salamander from Shooting or Magic Missile attacks must be further randomised between the Salamanders and Nae-Pam. 1-4: Salamander, 5-6: Nae-Pam

    Wizened Handler
    Cho-Haukek is perhaps the most gifted skink handler to arise from the spawning pools for countless generations. His natural gifts have been honed over the ages to a finely tuned empathy with the Salamanders, allowing Cho-Haukek to predict with uncanny accuracy the Salamanders violent mood swings.

    When firing with Nae-Pam, on the roll of a miscast Cho-Haukek must take an Initiative test. If this test is passed Cho-Haukek’s years of experience and allow him to predict the Salamanders rebellious backlash in time to avoid the attack. If the test is failed Cho-Haukek is caught by the blast and suffers a single wound.
    If Cho-Haukek has joined a Salamander Hunting Party, any casualties due to a miscast will be suffered by the less experience Skink Handlers. If there are less Skink Handlers remaining than the number of casualties caused by a miscast, Cho-Haukek must take an initiative test for each remaining miscast as above. Note that Cho-Haukek only ever takes a single initiative test per misfire, and only suffers a single wound for each failed test.

    Having two heads is not always better than one, especially if you're an ill-tempered beast. Nae’Pam’s two heads don’t like each other anymore than they like anyone else, and it's a full-time job keeping them from ripping each other apart.

    At the start of the controlling players turn, before charges are declared Cho-Haukek must take a leadership test to keep control of Nae’Pam. If the test is failed Nae’Pam suffers 2 S5 hits as the two heads turn on each other and Nae’Pam may not move or fire for the remainder of that turn.
    If Cho-Haukek and Nae’Pam have joined a Salamander Hunting Party, the whole unit must wait while Cho-Haukek brings Nae’Pam under control and may not move that turn, although any Salamanders in the Hunting Party may fire as normal.

    Being directly in front of Nae'Pam is a dangerous place to be, especially when both heads have their sights on the same target. Nae'Pam can target the flaming attacks from each head into a concentrated corrosive blast that is capable of dissolving the toughest of armour as easily as it dissolves the warm-blood flesh.

    Each of Nae'Pam’s heads may fire as normal for a Salamander, and may target different units to each other. Alternatively the controlling player can combine both attacks onto the same target in a single, intense blast. Roll an artillery dice for each head and resolve the attacks at the same time. Note that any model that lies under both templates will only take a single hit.
    Any unit suffering an unsaved wound that lies (even partially) under both templates has its armour value reduced by 1 for the remainder of the game. This effect will stack, reducing the target’s armour by -1 for each successful attack in this manner.

    Nae’Pam is particularly bad tempered, even for a salamander and has Hatred of all warm-blooded, living creatures.

    Magic Items

    Arc-Rod of Chak'lor - One Use only
    When it is not needed for battle, the Arc-Rod is placed atop the highest temple spires, where constant tropical storms bombard it with frenzied lightning strikes, charging the Arc-Rod with a crackling blue energy.

    At the start of any close combat phase, Cho-Haukek can unload the Arc-Rod's stored charge into Nae’Pam’s scaly rump driving him into a Frenzy.
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Prety good and well thought out.

    one thing I might change is to change you Krox hero's
    sweping attack from an initive test to a toughness test.
  3. oldblood62

    oldblood62 Member

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    I like the salamander!! The lore on him is super cool!
  4. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    I like both your characters! They are well balanced with appropriate point costs. You've done a very good job at keeping things realistic in game terms. I've seen some people come out with special characters that were terribly over powered and cheap to boot. Well done! I bet both these are fun to play too!
  5. venom_x51

    venom_x51 New Member

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    Cheers. I always think that named characters should be about unique (hopefully interesting) rules, rather than aspiring God-ly-ness, so tried to keep the rules grounded and bring something new.

    I'm still enjoying playing them (esp. the Krox character. Bring those Dryads back down to my level) :)

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    You did a fantastic job with both characters, especially the salamander. I absolutely love the name "Nae-Pam" :D
  7. venom_x51

    venom_x51 New Member

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    Updated Gar'Kek, my Krox special character.

    Done a bit more play testing with this one recently, and have made a few changes;

    Nerfed the Miasma to just effect Weapon Skill. Was way OP when it effected Attacks and Init as well (esp. combined with the weapon)
    Liked the idea of a Krox wielding a massive crushing weapon. So took some insipration from Gorbad's axe and ended up with something you don't want to be on the receiving end of.
    Removed the sweeping attack. Never really worked well and really slowed down the flow of combat.

    So now he's a bit more of a juggernaut of a Kroxigor, with a magic item that goes some way to give an edge when fighting High Initiative models, but not ott.
  8. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Agreeed he looks a lot more ballenced now. :)
  9. mukman12

    mukman12 New Member

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    For nea-pam (brilliant by the way) no reason not make it more epic. three heads. come on.
    also, you screwed up the name. its spelled 'nakai the wanderer' ;)
    Also, how about a scar-vet riding a stegawasp?
  10. venom_x51

    venom_x51 New Member

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    Uh.... thanks? o_O
  11. mukman12

    mukman12 New Member

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    hahaha, have you read the previous edition of the army book?
  12. venom_x51

    venom_x51 New Member

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    Yes. Why?
  13. mukman12

    mukman12 New Member

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    the special character for the kroxigor was called nakai

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