List of White Dwarf articles with Lizardmen

Discussion in 'Ideas, problems and feedback' started by emptyscale, Mar 3, 2021.

  1. emptyscale

    emptyscale Active Member

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    Is there a resource on Lustria that lists the issue numbers and articles they have that include Lizardman stuff? If there isn't would it be ok to start one?

    I was thinking of something like:

    White Dwarf 201 (September 1996):
    Note this WD is right before the release of 5th edition and contains a short preview article for the upcoming release of Lizardmen (and the Brets who are tagging along in the boxset)

    Articles: Pg15-19 'Warhammer' Jake Thornton. The first page is the article itself, the remaining four pages are taken directly from the 5th Edition Battle Book (pgs56 &57 for Brets and 68&69 for Lizardmen)

    White Dwarf 202 (October 1996):
    Note: This is the edition which came with either two free plastic Skinks, or two free Bretonnian archers, perhaps this is how you got your first Lizardmen models?

    Photo art: Inside front cover Lizardmen face off against High Elves in jungle terrain

    This Month's Releases: Warhammer (5th Ed boxed game), Lizardmen Skink Archer command group (four miniatures per blister, designed by Alan Perry), Lizardmen Saurus command group (three miniatures per blister, designed by Alan Perry), Lizardmen Skinks with bows (five miniatures per blister, designed by Alan Perry), Slann Mage Priest on palanquin (boxed set one model, designed by Alan Perry)

    Article: 'Warhammer' Rick Priestly pg8-15. An article regarding the contents of the 5th edition boxset. While mostly a review of a productwe can no longer buy it does offer some insight into what they were going for with the designs.

    Photo art 'Eavy Metal: Lizardman Sauruses' pg42 Similar to the photos you'll find in army book and battle book these are different paint jobs, though the main photo does have a lizardman army posing with that one pyramid temple terrain piece they loved to use back then.

    Article: 'Lords of Lustria' Nigel Stillman pg43-46. This article provides a preview of Lizardman lore and rules ahead of the actual army book which is noted as still being in playtesting but almost complete. It gives us a glimpse into the Old Ones and the cataclysm. It is laced with a photo page of 'Eavy Metal' Skinks and a Slann and the map of Lustria taken directly from the 5th Battle Book (pg67) which is a little different to the one on the inside back cover of the 5th Edition Army book. There are rules and points for Skink and Saurus as rank and file models.

    Photo art: A two page spread of the 5th edition boxset laid out and painted up Pg52-53

    Mail Order: Pg96+
    New releases: Warhammer 5th ed Boxset, Slann Mage Priest on Palanquin (boxed set), Skink Archer Command, Skink Archers, Saurus Command, Saurus with hand weapons.

    Catalogue parts order: Same as new releases with a break down of all the parts of the models

    Back cover art: The Lizardman half of the 5th ed boxset art. You'd think the other half would be the back cover of either WD201 or 203 but no.

    White Dwarf 203 (November 1996):

    This Month's Releases: Lizardman Sauruses with hand weapons (four miniatures per blister, designed by Alan Perry)

    Article: 'Emissaries of the Old Ones' Nigel Stillman pg45-48: This article concentrates on the Slann giving a summary of each spawning including the very dead first spawning. There is a Slann themed photo and a couple of pieces of Slann art that come from the army book. It also includes the rules and points of the Slann from the Army book

    Photo art: A two page spread of the 5th edition boxset laid out and painted up Pg56-57

    Mail Order: Pg110+
    Catalogue parts order: Slann Mage Priest

    White Dwarf 204 (December 1996):

    Article 'Wrath of Tlaxtlan by Tuomas Pirinen pg37-43: A battle scenario for pitting the Lizardmen and Bretonnian models from the boxset against each other, with a little fluff for the setup.

    White Dwarf 205 (January 1997):

    This Month's Releases: Lizardman Skinks with javelins (five miniatures to a blister, designed by Alan Perry), Lizardman Skinks javelin Command (four miniatures to a blister, designed by Alan Perry)

    Article 'A Dark Conspiracy pt1' by Jervis Johnson pg33-37: A grand campaign in the style of the Ichar IV world wide event begins when Bretonnians plunder Lustrian treasures.

    Photo Art pg78: A picture of the severed Saurus head from the Black Library life size displays (I'm fairly certain a better picture of the dissection desk shows up elsewhere though)

    White Dwarf 206 (February 1997):

    Front Cover Art: 'Lizardmen' by David Gallagher (It's that cool stegadon pic that is also the front cover of the 5th ed army book)

    This Month's Releases: Warhammer Armies Lizardmen (book), Lizardmen Saurus with spears (four miniatures per blister, designed by Alan Perry), Lizard Swarm (ten miniatures per blister, designed by Trish Morrison), Lizardmen Sauruses (Boxed set six plastic miniatures, designed by Alan Perry), Lizardmen Skinks (boxed set of eight plastic miniatures, designed by Alan Perry), Lizardmen Kroxigor (one miniature per blister, designed by Alan Perry), Lizardmen Saurus Temple Guard Champion (one miniature per blister, designed by Alan Perry), Lizardmen Saurus Temple Guard Command (two miniatures per blister), Lizardmen Saurus Temple Guard (two miniatures per blister, designed by Alan Perry). (This is also the month that those old goblin green movement trays were released, the pic has a bunch of temple guard on right angle bases all neatly lined up unlike mine)

    Article 'Lizardmen!' Nigel Stillman pg8-21: This article opens with some artwork pulled from page 3 of the army book but colourized. Jake Thorton(?) provides the introduction and Alan Perry discusses the design inspiration for the range. Pages 11-17 are direct copies of the army book's pages 33-39, and pages 18-21 are direct copies of pages 44-47. Which were almost all of the colour pages in the army book and covered painting the army and basing.

    Article 'The Battle for Antoch Plains' Ian Pickstock & Adrian Wood pg 39-47: This article shows the construction process and some low detail photos of a huge Bretonnian vs Lizardmen game board built for Games Day '96. (See if you can google up some decent pictures of the board it is a very impressive layout with hundreds of painted figures) "The young Bretonnians are still crushing grapes while everyone else is fleeing and the Skinks are just pouring through the vines."

    Article 'Dark Conspiracy 2' Jervis Johnson pg73-76: The second part of the worldwide Lizardman campaign. The Lizardmen are moving troops across the world to recover lost artefacts stolen from Huatl and are hitting the Bretonnian crusader city of Antoch to regain the Staff of Jade. You can play some battles and send Jervis your results to contribute.

    Photo art: A two page spread of the 5th edition boxset laid out and painted up Pg82-83

    Mail Order: Pg94+
    New releases: same as this months releases but lists Lizard Swarm as 5 models on a base.

    Catalogue parts order: Kroxigor, Temple Guard (command and troops), Saurus command, Metal Saurus Warriors (spears and hand weapons), Lizard Swarm, Saurus and Skink plastic sprues.

    Back Cover Photo: 'A Lizardmen army prepares for war' an A4 version of the army photo from the 5th ed army book double page photo (pgs40-41)

    White Dwarf 207 (March1997):

    Article 'Dark Conspiracy pt3' by Jervis Johnson pg30-32: The goal of Dark Conspiracy's plot is revealed, but the results aren't in yet.

    Photo art pg49: Product catalogue photo for Slann, plastic Skinks & Saurus and the army book

    Article 'Eavy Metal Lustrian Diorama' by 'Eavy Metal Team pg74-79 This article is the concept behind Marco Colombo's conquistador style empire troops trying to stop the sacrifice of their captured comrade. One of the better articles of the period.

    Photo art: A two page spread of the 5th edition boxset laid out and painted up Pg90-91

    White Dwarf 208 (April1997):
    Note: This issue mostly completes the Lizardmen 5th edition roster except for some special characters who are released later, snake swarms and cold one riders.

    This Months new releases: Lizardman Stegadon (One Stegadon per boxed set, designed by Trish Morrison and Alan Perry), Lizardman Salamander (One Salamander and four skinks per blister, designed by Trish Morrison and Alan Perry), Lizardman Terradon (One Terradon and two Skink riders per blister, designed by Trish Morrison and Alan Perry)

    Article 'The Land That Time Forgot' Nigel Stillman pg17-26: This article starts of with a sales pitch for the new releases and the black and white Stegadon picture from the army book at a slightly larger projection. It also has photos of the new models painted up, they only appear as artwork in the army book because they hadn't been sculpted at the time of its release. The article aslo establishes that Stegadons and Terradons hatch from eggs and that Salamanders spawn from swamps in a similar manner to Lizardmen spawn pools. It also establishes that young Stegadons have mottled camouflage patterns at birth to hide from predators and gradually change to whjatever we paint them up as as they mature and get fighty. Page 19 features the artwork Saurus Temple Guard by Geoff Taylor which I think is the first time it shows up, later it will be the front cover art of WD 223 but this is a better source if you want a scan. Pgs 20-21 are a battle tactics guide by scribe Zquixiwizi of Itza (continuing the tradition of wonderfully awful names that Lizardmen have and making me want to make a pun name of Wikipedia for a scribe in my army). The rules, but not the points, for Stegs, Terradons and Salies are printed on pages 22-26 and the article closes with a nice picture of a Lizardman army going up against a Dwarf line that nicely echoes the WD202 inside cover photo with the High Elves swapped out for the dwarves and an expanded range of Lizards put in.

    Photo art: A two page spread of the 5th edition boxset laid out and painted up Pg34-35

    Article 'Illuminations' Toby Hynes & Paul Smith pg43-47: This is a general article but it does feature a couple of the Lizardmen illustrations that appear in the Army Book and other places (Dwarf fighting a Saurus, Cold Ones, and a Skink emerging from the water) and a couple of lines regarding the project

    Event Monstersaurus Pg 80: This page promotes the in store event 7th-20th April for Lizardmen vs 'a host of foes' featuring the new Lizardmen models.

    Article 'Dark Conspiracy: The Final Chapter' (part 4) Jervis Johnson pg89-94: This article recaps and concludes the world campaign for recovery of the artifacts and the siege of Antoch

    Mail Order pg114+
    New releases: same as this months releases

    Catalogue parts order: Stegadon, Salamander (The salamander sketch art appears here slightly larger than in the army book so it is a good place to scan it), Terradon

    White Dwarf 209 (May 1997)

    This Months new releases pg6: Lizardmen Shields

    Battle Report 'Coils of the Serpent' by Steve Anastasoff and Warwick Kinrade pg78-93: 4,000 points of Lizardmen confront Clan Pestilens and their Nurgle allies in a last stand scenario. Page 79 features a full page version of David Gallagher's 'Lizardmen', the art from the front cover of the 5th ed army book (since it appears without text this would be a good place to scan or harvest it from)

    White Dwarf 214 (October 1997)

    Return to Thorskinson's Island part 4 pg39-: Not especially relevant but it includes a photo of and list for David Costa's Lizardmen who are one of the factions taking part.

    White Dwarf 215 (November 1997):

    Q&A pg25: A minor mention how many skinks can ride your 5th ed Stegadon? 5! Does a Stegadon with a skink champion fight in a challenge? No, just the skink champ who dismounts for it.

    Article 'The Thorskinson's Island Chronicle Issue 5' pg86-87: Players are trying to discover the mysteries of the island and control the City of Xhezeuozit. It seems the battlegrounds have a very Lizardman theme going on but fairly hard to follow if you haven't read the first four parts.

    White Dwarf 222 (June 1998):

    Article 'Welcome to the Jungle' pg34-35 : A look at Jeremey Jenkins' Lizardman army and its conversions.

    Article 'eavy metal How to Paint a Saurus Warrior' pg40: A four step guide to painting a plastic Saurus from spray white to a table top finish with late 90s paints.

    White Dwarf 223 (July 1998):

    Cover art 'Saurus Temple Guard' by Geoff Taylor

    This Months new releases: Serpent Swarms (Five models per blister, designed by Trish Morrison)

    Article 'Warhammer Siege, Once More Into the Breach' by Nigel Stillman pg45-49: This is a general siege article however it includes photos of Lizardmen as both attackers and defenders.

    Article 'Jungle Fever' by Nick Davis pg73-80: This is a terrain tutorial . It includes tips for building a spawning pool, tropical trees, fencing and Skink barrios. It also includes photos of Lustrian rubble a ruined temple and a two page photo spread of Nick's army laid out amid his terrain. This is a really good article if you are looking to make a retro 90s table and pairs up well with the Lustrian campaign book and the classic How to make: Wargames Terrain. But some of the techniques and materials are a little dated in comparison to the current products and materials we can order online, and you can also find a lot of terrain advice in places like reddit's r/terrainbuilding

    White Dwarf 225 (September 1998):

    Article 'Jungle Fever pt2' by Nick Davis pg74-77: Pretty nifty guide to building an old school Lizardman fortress (bonus points if you have the old glyph sets handy)

    Mail order pg109: Aforementioned Lizardman glyphs (not new releases at this point but handy if you want a picture reference for them)

    White Dwarf 226 (October 1998):
    (Note this WD provides permission for Lizardmen to hire Dogs of War Mercenaries on pg 45 up to 25% points allowance. It also marks the release of the GW modular plastic Jungle Trees)

    White Dwarf 228 (December 1998):

    Battle Report 'Battle of the Beards' by David Cain, Alessio Cavatore, and Tuomas Pirinen pg101-116: Featuring 2000 points of Tarin-Tiino's Rezephaur Frogs against 200 points of Wood Elves

    White Dwarf 232 (April 1999)

    New releases pg4: Tichi-Huichi's Cold One Raiders (metal boxed set, sculpted by Alan Perry and Trish Morrison), Skink Cold One Rider (one model perl blister, sculpted by Alan Perry and Trish Morrison), Inxi-Huinzi (one model per blister, designed by Alan Perry and Trish Morrison), Oxayotl and Tenehuini (two models per blister, designed by Alan Perry)

    Art 'Spawn Again' Pg27: Saurus Temple Guard by Geoff Taylor appears again

    Article 'Collecting a Lizardman Army' by Nick Davis pg28-35: An article walkthrough on putting together a Lizardman army, with a 1,000 example list. The marks of the Old Ones is printed here and the studio army appear in new photos to incorporate the Cold One release. A four step guide for painting skinks and also Saurus is included.

    Article 'New Spawn' pg36: A product showcase for Oxayotl, Inxi-Huinzi (on their horned one), and the first metal Tenehuini (who will later be downgraded to skink priest when replaced). There is also a competition to spot Oxayotl and win a 1,000 point Lizardman army (the one from the previous article).

    Article 'Jungle Fever 3' by Nick Davis pg37-41: More Lustrian themed terrain. A Skink sacrifice alter, hills, difficult ground, ruined temple.

    Article 'Fighting with Cold Blood' by Mike Walker pg42-45 A tactical guide to picking your units in 5th.

    Article 'Regiments of Renown' by Nigel Stillman pg46-49: One page of general Dogs of War stuff, one of photo art of Tuichi Huichi's raiders, two pages of lore for the unit.

    Photo art 'Store Armies' Pg58: Two of the armies are Lizardmen armies.

    Mail Order pg101-: The month's new releases and army deals for a 1,000 and 2,000 point army.

    White Dwarf 242 (February 2000):

    Article 'It's a Jungle out there' by Gav Thorpe & Nigel Stillman pg80-85: Technically a 40k article that features xeno form flora for jungle tables. However it may be of interest to those who want a more magical and exotic Lustrian jungle.

    White Dwarf 243 (March 2000)
    (Note Warmaster is launched in this issue, though Lizardmen are not in the initial release)

    Article 'The Quest for the Invincible Army' by Alessio Cavatore pg92-93: Following an event where players were encouraged to bbuild the strongest 3,000 point army they could outside of normal tournament restrictions the Lizardman force 'Lord Beardlaxan Temple Army' is described as being the best example. The list is presented along with some of the tricks it uses and the reader is challenged to build an army that can defeat it. The army appears in a photograph recreated from the collections of 3 'eavy metal members.

    White Dwarf 244 (April 2000)

    Article 'Civil War' by Jonathan Green pg51-56: Fluff and justifications for playing bluescale on bluescale battle.

    Mail Order: A page of this features previous lizardmen releases.

    White Dwarf 249 (September 2000)
    (Note this is the final issue before 6th edition launches)

    Article 'The Invincible Army - the Quest is Over' by Alessio Cavatore pg22-25: Not strictly a Lizardman article but it does close the question and competition that was begun in 243. It also includes some anti-lizard tactics for late 5th.

    White Dwarf 250 (October 2000)

    Article 'Rough Guide to the Warhammer World' pg16-41: Updated guide to WHFB faction fluff pg24-25 concerns the 'Empire of the Lizardmen'.

    White Dwarf 252 (December 2000)

    Rules Update 'Regiments of Renown' by Alessio Cavatore pg4-11: Following WD251 which updated the Dogs of War generic selections for 6th this article provides rule updates for the named regiments pg9 has Tuichi Huichi's Southland Raiders

    White Dwarf 256 (April 2001)

    Rules Update 'Warhammer Chronicles' by Gav Thorpe pg24-33: This article is the preview of the 6th ed Lizardmen army book and is the halfway house between Ravening Hordes list and the army book and describes some of the design decisions like nerfing Cold Ones and Skrox units.

    Mail Order: A number of Lizardmen units are presented along with an army deal

    White Dwarf 259 (July 2001)

    Mail Order: Each Fantasy race has an army deal listed, including Lizardmen

    White Dwarf 260 (August 2001)

    Rules Update 'Warhammer Chronicles' by Gav Thorpe pg82-83: A small errata regarding Tuichi Huichi's raiders and an update on Saurus. (I think this is also the first mention of all Skink ridden Cold Ones officially becoming Horned Ones rather than Inxi-Huinzi exclusively riding the near extinct variant) it also introduces Saurus cold one riders with the initial rules for them and features a photograph of a plastic Saurus converted to ride the new Dark Elf Cold Ones that are also released in this issue.

    Mail Order: Features a deal for 5 of the new plastic Cold Ones, 5 plastic Saurus and 5 metal saurus spear arms to make Saurus Cold One Rider conversions.

    White Dwarf 262 (October 2001)

    Blood Bowl: pg82 Lizardmen team releases: Kroxigor, 2 Saurus models, Saurus Star Player, 4 Skink models (all metal)

    White Dwarf 263 (November 2001)

    Campaign Results 'Dark Shadows Final Results' pg 10-11: A small mention in the fluff and a photo of lizardmen fighting Dwarf forces but the main reason you might want this is that it lists all of the games played by faction, the wins and losses and the contribution to good and evil in the campaign. (Lizardmen were 7th out of 16 for most battle played to decide the fate of Albion)

    White Dwarf 265 (January 2002)

    Article 'Jeppe Danning's Lizardmen' pg70-73: Photos and write up of the 2001 Grand Tournament Best Army winner. The army is converted around the theme of the lasting effects mutations from spawning after the Skaven poisoned the spawning pools.

    White Dwarf 277 (January 2003)

    Article 'Warhammer Chronicles Meanwhile in Lustria' pg60: WIP photo of the new plastic Saurus the GS master and the 3ups. A couple of paragraphs regarding the upcoming list and design goals of the new plastics and a nice pencil sketch of a Chameleon Skink.

    White Dwarf 280 (April 2003)

    Release Preview 'Servents of the Old Ones' by pg32-35: The first two pages are photos and two sketches. The remaining two pages is a short story 'Death Stalks the Jungle' by Anthony Reynolds. It includes a more finished greyscale art piece of a skink.

    Back Cover: Photo of the upcoming Lizardmen models ambushing a Skaven force

    White Dwarf 281 (May 2003)
    (Note from this point on your Skink cavalry is officially mounted on Horned Ones not Cold Ones)

    Front Cover Art: The same art as on the 6th edition Lizardman Army Book

    Art pg1: A textured version of the Kroq-Gar sketch from the 6thy edition army book

    New Releases pg4-: Lizardmen Army Book, Lizardmen Saurus Warriors (the multipart plastic regiment box, designed by Colin Grayson), Lizardmen Skinks (the multipart plastic regiment box, designed by Mark Harrison), Lizardmen Chameleon Skinks (three models per blister designed by Mark Harrison), Lizardmen Army Boxed Set (This includes the special edition Saurus standard bearer battle standard designed by Colin Grayson), Lizardman Skink Priest (blister contains one metal model designed by Mark Harrison), Lizardmen Kroxigor (the blister pack contains one Kroxigor designed by Aly Morrison), Lizardmen Slann Mage-Priest (boxed set contains one model designed by Juan Diaz)

    Article 'Children of the Old Ones: Lizardman Army Designer Notes' by Anthony Reynolds pg10 -16: Anthony Reynolds muses over his idea of what the Lizardmen should be about and how that guided the crunch in the new book. This includes a unit by unit analysis of intended roles in the army and is recommended reading for players wanting to pick up 6th or get a handle on how things shifted from 5th. It also discusses blessed spawnings and introduces the Southland list. The photo resources here appear to be from the same shoot as the ones in the 6th Ed Army Book but include different crops, angles and setups.

    Painting Workshop 'Paul Rudge's Lizardmen Skinks' pg18: A step-by-step on painting the new skink regiment in the same blue style you see in the army book

    Article 'The Voyage of Yin-Tuan to Lustria' pg20-25: The tale of Cathay's discovery of Lustria and attempted invasion of the Southlands. It includes the art sketch of the Skink Priest seen on page 59 pf the 6th ed Army Book and a sketch including the new salamander i couldn't find in there.

    Battle Report 'Vengeance of Sotek' pg108-127: Lizardmen vs Skaven; Anthony Reynolds vs Gareth Hamilton. 3,000 points in a meeting engagement.

    Back Cover: The Saurus Cavalry leads the charge against the force of Chaos.

    White Dwarf 282 (June 2003)

    New Releases pg6-9: Lizardmen Saurus Lord on foot (one metal model per blister sculpt by Mark Harrison), Lizardmen Kroq-Gar on Carnousaur (one model per box sculpt by Trish Morrison and Colin Greyson), Lizardmen Temple Guard Champion, Lizardmen Temple Guard Command (Musician and Standard Bearer), Lizardmen Temple Guard (two models per blister pack) Note all Temple Guard are credited to Colin Grayson. Lizardmen Salamander (blister pack contains one Salamander and two handlers designed by Mark Harrison and Trish Morrison). Lizardmen Saurus on Cold Ones (boxed set of 5 models including a champion, standard bearer and musician).

    Article 'Ibn Jellaba's Expedition to Zlatlan' pg48-51: Araby attempts to open a new spice route through the Southlands

    Painting Guide 'Painting Saurus Warriors' pg52-53: A step by step on painting the new plastic Saurus.

    Mail Order pg54: A listing of current metal models and classic metal bitz for conversions

    Painting Lore 'United Colours of the Slann' by Adi Wood pg74-75: Colour theory on picking a Slann colour scheme and working it with the throne.

    Painting article 'eavy Metal Masterclass: Slann' pg76-77: Some advanced tips on building and detailing the Slann

    White Dwarf 283 (July 2003)

    New Releases: Lizardmen Terradon (blister contains one Terradon and one Skink designed by Trish Morrison and Mark Harrison), Lizardmen Loard Kroak (boxed set contains one Lizardman lord designed by Juan Diaz), Lizardmen Saurus on Cold One (blister pack contains on Lizardman Cold One Rider designed by Mark Harisson, Mark Bedford, Collin Grayson), Lizardmen Stegadon (Boxed set contains one Stegadon and five Skinks designed by Alan Perry, Trish Morrison and Mark Harrison (note this is the classic metal Steg with an updated skink crew and shields)

    Terrain Tutorial 'Building a Lizadmen Spawning Pool' by Mark Jones pg88-91: a step by step guide to making the spawning pool you see in the 6th Ed Army Book photos pg41,43 and in various WD articles around this time. (This is a different Terrain piece to the one Nick Davis made back in WD223 1998)

    Painting article 'eavy Metal Masterclass: Kroq Gar' by Neil Green pg92-93: A look at getting the best out of the metal Carnosuar model's details

    White Dwarf 285 (September 2003)

    Mini Game 'Border Patrol' by Che Webster pg44-47: Warhammer Games in under an hour. Includes the alliance chart

    White Dwarf 289 (January 2004)

    Tournament Report 'Battle Honours' by Ian Huxley and Adam Hall pg50-53: Ian Huxley's Chaos Warriors and Adam Hall's Lizardmen participate in a 10 player 1500 tournament.

    White Dwarf 295 (July 2004)

    Warmaster 'Think Big' by Matt Keefe pg58-64:A general Warmaster article, featuring a photo and description of Rick Priestly's Lizardmen pg64

    White Dwarf 297 (Sep 2004)

    Warmaster 'Big Future' Matt Keefe pg44-51: Spotlight on three Warmaster armies, including Paul Stewart's Lizardmen (pg50)

    White Dwarf 298 (October 2004)

    Art pg3: A pencil sketch of a Saurus, the one that appears on page 25 of the 6th ed army book.

    Scenario 'Wrath of the Slann' by Evan Lougbeed pg42-46: A two battle short campaign

    Article 'Ruins of the Old Ones' Rob Hawkins, Steve Stiefel and Chris Walton pg47-49: Designs for a ziggurat, sacrificial pit, jungle statues and a hatchery using foam (I particularly liked the spare blocks that were used to balance movement trays as they used the ziggurat)

    White Dwarf 300 (December 2004)

    Rules 'Warhammer Chronicles: Sacred Hosts' Pg50-55: Fluff and crunch for fielding full armies of sacred spawnings. This is the article with the Bright Wizard who thought he could best a Slann and pry the secrets of fire from it.

    White Dwarf 301 (January 2005)

    New Releases pg12: Warmaster Slann (sculpted by Martin Footitt) (This is the one that matches the more modern floaty Slann)

    White Dwarf 302 (Febuary 2005)

    News 'Welcome to the Jungle' pg2: A teaser for the Lustria book for Warhammer Realms. There is a short commentary from Andy Hoare about the book design.

    White Dwarf 304 (April 2005)

    News 'Lord of the Jungle' pg2: Announcement for a new release, a Saurus Hero mounted on the new style of Cold One (yep, it's the update to the current derpy Cold Ones), the hero is sculpted by Aly Morrison and the resin version (of what will be a white metal release) is pictured here, this is the current one that is still sold as a Scar Veteran today (for now)

    Article 'Welcome to the Jungle' by Andy Hoare pg78-81: A longer teaser for the upcoming 'Realms: Lustria' book, this article is littered with model photos from the book so it might be a good place to scan it if you don't have Lustria.

    White Dwarf 305 (May 2005)

    Front Cover: The same picture as on the Realms: Lustria cover by Karl Kopinski

    New Releases pg11: Realms Lustria (Book)

    Designers Notes 'Jungle Fever' by Phil Kelly pg14-19: An interview with Andy Hoare and Graham McNeil regarding the new Lustria book and Cold One regiment this segment also incorporates several other articles: 'Go forth and Conquer' by Graham Mcneil pg18, a pencil sketch of Dave Gallagher's Engine of the gods appears on pg19

    Campaign & Unit Rules 'Conquest of the New World' pg20-33: Updated lore for Marco Colombo (there's a quote in there that I think is supposed to read as a bad Italian accent but just comes off as Marco Colombo being Jarjar Binks), there is a layout of campaign rules and locations similar to the one found on page 54 of Realms: Lustria but focusing on a different part of the continent (Hexoatl to Pahuax rather than Oyxl to Tlaxtlan) This is a good place to get a scannable colour map of part of the upper part of Lustria. Some rules for special regiments are included: pirate zombies, the lost legion and most importantly an update for Tichi-Huichi's raiders.

    Battle Report 'The folly of Prince Rodrik' pg34-49: Graham Mcneill's 1500 point Lizardmen take on Adam Troke and Andy Hoare's 8 converted knights in a cinematic scenario.

    Ordering Direct pg128-131: Lizard swarms and other jungle things appear here for making 'swamp thing' terrain and swarms. The 'new' metal Kroxigor and Temple Guard are listed by parts along with some Kroq Gar and Saurus rider bits and a selection of Classic Lizardmen metals pieces for character conversions

    Painting guide 'Lizardmen colour schemes' Pg141: Two 3 step guides to painting stripes and speckles onto scales (using the back of a Terradon as a canvas)

    Conversion Spotlight 'Grombrindal's Pick of the Month' pg142: Photos of 3 of Duncan Petford's elaborate conversions for sacred spawnings themed for Aztec Eagle Knights

    White Dwarf 306 (June 2005)

    New Releases pg12-3: Lizardmen Batallion Box (24 plastic Saurus Warriors, 24 plastic Skink, 8 Saurus Cold One Riders Sculpted by Colin Grayson, Aly Morrison, Trish Morrison, and Martin Footitt). Skink Warchiefs, 4 metal sculpts (2 per blister, sculpted by Juan Diaz). Tenehauin, Prophet of Sotek (pack contains one metal model sculpted by Juan Diaz, our parcel tongue buddy updated to his current design)

    Article Lore 'The First City of Lustria' Pg74-81: A tour of Itza, first city of Lustria founded 12,500 years ago. This includes a small re-print of the Plan of Itza map (from 5th ed army book), a partial map of Lustria centred around Itza. Page 76 is a recovered scroll from the explorer translated by a Estalian wizard, Mendoza, for Duke Jonquille of Brionne; it is a sketchy history of the Lizardmen from the Time of the Old Ones to the Era of Sotek. A written tour of the city's landmarks. A section 'The Leaders of Itza' covers Lord Kroak and two other notable Slann, Lord Tepec-Inzi and his campaign (slannpaign?) to recover relics stolen by the Dark Elves there is a map of Naggaroth which shows the route he took from Hexoatl back to Hexoatl on a grand circuit of the continent messing up Druchii. Lord Xlotc is also mentioned and his efforts against the Vampire Coast and cursing Luther Harkon. Two other heroes are mentioned the Skink, Ten-zlati, Oracle of Lord Kroak who is pictured as a conversion and special rules are provided for fielding him on pg81. There is also a brief mention of the Saurus Lord Gor-Boq who commanded the army of Tepec-Inzi. The article also gives advice on fielding a fluffy army themed around the hosts of Itza.

    Article 'Tale of Four Gamers' pg82-88: This one is light on Lizardmen stuff but the article series officially moves over to Lustria for the players to start fighting a 'Conquest of the New World' campaign so Lustrian treasures, locations and little bits of fluff are mentioned in this series from now on. It also features a colour map of the campaign on pg83.

    White Dwarf 307 (July 2005)

    New Releases pg8-13: Saurus Hero on Cold One (Metal hero on plastic mount, sculpted by Aly Morrison), Lizardmen Saurus on Cold Ones (Plastic multi-part, sculpted by Aly Morrison and Colin Grayson)

    Article 'It's a Jungle Out There' pg20-25: Brian Folcarelli and Kevin Coleman give advice on adapting an army to deal with the Lustrian special rules. The first half focuses on adapting an Empire army against the Jungle and Lizardmen, the second half is about making use of Red Crested Skinks and the Lore of Beasts.

    Terrain 'Jungle Terrain' pg26-31: Advice on setting up a jungle table. Several of the pages are taken from the Lustria book.

    Warhammer Chronicles 'Handmaidens of the Gods' pg32-35: Fluff background and rules for fielding the Amazons of Lustria. This includes a small amount of information about the relations between the Amazons and Lizardmen, and also the rules for fielding a Serpent Priestess in 6th.

    Article 'A Tale of Four Gamers' pg38-43: The campaign in Lustria continues.

    White Dwarf 308 (August 2005)

    Warhammer Chronicles 'Mistresses of the Jungle' pg44-45: More rules for fielding an Amazon unit.

    Hobby Article 'Converted to the Cause' pg46-51: Modelling advise and photo walk through on converting Amazon models and converting other armies to have a Lustrian theme.

    Article 'A Tale of Four Gamers' pg52-59: The campaign in Lustria continues.

    White Dwarf 309 (September 2005)

    Article Lore The Wayfarer's Companion 'The Norse of Lustria' pg70-75: Fluff background for Skeggi and the voyage of Losteriksson and some rules for a Skeggi Lord & Hero to theme them along with some advice on converting one of the new LM plastic cold ones for a mortal hero to ride.

    Painting Gallery 'eavy Metal Showcase' pg84-85: Pg85 features an 'Ankyiodon' by Golden Demon winner Rob Starling in a full page photo. The model is a Stegadon with the steg switched out for a different dino model.

    White Dwarf 311 (November 2005)

    New Releases pg2-9: Lizardemen Collectors Guide

    White Dwarf 320 (August 2006)

    Article Forces of Lustria Pg66-69: The first two pages are photos of Lizardmen units over a backdrop of Lizardmen armies set up on jungle terrain these are just to remind people Lizardmen exist prior to the release of 7th; and gives a basic overview of the army Skinks/Saurus/Slann Chameleon Skinks. The last two pages show two example army lists and pictures of what those armies look like on the table. The first is a 2K army 'Amphibious Horde' by 'eavy metal painter Pete Foley. The second is by Mark Havener, another 2K point list built around a Slann, temple guard and a Saurus block with 2 Krox units and some Skink Skirmishers as more of a smack em up list.


    White Dwarf 322 (October 2006)

    Battle Report 'Bash-up in da Southlands' Pg30-45: Mark Latham's Orcs take on Andy Hoare's Lizardmen in a 4,000 pitched battle set in 2159 on the Plain of Tuskers. It includes rule for the Desecrated Totem in 7th. Adam Troke referees.

    Photo Article 'Ravening Hordes' Pg52-65: A one page photo and summary for each of the 14 factions. Lizardmen appear on page 59.

    White Dwarf 325 (January 2007)

    Painting Masters Pg84-85: Neil Langdown is featured in this two page article. A quarter of a page is given to The Engine of the Gods model that appeared in the Warhammer Realms: Lustria book (this predates the steg engine and is a custom dino conversion)

    Conflict Army Showcase 'Dwarven Conflict' Pg104-108: This article is about mini one day tournaments played as 500 point doubles. The main focus is on a double dwarf team but Round 1 is played against Lizardmen-Wood Elves. It features the mini list of the Lizards, a picture of the armies facing off and a couple of paragraphs describing the game.

    White Dwarf 326 (Febuary 2007)

    Model Showcase 'Blood Bowl' Pg100-101: A showcase of the best painted teams from 2006's Blood Bowl Grand Tournament. The upper entry of page 101 features the Tlaxtlan Thunder team shown at 57% with a nice fancy base for the team.

    White Dwarf 336 (December 2007)

    Painting Article 'Painting Masters: Mark Lipton' Pg-60-64: Mark Lipton shares hobby tips. Page 62 feature 'Orc vs Skink Chieften' a photo and some details on a Golden Demon entry for the Duel category. The Skink Chieften rides a converted old metal Cold One and the duel takes place on an elaborate Lustrian temple base all elements involve a lot of kitbashing and conversion.

    White Dwarf 340 (April 2008)

    Rules expansion 'Legendary Battles' pg15-19: Not strictly any content for us but includes the Legendary Battles Aly Chart if you were looking for it. Then again Lizardmen are listed as Occasional Allies with everyone except Ogres who they are Common Allies with. Why Lizardmen are Occasional Allies with Chaos is beyond me.

    Article 'Architects of War' pg48-52: This article goes over the changes in Warhammer systems and as a base game over 25 years of history from st to 7th there is very little specific to any faction in here but Rick Priestley does mention that the Slann were originally intended to be one of the more sci-fi aspects of the lore if you were wondering where you might have read that..

    White Dwarf 343 (July 2008)

    Scenario 'Famous Legendary Battle: The Defence of Itza' Pg78-79: Along with the legendary battle rules from WD340 this gives you some pointers on staging a refight of Lord Kroak's final battle as a living Slann. Forces are Daemons and Lizardmen (with daemons having permission to bring up to 12 greater daemons) and this is for 7th edition. There isn't a lot of crunch here for the scenario but it is a great starting point if you and a daemon buddy have epic collections you want to roll out. It also has a nice photo of a board set up mid-play.
    White Dwarf 350 (February 2009)

    Front Cover: Cover art by Paul Dainton (as seen on the 7th ed Army book cover)

    Inside Cover: Photo Art: Lizardmen square off against Daemons of Chaos

    New Releases pg3-11: Lizardmen Army Book ((7th) Written by Andy Hoare and Robin Cruddace), Lizardmen Stegadon (Plastic multipart sculpted by Dave Thomas and Martin Footitt), Lizardmen Temple Guard (Plastic multipart, sculpted by Aly Morrison), Chakax the Eternity Warden (Metal, sculpted by Aly Morrison), Lizardmen Kroxigor (Metal, sculpted by Martin Footitt), Lizardmen Terradon Riders (Metal, sculpted by Trish Carden and Matt Holand), Tiktaq'To, Master of Skies (Metal, sculpted by Trish Carden and Aly Morrison), Barbed Razorback Hunting Pack (Metal, sculpted by Mark Harrison), Lizardmen Battalion (All plastic models: 20 Saurus Warriors, 12 Skinks, 10 Temple Guard, 8 Cold One Cavalry).

    Feature 'Rise of the Ancients' pg16-36: Photo art spread pg16-17: A nice two page spread of a full Lizardmen army showing off the new models (except Kroxigors) among their peers. Pg18-25 Review of Lizardmen and the Army Book: Andy Hall interviews Andy Hoare and Robin Cruddace regarding the new Army Book, with a primer for Lizardmen lore and unit overviews. Pg26-27 Parts list and layout for the new Stegadon kit. Pg28-29 'Collecting an Army'. Pg30-31 Painting guide, step by step for lizard skin (blue), scales (blue), shield scales (red), gold details and bone, also some 'eavy Metal recipes for blue. Pg32-33 Advert for in store Lizardmen themed events (stegadon racing sounds fun). Pg34-35 Advert two pages showing off the miniature range to buy.

    Battle Report 'Echoes of the Fall' by Andy Hall pg58-76: Loard Kroak's army (Andy Hoare) takes on Deamons of Chaos (Robbin Crudace)

    Modelling Workshop pg82-87: Chad Mierzwa provides some notes on making up jungle terrain. Unlike jungle terrain previous articles this focuses on modifying GW plastic kits as a base and provides an interesting halfway house (barrio) between the old scratch build and the later terrain kits. Jungle trees and foliage covers three ways to moddify Citadel woods into jungle versions. Spawning Pool building up from the Arcane Ruins with foamcard and the addition of Lizardmen Glyph Plates. Ancient Portal (this stargate is pure foam carving with some glyphs glued on).

    Event profile pg103: A mention that Warhammer World will feature Lizardmen as an Art Design showcase 09.02.09-30.03.09

    Available to Order pg116-117: Mostly metal parts of the current range that didn't appear in new releases, also the classic Temple Guard shields (round plastics) and the Glyph Plates.

    White Dwarf 351 (March 2009)

    Article collecting guide/paint guide 'Wisdom of the Ancients' by Andy Hoare pg50-55: Part one of two. Andy Hoare discusses starting a new Lizardmen army. Ian Strickland, Mark Havener, and Pete Foley contribute their experiences and motivations. Ian and Andy also give some painting advice on pg52-53. PG55 features a bit more terrain tips for Lustria as a reprise on last month's foam carved totems with glyphs Ian teaches you how to buy a Citadel plastic totem and add glyphs.

    Advert pg56-57: As last month the Lizardmen plastic range is featured with pictures and prices.

    White Dwarf 352 (April 2009)

    Article collecting guide 'Wisdom of the Ancients the Second Alignment' by Andy Hoare pg38-43: A continuation from last month's article with contributions from Ian Strickland and Mark Havener. There is a picture of Mark's 10k Lizardmen force defending a temple city against High Elves on a 4'x6' temple city board Mark built over a year which looks exceedingly awesome (I'd really like to see some larger photos that feature this because at first glance it looks like Warmaster and then you realise it is 28mm)

    White Dwarf 354 (June 2009)

    Painting Article 'Painting Masters' by Keith Robertson pg80-84: This article includes a half page entry with detail pics for a Skink Chieftain painted green with NMM on a scenic base. (A small entry but it is a pretty nice paintjob)

    White Dwarf 362 (Febuary 2010)

    Painting Article: 'Eavy Metal Master class Montrous Faces by Darren Latham pg 98-103: One page of this guide is devoted to Lizardmen, mostly concerning Kroxigor but the whole thing is pretty interesting and each part references between the models. a lot of this issue is dedicated to painting advice

    White Dwarf 365 (May 2010)

    Tactics Article: 'Wear & Tear"by Andy Smillie pg81-85: A discussion on making small durable lists for 7th themed around 2K points. Lizardmen feature as one of the army compositions. If you are wondering where you read Xapati-Qu (Stone-Defence) this is it.

    White Dwarf 369 (September 2010)

    Painting 'Painting Masters' by Joe Tomaszewski pg70-75: There are some interesting points here about zenithal painting and how the 'eavy metal house style differs from it, non-metallic and metallic, and painting for photography/display/and the gameboard. While not a Lizardmen article three of the pictured examples are; a Skink Skirmisher (pg71), Slann Mage-Priest (pg73), and a Saurus Warrior (pg75)

    White Dwarf 379 (July 2011)

    Battle Snapshot 'The Scourging of the Southlands' Pg26-27: A nice two page spread picture of a massive Skaven army confronting Lizardmen in a big Storm of Magic game. Everything has been posed for max photo op and there are a lot of bound monsters adding spice. The table is setup for jungle but with a lot more of the citadel terrain creeping in then in the older jungle boards.

    White Dwarf 381 (September 2011):

    New Releases: Saurus Oldblood (Sculpted by Aly Morrison this is the clampack plastic model on foot with the very breakable tongue)

    Article 'Arena of Death' pg32-33: The new Saurus Old Blood fights the other new release of the month, a Nurgle Chaos Lord in a three round one vs one showdown.


    White Dwarf 392 (August 2012):

    Article 'Arena of Death' pg84-87: The Saurus Old Blood returns a year later for round two of Arena of Death.


    White Dwarf 404 (August 2013):

    Front cover, photo art: Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur

    New Releases pg4-29: New releases in 2013 are laced with decent pictures of the models, pull out spreads and short fluff paragraphs to sell the models (hence the length of the section). The Carnosaur/Troglodon kit is featured on the two page pullout spread along with the Bastiladon and the other new plastics in the background of a Lizardmen army bursting from the jungle to overrun an Empire fort. Lizardmen releases are: Carnosaur/Troglodon/Kroq-Gar (plastic multipart, sculpted by Seb Perbet); Bastiladon (plastic multipart, sculpted by Alex Hedstrom and Aly Morrison); Terradon/Ripperdactyls/Tiktaq'To/Skink Chief (plastic multi-part, sculpted by Samir Battistotti, Matt Holland, Aly Morrison and Gavin Newton, 3 models plus toad); Skink High Priest (plastic, sculpted by Alex Hedstrom, remember the good times); Tetto'Eko (Finecast, sculpted by Steve Buddie); Gor-Rok (Finecast, sculpted by Steve Buddie), Lizardmen Battalion (16 Saurus, 12 Skinks, 10 Temple Guards, 8 Cold One Riders all mult-ipart plastic); Warhammer Battle Magic Lizardmen (card set); Warhammer:Lizardmen (army book 8th by Jeremy Vetock); Marco Colombo (Finecast Gamesday model 2013)

    Digital Products pg36: 'Warhammer Lizardmen' (the digital release of the 8th ed army book with additional 360 miniature gallery and pop out boxes for reference, it also boasts that it will be automatically updated with FAQ releases). 'How to PaintCitadel Miniatures:Lizardmen' (11 painting guides covering the plastic kits)

    Full Release Listings pg38-39: Same as new releases but with the old school box pictures, prices and sculpting credits (see new releases I added the info there) *The battalion claims to have 50 models here and pictures 40 Saurus on the box art though New Releases lists the content as 16 Saurus for a total of 46 models

    Online catalogue pg40-41: Pics of other Lizardmen metals/finecast Skink heroes, Kroxigor, Chakax, Slann, Kroak and Saurus BSB

    Battle Report 'A Clash of Scale and Bone' pg50-67: Adam Troke leads the studio Lizarmen army (3,100pts) against Andrew Kenrick's Tomb Kings (The studio Lizardmen army has an article later but I'd like to note that the TK army in this batrep is really nicely painted with a crisp white and red theme). Robbin Cruddace, Jeremy Vetock and Jes Bickham weigh in at the end with a post-battle review.

    Article 'Making Monsters' pg84-90: Seb Perbet, Matt Holland and Alex Hedstrom discuss the expansion of Lustria's monstrous fauna (Troglodon/Bastiladon/Ripperdactyl) and the evolution of some of the existing designs (Carnosaur/Stegadon/Terradon)

    Painting 'Paint Splatter' pg110-117: Step-by-step paint guides for the Carnosaur model (red & black scales, white flesh, stone and gold), Bastiladon (black and orange armour, and the yellow/orange crystal), Terradons (green with pale beige wings and green markings), Ripperdactyls (orange body, brown/orange wings, and feathers), Saurus Warriors (blue skin) and Skinks (yellow markings, orange markings and red crests). *the last two pages of this article switch to 40k terrain

    Article 'This Month in White Dwarf' pg138-141: a series of featurettes some outtakes from the Batrep discussing the first attempt that ended with Lizardmen crushing TKs on turn 2. pg141 features a picture of Beth Beyon-Hughes' Stegadon, Bastiladon the monsters have a very dusty orange look to them (as do the background Saurus) and a purple & black Slann 'Yayauhqui the Black Smoking-Mirror' with white skeletal warpaint (matching the purple and black skinks in the background)

    Article 'This Month in the Design Studio' pg142-146 by Adam Troke and Dan Harden: an interview with Jeremy Vetock regarding the fluff of the new Army Book (featuring picture art by Mark Holmes); an an interview with Chris Peach and Steve Bowerman about painting the Studio Lizardmen army (with some additional photos especially of the yellow face masked, blue Kroxigor); and an interview with Seb Perbet and Matt Holland regarding Lizadmen anatomy(bulking up the Saurus heroes while keeping the heads a similar size and keeping the named characters looking distinct)

    Back Cover, Photo art: half of what looks like a double page spread with a high quality photo of Tetto'eko with a backdrop &foreground of a Lizardmen army.


    White Dwarf 409 (January 2014):

    Article/Photo Pg149: A single photo and a short description showing a work in progress of Forge World's Dread Saurian partially sculpted.

    I'll edit in some more issues as I get a chance to look through them.

    If it is alright (and doesn't already exist) where would it be posted?
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2023
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Humph... Sorry, somehow this double posted.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2021
    LizardWizard likes this.
  3. emptyscale

    emptyscale Active Member

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    White Dwarfs Reviewed: This is a checklist to show which WDs have been flicked through to provide the above list. Right now it is heavily dependent on what I have lying around.

    5th Edition: 1996 Actual Lizardmen beyond this point, old style Slann before.
    201 Sep 96
    202 Oct 96
    203 Nov 96
    204 Dec 96
    205 Jan 97
    206 Feb 97: Army Book Release for 5th
    207 Mar 97
    208 Apr 97
    209 May 97
    210 Jun 97
    211 Jul 97
    212 Aug 97
    213 Sep 97
    214 Oct 97
    215 Nov 97
    216 Dec 97
    217 Jan 98
    218 Feb 98
    219 Mar 98
    220 Apr 98
    221 May 98
    222 Jun 98
    223 Jul 98
    224 Aug 98
    225 Sep 98
    226 Oct 98
    227 Nov 98
    228 Dec 98
    229 Jan 99
    230 Feb 99
    231 Mar 99
    232 Apr 99
    233 May 99
    234 Jun 99
    235 Jul 99
    236 Aug 99
    237 Sep 99
    238 Oct 99
    239 Nov 99
    240 Dec 99
    241 Jan 00
    242 Feb 00
    243 Mar 00
    244 Apr 00
    245 May 00
    246 Jun 00
    247 Jul 00
    248 Aug 00
    249 Sep 00
    6th Edition: 2000
    250 Oct 00
    251 Nov 00
    252 Dec 00
    253 Jan 01
    254 Feb 01
    255 Mar 01
    256 Apr 01
    257 May 01
    258 Jun 01
    259 Jul 01
    260 Aug 01
    261 Sep 01
    262 Oct 01
    263 Nov 01
    264 Dec 01
    265 Jan 02
    266 Feb 02
    267 Mar 02
    268 Apr 02
    269 May 02
    270 Jun 02
    271 Jul 02
    272 Aug 02
    273 Sep 02
    274 Oct 02
    275 Nov 02
    276 Dec 02
    277 Jan 03
    278 Feb 03
    279 Mar 03
    280 Apr 03
    281 May 03: Army book release for 6th
    282 Jun 03
    283 Jul 03
    284 Aug 03
    285 Sep 03
    286 Oct 03
    287 Nov 03
    288 Dec 03
    289 Jan 04
    290 Feb 04
    291 Mar 04
    292 Apr 04
    293 May 04
    294 Jun 04
    295 Jul 04
    296 Aug 04
    297 Sep 04
    298 Oct 04
    299 Nov 04
    300 Dec 04
    301 Jan 05
    302 Feb 05
    303 Mar 05
    304 Apr 05
    305 May 05: Realms Lustria book
    306 Jun 05
    307 Jul 05
    308 Aug 05
    309 Sep 05
    310 Oct 05
    311 Nov 05: Lizardmen Collectors Guide
    312 Dec 05
    313 Jan 06
    314 Feb 06
    315 Mar 06
    316 Apr 06
    317 May 06
    318 Jun 06
    319 Jul 06
    320 Aug 06
    7th Edition: 2006
    321 Sep 06
    322 Oct 06
    323 Nov 06
    324 Dec 06
    325 Jan 07
    326 Feb 07
    327 Mar 07
    328 Apr 07
    329 May 07
    330 Jun 07
    331 Jul 07
    332 Aug 07
    333 Sep 07
    334 Oct 07
    335 Nov 07
    336 Dec 07
    337 Jan 08
    338 Feb 08
    339 Mar 08
    340 Apr 08
    341 May 08
    342 Jun 08
    343 Jul 08
    344 Aug 08
    345 Sep 08
    346 Oct 08
    347 Nov 08
    348 Dec 08
    349 Jan 09
    350 Feb 09: Army book release for 7th
    351 Mar 09
    252 Apr 09
    353 May 09
    354 Jun 09
    355 Jul 09
    356 Aug 09
    357 Sep 09
    358 Oct 09
    359 Nov 09
    360 Dec 09
    361 Jan 10
    362 Feb 10
    363 Mar 10
    364 Apr 10
    365 May 10
    366 Jun 10
    366 Jul 10
    368 Aug 10

    8th Edition 2010

    369 Sep 10
    370 Oct 10
    371 Nov 10
    372 Dec 10
    373 Jan 11
    374 Feb 11
    375 Mar 11
    376 Apr 11
    377 May 11
    378 Jun11
    379 Jul 11
    380 Aug 11
    381 Sep 11
    382 Oct 11
    383 Nov 11
    384 Dec 11
    388 Apr 12
    389 May 12
    390 Jun 12
    391 Jul 12
    392 Aug 12
    395 Nov 12
    399 Mar 13
    401 May 2013
    404 Aug 2013: Army book release for 8th
    409 Jan 14
    Issue 20 14.Jun.14
    Issue 21 21.June.14
    Age of Sigmar 2015 Actual Seraphon beyond this point, old style Lizardmen before
    Issue 109 27.Feb.16
    Issue 110 05.Mar.16
    September 2018
    October 2018
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2023
  4. emptyscale

    emptyscale Active Member

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    Model Release Dates (as sourced from WD new releases)

    5th Edition
    October 1996:
    • Warhammer (5th Ed boxed game)
    • Lizardmen Skink Archer command group (four miniatures per blister, designed by Alan Perry)
    • Lizardmen Saurus command group (three miniatures per blister, designed by Alan Perry)
    • Lizardmen Skinks with bows (five miniatures per blister, designed by Alan Perry)
    • Slann Mage Priest on palanquin (boxed set one model, designed by Alan Perry)
    November 1996:
    • Sauruses with hand weapons (four miniatures per blister, designed by Alan Perry)
    January 1997:
    • Lizardman Skinks with javelins (five miniatures to a blister, designed by Alan Perry)
    • Lizardman Skinks javelin Command (four miniatures to a blister, designed by Alan Perry)
    Febuary 1997:
    • Lizardmen Saurus with spears (four miniatures per blister, designed by Alan Perry)
    • Lizard Swarm (ten miniatures per blister, designed by Trish Morrison)
    • Lizardmen Sauruses (Boxed set six plastic miniatures, designed by Alan Perry)
    • Lizardmen Skinks (boxed set of eight plastic miniatures, designed by Alan Perry)
    • Lizardmen Kroxigor (one miniature per blister, designed by Alan Perry)
    • Lizardmen Saurus Temple Guard Champion (one miniature per blister, designed by Alan Perry)
    • Lizardmen Saurus Temple Guard Command (two miniatures per blister, designed by Alan Perry)
    • Lizardmen Saurus Temple Guard (two miniatures per blister, designed by Alan Perry)
    April 1997:
    • Lizardman Stegadon (One Stegadon per boxed set, designed by Trish Morrison and Alan Perry)
    • Lizardman Salamander (One Salamander and four skinks per blister, designed by Trish Morrison and Alan Perry)
    • Lizardman Terradon (One Terradon and two Skink riders per blister, designed by Trish Morrison and Alan Perry)
    July 1998:
    • Serpent Swarms (Five models per blister, designed by Trish Morrison)
    April 1999:
    • Tichi-Huichi's Cold One Raiders (metal boxed set, sculpted by Alan Perry and Trish Morrison)
    • Skink Cold One Rider (one model perl blister, sculpted by Alan Perry and Trish Morrison)
    • Inxi-Huinzi (one model per blister, designed by Alan Perry and Trish Morrison)
    • Oxayotl and Tenehuini (two models per blister, designed by Alan Perry)
    6th Edition

    May 2003:
    • Lizardmen Saurus Warriors (the multipart plastic regiment box, designed by Colin Greyson)
    • Lizardmen Skinks (the multipart plastic regiment box, designed by Mark Harrison)
    • Lizardmen Chameleon Skinks (three models per blister designed by Mark Harrison)
    • Lizardmen Army Boxed Set (This includes the special edition Saurus standard bearer battle standard designed by Colin Grayson)
    • Lizardman Skink Priest (blister contains one metal model designed by Mark Harrison)
    • Lizardmen Kroxigor (the blister pack contains one Kroxigor designed by Aly Morrison)
    • Lizardmen Slann Mage-Priest (boxed set contains one model designed by Juan Diaz)
    June 2003:
    • Lizardmen Saurus Lord on foot (one metal model per blister sculpt by Mark Harrison)
    • Lizardmen Kroq-Gar on Carnousaur (one model per box sculpt by Trish Morrison and Colin Greyson)
    • Lizardmen Temple Guard Champion, Lizardmen Temple Guard Command (Musician and Standard Bearer)
    • Lizardmen Temple Guard (two models per blister pack) Note all Temple Guard are credited to Colin Grayson.
    • Lizardmen Salamander (blister pack contains one Salamander and two handlers designed by Mark Harrison and Trish Morrison)
    • Lizardmen Saurus on Cold Ones (boxed set of 5 models including a champion, standard bearer and musician).
    July 2003:
    • Lizardmen Terradon (blister contains one Terradon and one Skink designed by Trish Morrison and Mark Harrison)
    • Lizardmen Loard Kroak (boxed set contains one Lizardman lord designed by Juan Diaz),
    • Lizardmen Saurus on Cold One (blister pack contains on Lizardman Cold One Rider designed by Mark Harisson, Mark Bedford, Collin Grayson)
    • Lizardmen Stegadon (Boxed set contains one Stegadon and five Skinks designed by Alan Perry, Trish Morrison and Mark Harrison (note this is the classic metal Steg with an updated skink crew and shields)
    June 2005:
    • Skink Warchiefs, 4 metal sculpts (2 per blister, sculpted by Juan Diaz)
    • Tenehauin, Prophet of Sotek (pack contains one metal model sculpted by Juan Diaz, our parcel tongue buddy updated to his current design)
    July 2005:
    • Saurus Hero on Cold One (Metal rider, plastic mount, sculpted by Aly Morrison)
    • Lizardmen Saurus on Cold Ones (Plastic multi-part, sculpted by Aly Morrison and Colin Grayson)

    7th Edition

    Febuary 2009:
    • Lizardmen Stegadon (Plastic multipart sculpted by Dave Thomas and Martin Footitt)
    • Lizardmen Temple Guard (Plastic multipart, sculpted by Aly Morrison)
    • Chakax the Eternity Warden (Metal, sculpted by Aly Morrison)
    • Lizardmen Kroxigor (Metal, sculpted by Martin Footitt)
    • Lizardmen Terradon Riders (Metal, sculpted by Trish Carden and Matt Holand)
    • Tiktaq'To, Master of Skies (Metal, sculpted by Trish Carden and Aly Morrison)
    • Barbed Razorback Hunting Pack (Metal, sculpted by Mark Harrison)
    8th Edition

    September 2011
    • Saurus Oldblood (Sculpted by Aly Morrison this is the clampack plastic model on foot with the very breakable tongue)
    August 2013:
    • Carnosaur/Troglodon/Kroq-Gar (plastic multipart, sculpted by Seb Perbet)
    • Bastiladon (plastic multipart, sculpted by Alex Hedstrom and Aly Morrison)
    • Terradon/Ripperdactyls/Tiktaq'To/Skink Chief (plastic multi-part, sculpted by Samir Battistotti, Matt Holland, Aly Morrison and Gavin Newton, 3 models plus toad)
    • Skink High Priest (plastic, sculpted by Alex Hedstrom, remember the good times)
    • Tetto'Eko (Finecast, sculpted by Steve Buddie)
    • Gor-Rok (Finecast, sculpted by Steve Buddie)
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2021
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  5. emptyscale

    emptyscale Active Member

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    The two I know I've missed are the Skink Chief from 5th with the little Stegadon helm and the more recent Saurus BSB that is finecast now.
  6. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    Do you have any idea where WD finds the official addendum shown on this page (since it doesn't describe it):
    Living Ships
    About Living Ships, or Monster Class of Ships mentioned in the book of The General’s Compendium

    I would like to be able to see the official source with the images that unfortunately the site I am sharing with you does not show you.
    Bowser and Imrahil like this.
  7. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Sent you a message.
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  8. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    Ahhh you sent me the General Compendium, but if you look closely, what I have shared is not found in that book.

    What I am looking for is not in that book.
    I am looking for the rules for living ships which is not found in the book of General Compendium
    Imrahil likes this.
  9. emptyscale

    emptyscale Active Member

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    I don't think I've come across that yet. But I'll be back to looking through WD's soon so I'll let you know if Ship Ahoy! shows up.
    Last edited: May 31, 2022
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