AoS 1k list idea for tournament

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Superwet, May 21, 2022.

  1. Superwet

    Superwet New Member

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    Preparing for a local 1k tournament. I have been testing this list but, it is quite weak for the first few battle round. How do you think?

    Army Faction: Seraphon
    - Army Type: Starborne
    - Army Subfaction: Fangs of Sotek
    - Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery
    - Triumphs: Inspired


    Skink Oracle on Troglodon (270)*
    - Artefacts: Arcane Tome
    - Mount Traits: Celestial Destruction
    - Spells: Hand of Glory

    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (150)*
    - Artefacts: Serpent God Dagger

    Slann Starmaster (265)*
    - General
    - Command Traits: Arcane Might
    - Spells: Stellar Tempest


    Saurus Guard (115)*

    1 x Skinks (150)*
    - Boltspitter, Celestite Dagger and Star-buckler


    Suffocating Gravetide (50)



    TOTAL POINTS: (1000/1000)

    Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
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  2. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    It looks good. I don't know that a regular Slann benefits from an Oracle as much as Kroak does, but I imagine you're trying to maximize summoning. That said, I wonder if an EotG would be a good replacement (if you have the model)? I played one in a 1K game recently and it was definitely the MVP.

    If you have the Realmshaper Engine, that might a good addition as well. Camp the Slann & Astrolith inside and use it to dish out more mortal wounds.

    I wonder if you should split up the Skinks into two units to cover more ground?
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  3. Superwet

    Superwet New Member

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    thanks for the recommendation! How do I use the skinks? As screen? Skinks could die pretty quick and low damage.

    I do have EotG. May I know why it is your MVP? If Slann is not 12” within EotG, the average roll it can get will be heal D3.
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  4. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Yes, the Skinks will die quickly. I had a unit of 30 wiped by a charge and 1 round of combat from a 5-man unit of Blood Knights.

    I'm definitely not a very experienced player, but at the start, I assume you'd use the Skinks as objective grabbers and to help achieve some battle tactics. They could serve as a screen for either the Oracle or the EotG as well. You might be able to have even a 10-man unit of Skinks live long enough to allow a charge from the EotG or Oracle.

    I will admit, I've only used the EotG once (I recently got the model), but it was definitely the MVP of that battle. The charge and combat of a Stegadon/EotG/Skink Chief is pretty great, and is better than an Oracle. If you get off a charge and can attack first, the EotG will really wreck a 4+ save unit/hero. Naturally, versus a 3+ save unit it might have more trouble. But in my game, the EotG killed a Coven Throne in one turn with a shooting phase, a charge and combat. Later, it almost wiped a 5-man unit of Blood Knights, (3 wounds each) leaving just one wounded Knight; that was with my buddy even having a 2+ save from All Out Defense. Thanks to the average roll of heal, the EotG was at full health most of the game, and it helped my Kroxigors to hang in the battle a little longer by healing them up as well. I also used the Curse prayer from the EotG to help lower saves (although I rolled a 1 in two hero phases. Sigh...). If you put the Arcane Tome on the EotG, it can serve as a casting conduit for the Slann, provided it's within 12".

    Admittedly the Oracle and EotG serve different purposes. I don't think the Oracle is really meant to be a "combat monster" but a mobile, high wound wizard/spell platform that helps a Slann with casting and summoning. Without buffs, it can fight decently, but it will mostly just hang on. A Stegadon, of any kind, can really damage, more so with a command or buff. But with the Oracle you're looking at 4d3 summoning, so average of 8-10 CCP. That can get you a Salamander on turn 1 if you roll well, so I understand the appeal. I even considered using the Oracle instead of the EotG for the 1K army I played, but decided on my new EotG just to try it out.

    The main reason I suggested the EotG is because I think it might give you a bit more flexibility; Combat/defense, a monster to help with tactics, prayers, possibly casting, healing/shooting/summoning with the Engine.
    Last edited: May 22, 2022
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  5. Superwet

    Superwet New Member

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    Well explained and great strategy!

    Agreed that Troglodon couldn’t do much. It has been killed early in most of my test games. Maybe I just swap it with EoTG.

    Thanks! I will try it out!
    Just A Skink and Bowser like this.
  6. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    I hope this advice will help. Good luck!
    Bowser likes this.
  7. Tombomb7
    Cold One

    Tombomb7 Well-Known Member

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    Congrats on building your list!
    I second the value of the EOTG. If you're going Fangs of Sotek I'd love to see a lot of skinks in an army but appreciate you might just want to summon them in. If you have a realmshaper you can either put a priest or actually your slann in there for protection. Most people don't go for him and you can save points on the suarus guard, they wouldn't be needed generally and if you're worried about getting sniped you can just hide the slann behind the realmshaper that's just in my limited experience anyway. I like havikg a skink priest for the buffs it gives really, it does a lot of heavy lifting.
    Just A Skink and Bowser like this.

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