8th Ed. Lizardnewbie needs help

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Rogodal, Apr 28, 2022.

  1. Rogodal

    Rogodal Member

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    Thank you a lot for your guidance :)
    I will tell you how it went next weekend .

    but i have one last question.
    I read a bit on this Forum about COR-Bus formation. Do you maybe have a link to such a kind of army list? I read That they are the most powerfull we can set. Duno if its true. But i would love to try it.
    best way for me to learn is to See a finished list around 2.000 - 3.000 points. So i can see how to build them and what is Important for them :).
    Lizards of Renown and Bowser like this.
  2. shattershell

    shattershell Active Member

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    With the Troglodon, his shooting attack only affects one model. And yes, you have to roll to hit. Normally that means only a 5+ roll will hit, due to the long range penalty. So it's really not a very reliable or useful attack. Every now and then you'll poison an Ogre or something, but don't take a Troglodon just because you'd like some shooting, you'll always be disappointed. I run a Troglodon all the time because I like the model and he's fun, but it's not at all an efficient choice.

    About ridden monsters, page 105-106 of the rulebook tells you everything you need to know.
    Lizards of Renown and Bowser like this.
  3. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    List looks pretty good! As @Lizards of Renown said, i indeed like the Channeling combo a lot (Harmonic Convergence+Channeling staff for 3 5+ channels), but i can also see not taking it to save some points. Also do not save on the Soul of Stone! It really helps with Miscasts, the Tactica section has a great article on it. I think we are past the point of strict upgrades, we are getting into personal preference now considering upgrades.

    I think your combat blocks are a little small. I really like to go for 20 as a bare minimum, and i feel comfortable at 25, especially on Temple Guard blocks. Consider dropping some Champions for more dudes, Champions are generally just worse than adding an additional model. I would also consider cutting the Skink Priest for more Sauri, or maybe the Chameleons for more Sauri. You only have 1 monsters, in this iteration of the list, so you are not desperate for warmachine hunting anymore. Chameleons are still fine though. I think the Skink Priest is the real weak link here. The main thing he adds is Wyssans Wildform, but using the Lore of High Magic Lore Attribute, your Slann can get that as well as you need it. He also brings no Scroll, so you know, he also does not do that. Finally he also has the Cloak, which makes me think you want to go for Arcane Vassal shenenigans. I generally think Arcane Vassal is overrated, you can only cast Direct Damage spells through them, and our good Direct Damage spells (Fiery Convocation and Arcane Unforging) already have a good range of 24 inches. Tempest even has a longer range of 30 inches! More dudes instead of a priest makes sense for me here.
    Bowser and Lizards of Renown like this.
  4. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    The COR bus? I am not quite sure what you mean. My tournament list is 2.4K, this is what i run. I do not think it is perfect, i dislike running 1 monster, but i do not really see what else i want to spend the final 200 or so points on. Maybe a horde of Temple Guard is the actual answer, but i do not know.
    Bowser likes this.
  5. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Trophy Points:
    ++ Standard (Lizardmen - Army Book (2013-8) -V8.8.0.) [2,400pts] ++
    + Uncategorised +
    - Army Size: Army (0-2999 points)
    + Lords +
    Slann Mage-Priest [470pts]: Lore of High Magic, Wizard Level 4
    . Battle Standard Bearer: BRB - Standard of Discipline
    . Disciplines of the Old Ones: Becalming Cogitation, Focus of Mystery, Harmonic Convergence, Soul of Stone
    . Magic Items: BRB - Channeling Staff
    + Heroes +
    Saurus Scar-Veteran [149pts]: Great Weapon
    . Cold One
    . Magic Items: BRB - Dawnstone, BRB - Gambler's Armour
    Saurus Scar-Veteran [154pts]: Great Weapon
    . Cold One
    . Magic Items: BRB - Armour of Destiny
    + Core +
    Skink Skirmishers [84pts]
    . 12x Skink Skirmisher: 12x Lustrian Javelins with Shield
    Skink Skirmishers [84pts]
    . 12x Skink Skirmisher: 12x Lustrian Javelins with Shield
    Skink Skirmishers [84pts]
    . 12x Skink Skirmisher: 12x Lustrian Javelins with Shield
    Skink Skirmishers [84pts]
    . 12x Skink Skirmisher: 12x Lustrian Javelins with Shield
    Skink Skirmishers [77pts]
    . 11x Skink Skirmisher: 11x Lustrian Javelins with Shield
    Skink Skirmishers [70pts]
    . 10x Skink Skirmisher: 10x Lustrian Javelins with Shield
    Skink Skirmishers [70pts]
    . 10x Skink Skirmisher: 10x Lustrian Javelins with Shield
    Skink Skirmishers [70pts]
    . 10x Skink Skirmisher: 10x Lustrian Javelins with Shield
    Skink Skirmishers [70pts]
    . 10x Skink Skirmisher: 10x Lustrian Javelins with Shield
    + Special +
    Temple Guard [384pts]: Musician, Standard Bearer, 26x Temple Guard
    + Rare +
    Ancient Stegadon [230pts]: Two Giant Blowpipes
    Salamander Hunting Pack [160pts]: Salamander Hunting Pack, Salamander Hunting Pack
    Salamander Hunting Pack [160pts]: Salamander Hunting Pack, Salamander Hunting Pack
    ++ Total: [2,400pts] ++
    Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    For the record, you can do direct damage and magic missiles.
    airjamy and Bowser like this.
  7. Rogodal

    Rogodal Member

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    Hey guys. Unnfortunately i could Not attend the tournamemt in Last Minute because of work. I was very furious but other tournaments will come.
    Today i used the List to Play agains a Friend of mine and against his demons.
    Was a pretty nice and Even fight, except for 1-2 things.
    I almost killed my whole TG Unit because of an really bad miscast.
    Luckily i didn‘t loose the Slaan.
    Bowser and Lizards of Renown like this.

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