Hey all, I've been thinking about how to increase the excitement and involvement of the community here in painting and converting, much as the 24 hour painting challenge and monthly painting pledges have done so well, and an idea finally spawned (pun intended) tonight after hopping around to the other forums which represent the other armies I own for WH and 40k- why don't we hold some sort of painting and converting contest? This could be the motivation for members to really put extra effort and time into a single model such as a character, or allow the proper venue for others to practice and perfect new techniques, all in the name of competition! Overall, the ultimate winner is the community for being able to follow along and see so many great entries each month (or few months, however people desired to do it, if at all), learn a little bit about new techniques, witness some good-natured rivalry, and in general be better and more easily motivated and inspired to create in the name of the hobby. I propose that we begin coming up with ideas for such a competition thread, complete with themes and all, as well as ideas for time frames- but all in good time. Firstly, who would be interested in such an idea? If we get enough support, I'm sure the admins would be more than happy to help us orchestrate such an event! Cheers, Nick
Its a good idea, I'd be interested in either helping to run it or entering or both. I'm not sure what we could offer as a prize, as there should be some incentive for people to do well in it, but you are right it should be a great way to get people to push their skills and showcase their talents. A month is probably ok as long as the model is not too big, I know when the true professionals paint it can take a very long time but we will probably be a little bit below that standard to allow everyone to have a go. Any themes I think need to be fairly broad to allow people to paint what they have available or what they are intending to purchase soon anyway. Too specific and a lot of people may not have the model requirements to do it and not want to invest in it.
Well, I am trying to get a whole army of conversions done over here, so anything that puts pressure on me to work, meet deadlines and do a high quality job is a good thing in my book, count me in!
There could be numerous general themes, such as a large lizard contest (carnosaurs, stegies, sallies, etc), a saurus comp (either saurus hero/lord choice, or a unit/rank/single saurus model), skink comp (similar idea), perhaps some sort of non-combatant model based purely on fluff, dioramas, duel scenes, or even whole unit competitions. I feel, especially with such a diverse army as Lizardmen, there should be no short of ideas for these sorts of competitions. I am very interested in getting something like this set up, even helping to organize or brainstorm ideas, I feel it would be great for the community here! Cheers, Nick
I am certainly up for this. I would suggest looking at some of the contests held by Advanced Tau Tactica, or ATT for short, they did a really good job on the format of their contests. For the first contest I would start with something small, such as a Saurus champion/hero. Then spread out into the larger models and dioramas.
Contests are always fun. I'll say I'm interested, but won't join for the first few (unless they are held after april next year!) since I have my Eldar army to keep focused on. Cheers!
Sounds cool, though I'm not that good at converting and the only thing I ever converted was kroxigors from river trolls for my chupayotl theme, but I would like to see everyones capabilities
I'm in. Especially when you have GW delivering a load of plastic sprue goodness! So when are we looking for a date to start? Lloyd