AoS Biddo's Battle Log

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by BiddoPaints, May 20, 2022.

  1. BiddoPaints
    Jungle Swarm

    BiddoPaints Member

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    Hello everyone and welcome to my battle log! Even though I have been in this hobby since the 1990s I'm not much of a gamer. My main focus has always been on the building and painting side of the hobby. Its not because I don't like the gaming side I just happen to like the building and painting more, so If I have a choice between spending a few hours gaming or a few hours painting I'm going to probably choose painting.

    The past few years, because of covid, the amount of time I got to spend socializing in person was almost non existent. I never really thought of myself as an overly social person but having to go through really long stretches with almost no social interaction out side of my family was harder than I thought it would be. When things started to open back up in my area I decided to try to focus more on the gaming side of the hobby and take a more active role in the local gaming community.

    So I ended playing in my first ever tournament and it was a blast! The tournament was set up to be a quick and easy one day event to try kick start the local AOS scene after two years of not much going on. It was a three round tournament with armies being 1000 points. The only restrictions were no named characters and no units over 340 points. This was also the first time I had ever played a game with my Seraphon.

    Here is my list:
    Allegiance: Seraphon
    - Constellation: Thunder Lizard
    - Grand Strategy: Beast Master
    - Triumphs:

    Skink Starpriest (130)* - General - Command Trait: Master of Star Rituals - Artefact: Cloak of Feathers - Spell: Hand of Glory

    Skink Priest (80)* - Universal Prayer Scripture: Heal

    Ripperdactyl Chief (80)* - Artefact: Fusil of Conflaguration

    3 x Ripperdactyl Riders (85)
    10 x Skinks (75)** - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers

    Stegadon (265)** - Weapon: Skystreak Bow - Seraphon Battleline (Constellation: Thunder Lizard)
    Stegadon (265)** - Weapon: Sunfire Throwers - Seraphon Battleline (Constellation: Thunder Lizard)

    The Burning Head (20)

    *Command Entourage - Magnificent *
    *Hunters of the Heartlands


    My first match was vs Kruleboyz and the mission was Tectonic Interference. Things got off to a really good start as I felt like I ended up in a really good situation during deployment. I placed my units to be able to contest objectives #2 and #3 pretty quickly while my opponent divided he forces between objectives #1 and #3 with the majority of his units being by #1. I was perfectly happy to leave #1 to my opponent since I felt like I would be able to control #2 and #3 pretty easily with my Stegadons.

    After the first couple of turns I was able to take control of objectives #2 and #3 while my opponent took #1. What I learned about my army so far was that the Realmshaper engine and the great bow on the Steg seem really good!

    I had taken the lead thanks to my Stegs and my opponent seemed hesitant to push towards the middle. Stegs are scary I guess. So I pushed up the right flak to eliminate his his only threat to my army on that half of the table. Steg great bow did most of the work and the Skink blow pipes finished off his unit of hobgoblins.

    The goblins on the back of the Marshcrawla Sloggoth had unfortunately, for them, scoped up a bloat toad in one of their nets. My Rippers, mad with toad rage, swooped in to attack. I rolled terribly and the Sloggoth ended up lasting a turn longer than it should have but this didn't matter since my opponent wasn't putting much pressure on objective #2 yet. Also my Ripper chief broke his artifact by rolling a 1 the first time he tried to use it.

    My opponent finally made a push towards objective #2 but it was too little too late as I was now able to bring my full army onto #2 to meet his attack.

    Round one ended with a 24-17 point victory to the Seraphon! My big take aways from round one were: Stegs are great, I need to roll better with my Rippers, and I need to do a better job remembering all of my hero phase stuff. Forgot a bunch of spells, prayers, abilities, and realmshaper stuff during this game.
    Bowser, Just A Skink and Imrahil like this.
  2. BiddoPaints
    Jungle Swarm

    BiddoPaints Member

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    Round two was vs Stormcast Eternals and the battleplan was Feral Foray. My opponent was a very competitive gamer who travels to all the big events like Adepticon and LVO. He is a really nice guy though and was very helpful through out the whole match. He really knows his stuff though and It kinda felt like I was playing a pickup basketball game vs an NBA player. Even though he was playing pretty casual I knew I didn't have much of a chance. I like the challenge of facing someone so much better and even though I ended up tabled after round four I still enjoyed the game, and learned a lot. I didn't take to many pics of this game.

    The giant terrain feature in the middle meant my Realmshaper Engine was able to throw out mortal wounds all over the place. The Steg on the right was my MVP as he was able to shoot and stomp a bunch of golden boys off of the table.

    My rippers rush ahead to try to eat the toad that was hitching a ride with the chariot but unfortunately ended up being eaten themselves.

    My Skinks make their last stand under some palm trees.

    Round two ended with a 13-21 point defeat. My big take aways from this round were: Stegs are still great but I need to make sure I protect them from alpha strikes as I lost one on turn one. I also need to get better at target selection.
    Imrahil and Bowser like this.

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