7th Ed. The Defense of Konquata *New Game*

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Xlcontiqu, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. the-graven

    the-graven New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Doesn't matter, I hope you've won, skinks 4 live :D
  2. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    I am really sorry for such a long absence, but real life caught up with me the past couple weeks and I have been very busy. So without further ado, Turn 2!

    Warriors of Chaos Turn 2

    To begin, the Comet failed to come down, and since it was not Tetto'Eko's, I got no reroll. I had hoped for it to come down and mess up some of his units, and because it failed to come down, it would give him another chance to dispel it.

    The Chaos line surged forward, and some very eager horsemen, and a pack of eager dogs, rushed forward to meet the Lizardmen lines. A unit of Marauders went into the Spearadon, a unit into some cannon fodder, and another unit into some more cannon fodder. The puppies charged into yet another unit of cannon fodder. Some of the cannon fodder, launched some darts and the charging horsemen and actually managed to kill one of the rightmost horsemen.

    Warriors of Chaos Turn 2 Charges

    With the overeager puppies and horsies out of the way, the rest of the Chaos line surged (I mean, ambled) up to meet the Lizardmen line. However, all the Vilitch's unit wanted to do was have a tea party and decided that cowering next to a building might be the best place to have it. You know, because of the shade. One of the Chaos Sorcerers booked it away from the comet, fearing the impending doom it was bringing. Finally, the Chaos Warshrine gave +1 LD to the same block of Chosen.


    Magic was a bust, with Flickering Fire killing three Chameleon Skinks and two from a unit of cannon fodder. Pandemonium was dispelled successfully, and with the Chameleons passing panic, it moved onto shooting.

    The Chaos shooting phase pulled out all the stops with a grand total of absolutely nothing happening. I think at that point some of the warriors were grumbling some such stuff as "Man, I wish we had bows," or "Man, I wish we had some sort of ranged anything."

    So, with the grumblings of the warriors doing absolutely nothing to the lizards, we moved onto combat. The horsies in combat with the Spearadon were incredibly surprising, with the warriors taking a wound off the chief and then the horses finishing him off. :jawdrop: . Yes, the horses killed a skink on top of a huge dinosaur. How they managed to actually attack the chief I will never know, but I know one thing, I will eat whatever those horses are having. The Stegadon managed to kill two in return, and the steroid horses broke. The other combats were nothing special, with two units of cannon fodder breaking and dying, and one somehow managing to only lose two and holding. And with that interesting phase over, it was time for the Lizards to exact revenge.

    End of Chaos Turn 2

    Lizardmen Turn 2

    The Lizardmen line rushed forward, charges everywhere. Actually, the Lizardmen just castled up. Terradons flying in front of the Engine to protect it and the usual shuffling to make sure none of the charges my opponent wanted got off.

    In the magic phase, the Engine boomed and killed in total: 1 horsemen. I rolled 1 for hits twice. A Uranon's Thunderbolt killed a few of Valkia's Chosen, but the rest was weathered by the Chaos forces.

    Lizardmen Turn 2 Magic

    The Salamanders and Razordons kicked it in to high gear this turn. The Salamander flamed 4 Chosen from Valkia's unit, deciding that warriors are crisper than skinks in the long run. The Razordons saw those four warriors, and raised the Salamanders seven regular warriors. The Terradons and Stegadons managed to knock off a couple of the tea partiers with Vilitch. Not to be outdone, the Chameleons Skinks and regular Skinks tried to match their comrades head count and managed to come up with a grand total of zero kills.

    In combat, the cannon fodder that stayed got broken by a combination of doggie love and horsemen and got ran down. In the other combat, the horsies managed to kill three skinks, but the skinks managed to return a casuality and beat the enemy. The stalwart horsemen decided not to flee though, and stuck around for another turn. And with the failures of skinks quite evident, the turn went to the Chaos forces.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 2

    The third turn heralds the return of the FAILshrine, the coming of a comet, and extremely brave Terradons!
  3. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    So the long-awaited Turn 3 comes!

    Warriors of Chaos Turn 3

    To begin, the comet did not come down. Again. So without that hindrance decimating their ranks yet, they roared forward again. A set of horsemen rushed forward and crashed into the Terradons, intent on getting to the Engine of the Gods. The FAILshrine roars to life once again, giving the Khorne Chosen +1 LD again. The rest of the Chaos line moved forward, intent on getting out the of the way of the incoming comet. Both Chaos Sorcerers made sure they were well out of the way, and all the warriors rushed forward. Save, that is, Vilitch's Chosen, who decided that having a tea party was way more exciting than getting out of the way of a giant comet, or our the range of some angry Stegadons.

    End of Chaos Turn 3 Movement

    Magic was a bust. Everything getting dispelled except for a Buboes on a Salamander and a Gateway on the rightmost Stegadon. An immense Gateway to the Daemon plane appeared and swallowed up...a Skink crewmember. The Stegadon escaped completely unharmed.

    With that, the Chaos forces engaged the Terradons, and proceeded to cut down a Terradon, and wound another. Luckily, the Leadership of the Skink and the BSB kept the Terradons from fleeing and they lived to fight another round, protecting the Engine from the fearsome axes of the Marauders. The rightmost Marauders killed another two skinks, but the skinks got their revenge, inflicting a casualty. However, the Horsemen held again and remained to kill more skinks in the next turn.

    End of Chaos Turn 3

    The Lizardmen Turn 3

    Tetto'Eko looked to the skies and recognized a very familiar shape, the coming of the COMET!

    After Comet

    The Comet comes down, obliterating the board. The Terradons lose two riders and have another wounded, both the dogs and the horsemen are completely wiped off the board, leaving a small smear. Both a unit of Khorne Warriors and Valkia's Chosen lose seven warriors. Finally, the Exalted's Warriors lose two members.

    With the Terradons suddenly unengaged, both the units flew over Valkia's Chosen and dropped their payloads, killing all but one more Chosen. The other unit of Terradons flies over the tea partiers killing none, but breaking one of Vilitch's prized teapots. The Stegadons line up for a combined charge, and the Salamanders and Razordons take firing positions. The rest of the Lizardmen did some fancy dancing and kept their distance from the battle hardened warriors.

    Lizardmen Turn 3 Movement

    The Lizardmen's magic was about as impressive as the Warriors of Chaos last turn. A lone Uranon's Thunderbolt panicked the rightmost horsemen who fled off the board. The Engines threw up their wards and Tetto'Eko valiantly tried to match the previous Skink Priest's impressive comet, but the Black Tongue caused his failed spell to cause him to lose control and forget his most powerful spell.

    The shooting phase decided to kick it into high gear though to make up for the failures of Tetto'Eko. The Razordons and Salamanders put a wound on Valkia and killed the last Chosen supporting her, they also took out a Khorne Warrior beside Valkia. The Stegadons on the right flank unleashed the fury and took out a full rank of Vilitch's tea partiers. The Chameleon Skinks took out a Chaos Sorcerer and wounded the other.

    The Skinks broke the Marauder Horsemen finally, taking no more casualities.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 3

    And with that the Lizardmen awaited the reaction of Warriors of Chaos.

    Coming next in Turn 4, some stumbling Stegadons, Vilitch's revenge for his broken teapot, and Valkia's decision to join the fight.
  4. the-graven

    the-graven New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    great report, I always thought skink shooting power couldn't be game winning , just annoying, I was wrong.
  5. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Oh boy, are you wrong about that! :)

    Skinks are mostly annoying, but left unchecked: they are deadly. Alternatively, they could flee the scene because 'there was something scary in the woods'....Those are the time you hate them. And this does sometimes happen!

    Formality: Great report so far, although it's taking longer than most reports :rolleyes:

    The Hunted
  6. the-graven

    the-graven New Member

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    Yeah, but you need your army to focus on skink shooting to make it game-winning, not something I'll ever do, though I like my annoying blowpipes.
  7. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Yeah, sorry, RL is getting in the way, and I get distracted way to easily.

    But without further ado, I present Turn 4!

    Chaos Turn 4

    Valkia jumps the gun and charges the Skink Chief and his unit with her new 360 line of sight. Of course, the Skink Chief proves just how worthless he is and rolls a triple one for his flee roll, dying and allowing Valkia to escape the reach of the Lizardmen shooting. The very depleted unit of Chaos Warriors charges the Razordons, who make them even more depleted, and having them reach the Razordons with only five remaining.

    The rest of the Chaos line ambles forward, except for Sigvald's unit which turns to face the Chameleons, and Vilitch's unit, which carries on with their tea party. The Engine of the Gods roars, feeling that victory is imminent. Vilitch snaps! He casts Gateway on the Engine and it is not dispelled. The Gateway opens up and swallows the Stegadon, but luckily the Skink Priest narrowly evades damage. With magic and shooting, the five Chaos Warriors gear up to take out the Razordons. In a display of sheer ferocity, the break the Razordons without taking any casualities and pursuing into the cannon fodder behind them, one Razordon escaping. That ends the Chaos turn and the Lizardmen prepare for revenge.

    End of Chaos Turn 4

    Lizardmen Turn 4

    The Stegadons charge Vilitch's unit, intent on destroying the one who destroyed their brethren. The rest of the Lizardmen decide to play it safe, and dance around the flanks of the rest of the Chaos Warriors. Magic does almost nothing with the Comet being dispelled. A lucky Uranon's Thunderbolt takes a wound of Valkia, putting her at a single wound left! The Engine goes BOOM and knocks off two Warriors. Shooting does equally miserable, with a single unengaged Warrior dying. So then, mega-Stega combat! The Stegadons roll a total of seven impact hits, and kill about four warriors. Not what I had expected. Luckily, in the ensuing fight, they manage to kill some more Warriors, and break them, the Warriors fleeing into the waiting Terradons. With the tea party smashed, the rest of the Chaos line loses a little of their will to fight, and the Warriors kill only four skinks, and the skinks hold!

    End of Lizardmen Turn 4

    Well to save some time, and because the game was majorly winding down, I will quickly sum up the next two turns.

    Valkia died by a stand and shoot from the Chameleon Skinks. (Though we missed one of the modifiers, so she might have survived.)

    The Chaos Warriors break the skinks, but do not pursue, and were stranded in front of two +5CR blocks, soon to be broken.

    I Miscast again, letting him have a spell, which does nothing.

    The last Sorcerer dies to shooting.

    The Lizardmen all run around avoiding combats, until the last turn of the game.

    My opponent conceded at the end of his Turn 6, allowing me to receive a Massacre.

    End of Game

    Okay, so an end game analysis is long overdue I believe.

    From my perspective: With the list I was taking I would have to play a very cagey game. It became quite bad especially in the last few turns where I was just rolling dice, and he was taking off the occasional model that failed an armour save. That being said, I think I played a very tactical, cagey game in that I did not allow him to many opening or chances to take out any of my important characters. I made it so, he had an incredibly tough time reaching my main blocks and would not score many VPs through combat. Ultimately, the Comet won most of the game for me, taking out all his distractors and a fair chunk of his units. The Uranon's Thunderbolts were quite nice also, allowing no armour saves being a huge advantage. Yet again I was disappointed by my Skink Chiefs, except for the general and BSB, both being great supporters for my lines.

    MVP: The Skink Priests. Their magic played a huge part in winning the game for me, taking most of the casualties. Close second are the Salamanders and Razordons.

    LVP: Yet again, the Staff of the Lost Sun Skink Chief. Did nothing but die again. I strongly recommend not taking him.

    My opponent's view: Gotta say that match went about as well as I thought it would, the moment I saw his list I knew it would be a major uphill struggle for me cause of my decision to take no knights. I am under no delusions so as to believe my list was actually competitive, but I liked the theme, a champion of each chaos god called together to march to war. I probably should have known he would make a list like this, my opponent never did like building lists designed to take the opponent head on. I mean hell, the stegadons didnt charge until turn 4 I think, and I should have probably made a list with that in mind even if I didnt know percisely what kind of list he was going to be bringing. My list was a bad match up, I made a hugely idiotic mistake in deployment putting vilitch on the far left, and for most of the match my luck was pretty damn lousy, though there were a few bright spots like the infernal gateway killing the EOTG stegadon, or those 3 chaos warriors at the end there hacking away at skinks in droves. In the end it was a fun game, and while I`d have liked my farewell game to 7th edition to have at least ended in a draw, rather then a massacre, I still had a good time, gotta say im looking forward to being able to restrain with frenzy, khorne chaos knights are gonna become a whole lot more fun hehe.

    So there you have it! The giant battle decided, with about 2000 VPs in my favour at the end. I believe I scored a little over 3000 in total, and my opponent, a little over 1000. The cagey game I played was too cagey for my tastes, but it was a fun game!

    My next battle report will be my first game with the new edition and it will definitely be finished quicker next time. So thanks to all my readers for keeping up with my relatively slow updates!

    Lord Xlcontiqu was impressed. The Skinks had returned with not one, but two plaques, much more than he had expected of them. He did not know that the little lizards had so much fight in them. And the Winds of Magic were changing, and they heralded era of battle. One in which these plaques would become even more necessary.
  8. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Sound battle. Long report.

    Sums it all up! And ofcourse, congrats.

    The Hunted
  9. the-graven

    the-graven New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata

    Well the skinks won, but he should have taken another list, the tea party was going to die, just standing there, so many points havin a tea party!! He also should have taken knights, then it would be more interesting, hard to kill fast killing machines who reach your lines in no-time :shifty:
  10. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata *Tournament Update*

    Hi all!

    I have had quite the absence, as summer has kept me busier than I first assumed. So as a welcome back, I am going to write my first tournament report! It is an online tournament using Lorenz (sorry to disappoint the fans that want real armies), and the rules can be found here: http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=77393

    I have entered as Lizardmen and I figure it will be a good way to try them out for 8th ed. I will be posting my list shortly, so feel free to comment!

    And I would just like to thank all my readers at this time, I hope to have some games up sometime soon!
  11. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata *Tournament Update*

    The list I will be using for the online tournament is as follows:

    1 Slann Mage-Priest
    Higher State of Consciousness
    Lore of Ligh

    1 Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Light armour, shield
    Gold Sigil Sword

    1 Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Light armour, shield
    Sword of the Hornet

    20 Saurus Warriors
    Full Command

    20 Saurus Warriors
    Full Command

    29 Skinks
    Full Command
    3 Kroxigor

    14 Skinks

    14 Skinks

    10 Skink Skirmishers

    10 Skink Skirmisher

    6 Chameleon Skinks

    6 Chameleon Skinks

    4 Terradons

    3 Terradons

    1 Stegadon

    1 Salamander Hunting Pack

    1 Salamander Hunting Pack

    Comments are very welcome!
  12. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata *Tournament Update*

    No +dice, loremaster, or becalming on the slann? The +dice skill is vital. Adding the MR2 item to the slann may also be a good idea, depending on how the LOS rules work. I'm also not convinced by the worth of scar veterans in this edition - consider whether their points would be better spent elsewhere. Standard of discipline would be worth it on the slann for +1LD.

    A cool and interesting list. I personally would swap many of those skrox for saurus, since I find them better and believe they benefit more from light. Even with WS10 I10 ASF +1A skinks aren't going to kill anything, and krox are limited. Skrox are your choice though, I'm sure they could work. Lastly, make sure you know how ASF + GW (ASL) interact - read up that section of the rule book. So many people get that wrong.
  13. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata *Tournament Update*

    Xlontiqu, Do I even need to mention that I will be following this thread?

    Ok: I will.

    Good luck and have fun!

    The Hunted
  14. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata *Tournament Update*

    Lord Xlcontiqu rallied his troops. It was time for some good old fashioned face smacking. Shards were no longer a concern, and he was glad he could go and just crush other puny races for fun this time. First up, those girly elves. He had always hated how they had shown up the great Slann in the original wars. Time to exact some revenge.

    So, the first game of my tournament (and possibly my last) began toady (get it) and saw me facing off against a lovely High Elf list, commanded by Baeronvonbleat. Here is the list:

    BaronVonBleat - High Elves

    Archmage - Lvl 4, Gear, Lore Death, jealousy

    Mage - Lvl2, Gear, Lore Shadows, no respect for his comrades
    BSB - Barded Horse, Gear, Lance, cockiness

    (30) Spearmen - Standard, comicbooks
    (25) Seaguard - Champ, Standard, rubber bows

    (10) SM of Hoeth - Champ, Mus, extra sets of tap shoes and an accompanying DJ
    (10) WL of Chrace - Champ, Mus, laziness
    (1) Lion Chariot of Chrace, a shiny bauble
    (13) Phoenix Guard - Champ, Standard, Banner, Gear
    (5) Reavers - Bows, Musc, uncanny arim
    (5) Dragon Princes, cold feet

    (1) RBT, rubber arrows again
    (2) Great Eagles, no sense of direction

    Rolling for spells, I got Speed of Light, Light of Battle, Net of Unpronounceability, and Banishment.

    His Archmage got, something, something, something, Purple Sun and his level two mage got Miasma and Pendulum.

    We rolled Battleline for the scenario and I got straight down to business deploying my skink skirmishers first. Unfortunately he had just as much chaff as me and only finished his deployment one turn before me.

    Deployment, after Vanguard moves

    Before we rolled for first turn, my Chameleon Skinks discovered that they had landed in a blood forest, and instantly searched around for the nearest exit, knowing the important role that magic would play in the coming battle. Well, with Lord Xlcontiqu steamed at the Archmage, they knew some nasty spells were going to be exchange. We then rolled off for first turn and like always, I lost, rolling a 1 to his 7. So he lept into movement and the dancing began. Everything he had kind of pranced forward, intent of impressing the Lizardmen with their beautiful tap dancing. Not to be outdone, the Saurus decided to break into their own impressive ballet number, but seeing his troops losing in the dance competition the Archmage decided to cheat. A inferno leapt from the nether plane and sucked up a terradon, thirteen ballet dancers and the lead dancer, Xantec the Scar-Veteran. Meanwhile, the Blood Forest was getting just what it wanted, with a Miasma killing two skinks and reducing their BS to 1. The forest was angered by this and moved even closer to the elven lines. A Pendulum claimed another Chameleon Skink and the forest flew into a rage, wiping out three more, tearing off the eagle's wings, and claiming a White Lion life. The BSB revealed his Reaver bow and killed a Salamander with it, with a little help from the Seaguard. The bolt thrower killed a Chameleon and the Reavers decided that they had nothing better to do then shoot some Terradons in a forest. Which they did. And they killed on. And the Terradons fled... And the other Terradons decided that another vortex was not for them and turned tail also.

    End of High Elf Turn 1

    The Stegadon was not having, "let's see who charges first game" and rushed forward, only to see a shiny bauble get tossed from the chariot. Instantly distracted, the beast stopped in its tracks and stared. (I failed the charge by one inch. :shifty: ) The rest of the Lizardmen line rushed forward, complete with the dancing acts of their opponents (except the large unit of Terradons, who fled off the board). The Slann unleashed his full fury and blinded the High Elves with a stunning display of grace and poise, inspiring his nearby comrades to improve their dance styles to match his. The blood forest went hungry this turn with a banishment failing to cast. The skinks opened fire and managed to take out both the bolt thrower and an eagle. The Lizardmen rested their feet, content that no new vortexes would come and eat them any time soon.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 1

    Turn two features the bravery of a lone Chameleon, the ineffectiveness of elven archery, and the bumblings of a pompus mage.
  15. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata *Tournament Update*

    The High Elf Chariot rumbled forward and connected with the High Elf line advanced cautiously, fearing the power of the cold blooded Lizardmen. The BSB decided to ditch his unit, his cockiness getting the better of him. The Winds of Magic blew fair, providing the archmage with his maximum power. Unfortunately, he could not get any additional power from a magical banner the Phoneix Guard were toting or from the arcane items the Archmage carried himself. A withering hex flew from the hands of the Archmage, cursing the Stegadon to be weaker. All other magic did not cast or was dispelled, with the mighty Slann dispelling the powerful Purple Sun. In shooting, the Seaguard (with the help of a cocky noble) took down a lone Salamander and other than that being largely ineffective. The Lion Chariot crashed into the Stegadon, bringing the beast down to its last wound, with the hex and the axes exacting a heavy toll on the Stegadon. The stubborn beast fought back, taking two of the chariot's wounds and staying in combat, despite its heavy wounds.

    End of High Elf Turn 2

    The Lizardmen roared out their advance, the Skinks and Kroxigor coming to aid their mighty friend. The rest of the lizards moved up and the Slann gathered his energies to begin casting again. The Slann danced again, and to the chagrin of the High Elves, the Lizardmen around him, became renewed with speed and agility. The Slann let forth a huge burst of magical energy, which caused the forest to go into a feeding frenzy, claiming the life of four Seaguard. The chameleon skinks tested their blowpipes, taking out some spearmen, while the lonely last Chameleon brought down the final eagle. Their less talented brethren failed terribly and did not mange to kill anything. The Salamander made up for their failure, by roasting some more spearmen, though they held strong, even will flames devouring many of their members. The axes of the White Lions felled the mighty Stegadon, though the Kroxigor replied in kind and wiped out the chariot.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 2

    The High Elves roar into actions, with the BSB charging the skirmishing skinks, the Dragon Princes charing the other group, the Swordmasters charging the ranked skinks on the left, the Ellyrian Reavers charging the Terradons, and the spearmen charging the skinks in front off them. The Swordmasters fail to connect and take a wound from the stand and shoot, the Reavers run down the Terradons, and all of the rest of the charges connect with minimal losses from stand and shoots. The few High Elf units unengaged advanced, with the exception of the Seaguard. Another fair winds of magic sees a fair number of power dice for the elves. The level two casts a Miasma that lowers the Skrox unit's weaponskill by one. The mages switch places and the Archmage rips off another Purple Sun, one which the mighty Slann cannot stop. It flies across the the flank of the right Skrox units and take out all the Kroxigor and a number of skinks. It also claims the life of the BSB, who cockiness ends when he fails a Initiative test on a six. The Archmage continues and puts a Soulblight on the Saurus, followed by wounding the Slann twice through a caress (a deadly one mind you) and finally, a wound gets put on the last Kroxigor through a Pendulum. However, the loss of the BSB is a terrible tragedy occurs. The White Lions panic and flee! Shooting is very minimal, succeeding in only putting two wounds on the lone Salamander. The combats all go the way of the High Elves, with the large Skink unit run down, and the engaged units of Skirmishers destroyed, despite the amazing dancing display of the Skinks.

    End of High Elf Turn 3

    The Lizardmen started their normal dancing, refusing to commit to any of the fights. All the skinks moved into firing position, except for one unit. The unit of Skirmishers who had been saved, due to the untimely death of the BSB. They saw the pompous Archmage prancing away and decided to chase him. The god Sotek must have been blessing them because they flew into a murderous rage and killed the Archmage and his retinue where they stood, ending the magical threat for the Slann. (They rolled a double six for their charge distance, the only possible roll to run down the White Lions.) With the end of the magical threat, Lord Xlcontiqu decided to take a rest, thinking that the Saurus would be fine without his magical assistance. He slipped into a meditative trance and decided that he did not need to lend his support this turn. That, and the remaining mage was really, really good at dispelling. The Lizardmen shooting roared into full gear doing a grand total of five casualties. Combat went better, with the resolute Saurus shrugging off the Dragon Princes' attack and even causing a casualty in return.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 3

    Stay tuned for scenes from the next Survivor: Ulthuan where Phoenix Guard refuse to break, ranked skinks prove their worth, and Lord Xlcontiqu makes the forest itself dance.
  16. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata *Tournament Update*

    Looking OK so far, You have magical dominance. But to me it seems that the ladies (read: HE) have better board position.

    And I'll skip the commercials, give me the next episode! ;)

    The Hunted
  17. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata *Tournament Update*

    I think that the ladies do have a better board position at this point, but without any magic help, he could be in for some trouble.

    And without further ado, the conclusion of Survivor: Ulthuan.

    The Phoneix Guard charge in to assist the Dragon Princes, whose pitiful strength helps them little in a sustained combat. The Swordmasters decide that if you cannot see something it is not a threat, so they decide to turn around to keep away from the cold-blooded gazes of the Skinks. The Ellyrian Reavers take a long charge and eat some Skink Skirmishers landing right in the Blood Forest. In other news, the Spearmen turn around, and the Seaguard decide that a ravenous forest seems safer than dealing with five Chameleons Skinks. Magic does very little, with Miasma being dispelled and the Pendulum being ruled that it could not be cast while in close combat. Shooting takes out the Salamander, then all eyes turn to the large combat in the middle. The Phoneix Guard champion challenges, and the Saurus champion accepts, being cut down by the ASF elf. The Dragon Princes fail to kill a thing and the Scar-Veteran takes down too with his ASF sword. The Phoneix Guard account for three Saurus, but the Saurus reply killing the mage and two Phoneix Guard. The Elves both hold, barely, but their numbers are wearing thin.

    End of High Elf Turn 4

    The depleted Saurus, brave even when the elves outnumber them, charge into to help their brethern, and the Skrox unit advances, intent on taking down some pansy Swordmasters with their Javelins. The lone Chameleon Skink moves out of the hungry forest, and the other unit of Chameleons skirt to the side of the Spearmen. The Last unit of ranked Skinks turn around, following the Swordmaster's actions and getting the heck out of there. The Slann fires up the Winds of Magic and is blessed with a large amount of power die. To show his happiness he breaks out into some hip hop, a number that the High Elves fail completely to stop. After taking a bow, he fires off a bolt of Banishment, which leaves a smoldering crater where the Reavers used to be. The forest comes alive and eats three Seaguard and then makes a large move across the board, to become a threat no longer. Shooting brings down two Spearmen and three Swordmasters, with the Skink's shooting prowess shining through. In the center combat, the solar-powered Lizardmen prove to be a match to the pressed High Elves and with some crazy dance moves, they manage to kill off the Dragon Princes and three more Phoneix Guard with a loss of only one Saurus in return. The Phoneix Gaurd, outfought and flanked are ready to flee until this happens:

    Not all elves are pansies I guess...

    And so the stalwart Phoneix Guard stay, and live to fight another day! (I know, terrible rhyme...)

    End of Lizardmen Turn 4

    The rest of the game was pretty much mopping up. The Phoneix Guard broke, but managed to keep on the board and alive, despite the hardest effort of the Slann. The Swordmaster died to shooting and the Seaguard eventually panicked, but survived to some more Skink shooting. Finally, the Chameleons led the Spearmen on a merry chase for the rest of the game and the lone Chameleon survived to tell the great tale.

    End of Game

    This was one of the best games I have had in eighth edition so far, and my opponent was great, even when the dice turned against him a little in the end. It really was a close game, even up to the end with the final result being 1716 points for Lizardmen to the High Elves' 1209.

    MVP: I think it has to go to the Slann. Even without being fully tooled up, he still got the necessary spells off and kept the Saurus solar-powered.

    LVP: Has to be the four Terradons. Panicking off the board on my first turn was terrible and really threw a dent in my plans and caused my left flank to be severely weakened.

    All in all, a great game and a great opponent, so I move on to the next round, which is so full of tricksy dealings with the Orcs and Goblins.

    Lord Xlcontiqu looked over the battle and watching the last of the elves flee back into the forest. It was a victory, but he would have to be more careful in the future. That vortex that swallowed his loyal followers was dangerous. He looked forward to enacting revenge for his fallen warriors on the next army that graced the field, and from the Winds of Magic, he could tell that it would be greenskins. He fell into his contemplative mode, to heal his wounds, and prepare his mind for the coming battle.
  18. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata *Tournament Update*

    And you, my friend, are getting weak! ;)

    Great job at getting rid of the pointy-ears. And indeed, it sounds like a great battle.

    The Hunted
  19. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata *Tournament Update*

    Lord Xlcontiqu look out upon the veritable sea of green across from him. This battle would be a bloody one, he thought, a sinking feeling in his stomach. Calling out to his cold-blooded warriors, he rallied his forces, intent on giving the greenskins the fight of their lives.

    So, the second battle of the tournament and I was taking on a large Orcs and Goblins force. The general was the always capable Mercules, and I was prepared for quite the fight.

    Mercules - Orcs and Goblins

    -Goblin Warboss, Gear, a desire to stay out of the fight
    -Savage Orc Big Boss, BSB, GW, a bad sense of direction
    -Orc Great Shaman, lvl4, Gear, a couple too many Mad Cap Mushrooms

    -48 Night Goblins, Shields, Netters, Musician, Standard, the same amount of courage as the Warboss
    -50 Night Goblins, Shields, Netters, Musician, Standard, a love of rivers
    -50 Night Goblins, Shields, Netters, Musician, Standard, a plan (which is more than the other goblins have)
    -18 Savage Orc Boyz, Full Command, also a love of rivers
    -18 Savage Orc Boyz, Full Command, another river lover?
    -12 Savage Orc Big 'Uns, Extra Choppa, Standard, Musician, lack of weapons and intelligence
    -5 Spider Riders, lack of fighting skills
    -5 Spider Riders, bravery

    -6 Squig Herds (18 squigs/12 herders), a magnet for skink shooting
    -6 Squig Herds (18 squigs/12 herders), extremely ravenous squigs
    -Orc Boar Chariot, vulnerability to poison
    -Orc Boar Chariot, figure skates

    -2 Pump Wagons, more skill at fighting than the rest of the army
    -Giant- a bonnet and a soother

    We rolled up Battleline (again) to the relief of the Lizardmen. (I just really like playing battleline).

    The Slann got Shem's Burning Gaze, Speed of Light, Banishment, and Birona's Timewarp.
    The Orc Shaman got Bash 'Em Ladz, Fists of Gork, Gork's Warpath, and Waaagh.


    Going into the game, I figured that I could win by castling up in a corner and forcing most of his army to come to me. So I pulled a Refused Flank maneuver. And it worked. Even though my blocks were not going to be stubborn in the forest, he would have a lot of trouble coming over and getting me. I knew I needed to get rid of the squig blocks, because they were the only infantry unit I was really that scared of. (And for good reason it turn out.) The Terradons and Chameleons were thrown out to be diverters and harassers, with not too many targets for either of them.

    Featured in chapter one, the power of the Waaagh, the love of water, and a slightly disgruntled Lord Xlcontiqu.
  20. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Re: The Defense of Konquata *Tournament Update*

    Part 1: How many "a"s in Waaaagh!?

    The Orcs and Goblins won the roll-off for first turn and his line surged forward, with the exception of a Squig Herd, who decided bickering was a better choice that moving. The Chariot charged the Chameleons, who fled, and the greenskin mage began gathering power. A Bash 'Em Ladz and a Gork's Warpath were both dispelled, but as a saving grace the Shaman cast an Irresistible Force Waaagh!. The greenskins surged foward even further, with most of them in charge range for next turn! A unit of Spider Riders crashed into some chameleons who were too startled to do anything, but stare. Luckily, the dazzled Shaman forgot just how many "a"s were in Waaagh! and promptly forgot the spells. With a lack of shooting and the stubborn Chameleons holding out in the forest, the Lizardmen prepared to confront the shockingly close greenskins. However, Mother Nature was not done with the greenskins yet, and her boiling flood claimed three Savage Orcs and twenty-two Night Goblins!

    End of Orcs and Goblins Turn 1

    The Lizardmen moved forward with the Terradons flying over the Spider Riders and the Squig Herd. The Spiders Riders where wiped out the man and the other three Terradons managed to claim the lives of some Squigs. The skinks moved up to firing positions and the right Salamander and Stegadon retreated a little. The Slann cast a Timewarp on the large Skrox unit and the promptly failed to cast a large Speed of Light ending the magic phase. The Lizardmen shooting made up for the lackluster magic phase by taking seven wounds of the Night Goblins in the lake (who panicked) and claiming the lives of a couple more Squigs and a handler. The Stegadon giant bow surprising managed to put two wounds on the Boar Chariot and the right Salamander managed to flame off eleven Night Goblins (who unfortunately passed their panic). Finally, the left Salamander decided it was a little hungry and munched its way through all the handlers. In the midst of all this shooting, the Spider Rider and Chameleon fight was still going on, with neither side gaining an upper hand. Mother Nature came to play yet again, halving the Night Goblin unit and inflicting even more casualties on the orcs.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 1

    The greenskins moved forward again, with only the BSB's unit of Savage Orcs failing animosity. One of the Squig Herds turned to face the Terradons and the other Squig Herd moved forward, fearing the solar-powered Skrox unit too much to charge. The Chariot failed a charge against the Stegadon and took a wound to the stand and shoot. The Night Goblins caught the fleeing Chameleons and the fleeing Night Goblins kept up their rapid pace. Magic was uneventful, with everything being dispelled by the mighty Slann. The greenskins still had no apparent shooting, and yet again the Spider Riders could not manage to take down the last couple Chameleons.

    End of Orcs and Goblins Turn 2

    The Lizardmen went on the offensive and the Skink Skirmishers charged in to help the beleaguered Chameleons. I would love to tell the tales about all the other valiant charges, but, well, there just were not any. The Lizardmen assumed more defensive positions. All the Skinks and Salamander took up firing positions and the Terradons got a little more cocky than usual, blatantly staring at units that could charge them. The Slann decided to make up for his failures last turn by casting an Irresistible Force powered-up Birona's Timewarp, taking a would from the S6 hit accompanying it. It was a small price to pay to regain the confidence of his subjects. Skink shooting again, proved its worth yet again, by killing off a couple orcs and some goblins, and putting a wound on the Giant and a Pump Wagon. The solar-powered skinks managed to finally kill some Spider Riders, but the last Chameleon was wiped out by their return attacks.

    End of Lizardmen Turn 2

    The Orc General called a Waaagh! and most of the orcs left forward, with only that rowdy Savage Orc unit failing again. The Chariot charged the Stegadon, surviving the stand and shoot, a Pump Wagon charged the large Skrox unit, the other ran down the Terradons, the Giant charged the Salamander, the Night Goblins charged off the Terradons, the General's orcs charged the skirmishers who fled, and last, but definitely not least, the Squig Herd charged the Slann. With almost everything charging or in combat, the Orc Shaman finally managed to get Gork's Warpath off, putting two wounds on the small Skrox unit. That obviously took too much effort (wounding Kroxigors is tough work) so Gork decided to wander off. In combat, the Pump Wagon killed three Skinks, and was broken and run down, the Skrox pursuing into the Savage Orcs. The forest Skirmishers finally killed off all the Spider Riders and the Stegadon killed the chariot after taking three wounds of his own. In the Giant combat, the Salamander managed to put a wound on the Giant, and the Giant only yelled and bawled (baby) in return. With the Salamander passing a shaky LD4 test, all eyes turned to the Slann. To make a long story short, the Slann failed his re-rollable LD6 cold-blooded test and died, with the Squigs overrunning two inches. Whoops!

    End of Orcs and Goblins Turn 3

    In the final installment, can the Lizardmen survive with the loss of their brave leader? Stay tuned and all will be revealed!

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