New to Dinos and new to WFB

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Anti_Formalist, Jun 6, 2022.

  1. Anti_Formalist
    Jungle Swarm

    Anti_Formalist New Member

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    Hi All,

    wanted to introduce myself. I'm a recent miniature game player, only started painting and playing in 2020. But I got bit by the bug hard. Since starting, I've got multiple armies for multiple games. Historical, fantasy, sci-fi, rank and flank, skirmish, you name it I've played it. I've been assembling a Lizardmen army for a bit now, which makes it the 4th army I've put together for Fantasy Battle. In addition to the Lizardmen, I've got Skaven, Druchii, and Nurgle Daemons. I'm also in the early stages of plotting out a TK army.

    A group of friends and I play 6th edition whenever we can. One friend plays Dawi, and I haven't played against him yet. Another plays Chaos and Vampire Counts. The VC are pretty tough for my Skaven to deal with. The quality of my infantry, combined with his advantage in magic, make it a difficult matchup. Also doesn't help that a lot of the really good Skaven stuff, like the Jezzails, don't really have a target because the Vampire Counts don't field anything valuable enough to shoot at.

    I'm anticipating the Lizardmen doing better against the Vampire Counts. First, the quality of the infantry is markedly higher. Temple Guard and Saurus Warriors will probably do a bit more damage to zombies and skeletons than your average clanrat. Lizardmen also got a vastly superior magic pool to draw on. That's at least what I think, and like I said I'm not that experienced. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I'm not a huge expert on 6th (I got into the game in 7th), but I've been looking at PDFs of the 6th Edition books recently and am happy to still contribute tips and tricks.

    You're right in that Saurus will be much more of a threat to a Vampire player than Clanrats. Indeed taking a Saurus-heavy army will do a lot of the work for you, as suddenly your Vampire enemy is on the back foot because he knows you can stomp most units he has in melee if the odds are even (especially as Blood Knights didn't turn up until 7th). Better yet, Vampire Counts have never had much in the way of non-magical shooting, so as long as you have a higher-generation Slann and a Skink Priest or two, you'll be able to put a lid on his Magic Phase and ensure your Saurus get to the combat largely unscathed.

    How big an army do you intend to field? Because that will certainly have an effect on what you can bring.

    Definitely take a Slann as your General - a higher-generation Slann in particular will do a lot to counter what he brings on the magic side, but will cost a lot more points, so if you're playing a smaller game, a lower-generation Slann might be the better option. I suppose you could consider me biased when it comes to Saurus, but an Oldblood on foot or Cold One, tooled up with Magic Items, will bring some real oomph to a unit and can potentially be used to take Vampires and Vampire Thralls out of the game.

    In your Heroes slots one or two Skink Priests will be valuable assistance to your magic and anti-magic capabilities, plus a Scar-Veteran mounted on a Carnosaur (if that's possible in 6th), can be used to surge up the board and fight any monsters he has.

    Deck out your Core slots with good-sized Saurus units - don't bother with Skinks of any kind here because they will not do much damage (and anything they do inflict will be healed) and will quickly run if anything charges them. More aggressive Sacred Spawnings are a must. In Special, a unit of Saurus Cavalry can provide mobility and hit the flanks hard just as your infantry engage in the front - you need to maximise casualties on the enemy to stop him resurrecting his full quantity of troops, so you need to hit him with everything you have. A Stegadon or two would also be nice additions as their Bolt Throwers will kill Skeletons and Zombies easily and both these units are little threat to them in combat. You'll also need a sizeable unit of Temple Guard to protect your Slann and form another deadly melee threat to your foe.

    In Rare Salamanders can be very dangerous to horde enemies, of which Vampire Counts are one, so a pack or two of these will give you some additional firepower that can't be dispelled, though make sure to keep them away from the fighting.

    Hope that helps :)
  4. Anti_Formalist
    Jungle Swarm

    Anti_Formalist New Member

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    Thanks for the advice. We generally only play 2000 point games. My intention was the bring 20 Temple Guard, 20 Saurus Warriors, and certainly some kroxigors as well.
  5. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Welcome along!

    Great to see you have found an active player base.
    Have fun and good luck in hobbying

    Grrr, Imrahil
  6. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Welcome to Jurassic Park!

    This is awesome. As I'm sure the other resident Tomb Kings will agree. (Right @Killer Angel @NIGHTBRINGER ?)

    Do you play 8th?
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Welcome to Lustria!
    Old Lustria, in your case. ;)

    i like the cut of your jib :)
  8. Anti_Formalist
    Jungle Swarm

    Anti_Formalist New Member

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    I've never played 8th, but my friends group has discussed potentially playing 8th at some point.
  9. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    BrotherSutek, Blastoize and Imrahil like this.
  10. BrotherSutek

    BrotherSutek Well-Known Member

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    Depending on the edition is how good my advise will be on Tomb Kings. As for Lizards the army in my experience functions best when you have a plan of how you want to win. If you want to dominate magic you can but you will need to invest the points. Lord Agragax gave some really good suggestions and there isn't much I can add to that.

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