8th Ed. 2400 Saurus Phalanx- infantry only!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by shattershell, Jun 1, 2022.

  1. shattershell

    shattershell Active Member

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    Hello all. I've recently enjoyed fielding my new Saurus-heavy army with some good success in battle. This is despite a quite unconventional build, with no Slann, no solo cold one mounted "cowboy" Saurus characters... And a Troglodon! That's the advantage of a non-competitive local community, I guess. You can take somewhat sub-optimal lists and still have a chance. A picture of this list is below:

    As much as I've enjoyed this list though, I'm interested in pushing it to the extreme, by dropping all support monsters and having ONLY Saurus and Skink infantry. This gives me more points to invest in heroic Oldbloods leading their regiments of Saurus, hacking and chopping through grinding infantry combats like Homeric Greek heroes!

    + 2400 Infantry-only Lizards +

    Oldblood- talisman of preservation, stegadon helm, other trickster's shard, great weapon, light armour.

    Oldblood- sword of bloodshed, armour of fortune, potion of speed, shield.

    Scar-Veteran- battle standard, armour of destiny, shield.

    Skink Priest- level 2 beasts, cube of darkness.
    Skink Priest- level 2 beasts, dispell scroll.

    Skink Chief- light armour, shield, javelin.

    Saurus x28- full command.
    Saurus x29- full command.

    Skink skirmishers x10.
    Skink skirmishers x10.
    Skink skirmishers x10.

    Temple Guard x30- full command, standard of discipline, shrieking blade.

    Chameleon Skinks x5.

    Total: 2399

    What do you all think? To be clear I'm not looking for "take a Slann lol" or anything else that fundamentally changes the vibe of the list. I'm just wondering, given my crazy preference for infantry-only lizards, are there any tweaks or combos I could add to enhance the performance of this?

    It's hilariously vulnerable to Purple Sun of Xereus, but oh well. If my opponent wants to be that kind of war criminal, they can go ahead!!
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Interesting. You'll be hard pressed against missile-troop/war machine heavy opponents like Dwarfs and Wood Elves.

    Not much to say if you don't want the obvious answers. I'd take a look at what magic your Skinks could take that could somewhat blunt the force of missile attacks. So I guess Heavens for both of them? And give both the signature spell so they can each somewhat nullify a war machine?
    Quinn and shattershell like this.
  3. shattershell

    shattershell Active Member

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    War machines will definitely be an issue, but I was hoping that without monsters, some war machines won't have particularly good high value targets to shoot with their multiple wound causing damage.

    I had actually planned both of my Skink Priests to be run with the Lore of Beasts. I'm particular enamoured with Wyssan's Wildform making my Saurian blocks totally brutal in combat! I also like that it gives me a decent chance of getting Amber Spear for some long range retaliation.

    However your point about Lore of Heavens helping nullify war machines is a good one. And it has decent ranged damage spells too. Something to consider.

    I was hoping my Chameleon Skinks might also help deal with war machines. But perhaps it's a bit much to ask of just five. Should I trim points from elsewhere to get another five?
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    War Machines and high strength missile troops will be a major weakness for you. Beasts will be a sub-par Lore to use. Just remember that you'll spend 3 or so turns getting close enough to get into combat. If your opponent is at least halfway good, he'll hang back realising that you don't pose much danger at a distance.

    Yes. 100% in my opinion.

    Even then you're going to get nobbled by missile fire, but between Lore of Heavens and Chamo Skinks you can mitigate some of it.
    shattershell likes this.
  5. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    It certainly looks impressive! I think your list will be very matchup dependent. Against something like full avoidance Dark Elves you would have 0% chance, but against something like Empire where our infantry is already superior this would be actually pretty good.

    I am just thinking this would not be something i want to test out as it seems pretty one-dimensional, but just trying it out for a few times sounds interesting at the least.
    shattershell likes this.
  6. shattershell

    shattershell Active Member

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    I agree, it will really depend on the matchup. Which I'm happy with, in my gaming group people are encouraged to not take super savage optimised lists.

    The army will probably do okay against enemies that also want to be in combat. A fairly similar list to the one I'm planning here did well against my friend's Warriors of Chaos-- they didn't really have an option except to engage my Saurus blocks. Then it was a matter of grinding it out with rival magic trying to tip the balance!!!
    airjamy and Lizards of Renown like this.
  7. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    I'm really glad you have a gaming group like this. Nowadays, in the VERY few games that I get to play, I only play with the friends who I know are interested in actually having fun while playing the game. Nothing kills the flavour of Warhammer for me than someone who is a anal-retentive power gamer.

    Ha! Nice.

    shattershell likes this.
  8. shattershell

    shattershell Active Member

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    Definitely! Got lots of nice pics. The Warriors of Chaos player is a good friend, and an astonishingly skilled and dedicated hobbyist who makes wonderful terrain. I'll try to post a full battle report soon. But here's a taste:
    Early battle, lizard phalanx begins its march.

    Saurus block with the general and BSB move into the hamlet along with the Temple Guard, using the buildings to guard their flanks.

    The two lines meet, with the main units engaged front-on. Grinding time!

    Heroic reptilian infantry . Will their discipline and resolve be enough to defeat such terrifying foes??

    Wait to find out!!
  9. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Love the fact everythings painted and the terrain looks great.
    shattershell and Bowser like this.
  10. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    I also love the look of it! The idea of a Saurus phalanx moving into combat is great as well!
  11. Quinn

    Quinn New Member

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    As always, a little late, but... *cracks knuckles* so magic-wise I'm surprised your taking two lv2's when there is a lv3- tehenhuanin in the special characters, but a guess it makes sense if you need that dispel scroll, then you have to take different lores, beasts and heavens. Drop some saurus warriors to take a banner on the temple guard, probably the banner of swiftness, and absolutely take chameleon skink, maybe even a small skink cohort to tank missile fire. As for tactics, if you plan to take this list again, I would wait until all units are in combat then use the troglodons roar to make your units absolute beasts! Use the skink to run far ahead and kill units shooting at you, if they get killed, well you saved 4pts with them dying rather than a saurus. If it's a gunline you are doomed.;)
  12. Quinn

    Quinn New Member

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    Have you done a battle report yet? If so could you post the link? BTW I love the list, saurus infantry is so fun, but I wouldn't do an only infantry list since we have only two different kinds of units.

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