8th Ed. tomb kings

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by ancient stegadon, Oct 16, 2010.

  1. ancient stegadon
    Cold One

    ancient stegadon New Member

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    ok so there is a guy at our local game club and no one can ever defeat him he is using,

    6 usaties (or how ever you spell it).
    60 archers so he has core units.
    2 screaming skull catapults
    and a hell of magers that bring all his archers and usaties back when they die.

    his tactics he places his cascet of souls and 2 catapults on a hill so they can overview the battlefield then he places his 60 archers (one group of 20 and one of 40) in frond of the catapults and places his usaties on the left or right to protect ihs flank. he just camps and shoots everything dead before i am at him,

    do any of you have an idea how to deal with this?
    it may not sound very strong but beleave me it realy is strong.

    it is a 2000 point game and sorry for bad english i'm from holland ;P
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    With tomb kings, it is all about the Heirophant. Kill that guy and his army will crumble. With that in mind, you could take lore of light on a slann (extra damage to the undead). You could also use Life (rez your own models or use the lurker spell on his units-this may even work on the casket of souls). Another good thing to do would be to give a skink priest the force scroll (IR on doubles) and roll 6 dice at the higher comet of cassendora. Place that token in the middle of his force and wait for the explosion.
  3. Larinus
    Chameleon Skink

    Larinus New Member

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    You could also take a Slann with Lore of Death, and use the character sniping spells to get at his characters. I know, if he is using lots of mages, then he will have quite a good chance of dispelling stuff, however, just keep trying and soon one or two spells will get through his defenses.
  4. ancient stegadon
    Cold One

    ancient stegadon New Member

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    thanks, i also red at an other topic 5 mins ago that camelion skinks could be usefull =)

    anyway thanks again in 5 days i will fight him again lets se what happends ;P
  5. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Definately target his Heirophant with magic and missle weapons. Once you kill him his army will start falling apart in droves. This also seems remenicient of another guy who had problems with a High Elf player who would always put a hill on his side of the board. This, of course, is cheating and unsportman in the extream.

    There is a chart in the book that randomly sets up terrain for you. You don't have to use the list in the book if you don't want to but if these hills are being a problem I'd suggest it. Also once terrain has been set up I'd roll off to see who get's what side (high dice roller chooses sides).
  6. the-graven

    the-graven New Member

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    If I'm right their I sucks, take a slann with Lore of Death for Purple Sun, that will teach him that cheeze will be handled with cheeze, I don't like to use those kill all win all things, but this deserves it. If you want you can give the slann power scroll to make sure its cast and either Carpet or Jaguar Charm, to come on the side and let the sun roll over him.
  7. ancient stegadon
    Cold One

    ancient stegadon New Member

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    If I'm right their I sucks, take a slann with Lore of Death for Purple Sun, that will teach him that cheeze will be handled with cheeze, I don't like to use those kill all win all things, but this deserves it. If you want you can give the slann power scroll to make sure its cast and either Carpet or Jaguar Charm, to come on the side and let the sun roll over him.

    i wanted to try dwllers below from the lore of life because he puts 3 of his priests in his archer units......
  8. Gojira
    Cold One

    Gojira New Member

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    I wouldn't exactly call Tomb Kings cheese. They have the oldest book in the game, and are really showing it in 8th. They get their spells off sure, but it's nothing compared to BRB lores. It's a real shame as they are my 3rd choice after beasts and lizards.

    If he brings the casket, chameleon it to death. If he's hiding it behind stuff, then use TLOS to your advantage as you have to be able to see it take the wounds. You can't stick it on a hill and make everyone test against it anymore. If he's silly enough to put the casket on his hierophant then it should be an easy win. Lizards have a lot of tools at their disposal.
  9. Chahlie
    Cold One

    Chahlie New Member

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    I would like to point out that Saurus with hand weapons and shields can slap the snot out skeleton warriors, and are tough enough to weather the bow-fire. Even Ushabti can't stand up to a large Saurus block for that long.
  10. ancient stegadon
    Cold One

    ancient stegadon New Member

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    bick blogs will get toost because of his skull catapults they can trow much times becofre saurus warriors are at him with movement 4 ;P

    nice you guys are thinking with me anyway =)
  11. Chahlie
    Cold One

    Chahlie New Member

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    If catapults are a problem, just use some chameleons. (Undead are not immune to poison)
  12. ancient stegadon
    Cold One

    ancient stegadon New Member

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    the war will start over 32 hours i will post how it did go afther that here ;P
  13. ancient stegadon
    Cold One

    ancient stegadon New Member

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    i lost XD, i played 3X against him now 1st time he had 2000 points i had 0.
    2nd he had 1500 points i had 330.
    this time he had 602 points i had 420.
    this is just to show that i am making progres ;P.

    just came back from my battle i think i'm gona sleep now don't know what time it is at the rest of the world but its time here, maby i will discribe the battle later.
  14. Grey Mage

    Grey Mage New Member

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    I know most people use their Engine of the Gods for the reduced casting values, but frankly when the enemy is backing catapults I find its far more useful to take the 5++. That it also helps take the sting out of those archers doesnt hurt either.

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