he bashes the sh... out of ever khorn demon Edit: now that I wrote it... why not use him as an old blood. Add a shield and a spear. Slann leading from the front line
At least a core team done But I came to the conclusion that I will not make them comic style. I'm to afraid of messing them up, because I really like the way they turned out. And instead of a TMNT city base I will properly going for a swamp again. Just because it suits them better. Still 4 linefrogs, a coach and a Apo to go. And of course the bases. Edit: Here is the inspiration for it
Great looking blood bowl team! I like the inspiration too. Out of the bunch I think the "Frogixor" is my favorite, fantastic looking model
Thanks @Warden and @JTSleep ! Does anyone have a pic of the lustria letters and numbers ? I want to write them under the minis. I have seen them in some codex but I don't know where anymore Edit: But what about 6 to 9?
Not sure how they would be noted in glyphs. We have seen glyphs on the Astrolith Bearer noting 40000 in some form of 4 x 10000. Maybe 6 to 9 would also be a sum of some kind. Or Lizardmen count like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 25... Grrr, Imrahil
That is a fine possibility as well, so 9 would be 1 10 Although it seems odd to have a 25 in there... Grrr, Imrahil
Added the Numbers on the players. For early no. But longer no. Are a bit problematical. For identification reason I will add a label under the base