Got the trees and vines to a point I'm happy with, and basecoated the leaves. I think when I'm done the leaves I'll matte everything down and then do the serpents on top as well as the face on the front. I'm thinking a blue stone for them, but we'll see
More progress! Finished up the leaves, I'll probably add some darker shadows to separate them from the palanquin/ring stones though. I got a lot of work done on the Serpent face and banner as well, kind of went with a turquoise stone. I think I'm going to add some dark orange into the cracks like you often seen in turquoise. I'll post again later this week with an update.
I feel finished with the turquoise snake statues for now! I like how the orange cracks turned out, I was nervous to try it but I'm glad I did. I think the next thing I'm going to do is basecoat all the remaining sections so it starts coming together, I want to see what it looks like with no primer showing.
Here's some WIPs from the last couple days and where I'm at currently. I think I'm ready to move on from the snakes. I used stippling to highlight to create scale texture. The eyes were... an adventure, I repainted them several times before getting to a spot I'm ok with. I'm feeling the tusks next, I'll prob post over the weekend with an update!
Man the tusks on this thing were painful. Normally I'm decent at painting tusks/horns like this but these were a challenge. I think a combination of the awkward angles and everything else on the model being in the way made these the hardest part of the model yet. After several attempts and pushing through it I got them to a spot I'm OK with. The only things left are the trinkets on the palanquin and the feathers before I attempt NMM gold for the first time ever
Status update. I finished the stone tablets and slann statue on the palanquin, the leaves wrapping the tablets, and the turquoise beads on the necklace. I got a lot of work done on the stone pillars on the base, they'll have some additional weathering when I actually do the base, and I also painted the dirt mounds brown to get rid of the remaining primer and start bringing it all together. I started working on the feathers on top of the snake statues. I'll probably finish them over the weekend and then start on the NMM gold
I'm off work this week so getting in some more painting than usual! Here's an update, the circle inside the serpent banner is the most complete.