AoS Filthy Thunder lizard list for filthy Tournament players

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Theo, Aug 2, 2022.

  1. Theo

    Theo Member

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    Hey wassup guys. Long time no see on my part as I haven't been much to Lustria lately, kinda missed you guys!

    I thought I'd share my Thunder lizard list that I managed to snag my first 5-0 with last weekend with you guys.

    *Obviously don't run this if you are just going for a casual game with your mates, but if you are going to a 2-day event I'd say give it a shot. It has everything a filthy lizard player needs, like:
    - A flying dinosaur with horns
    - +3 to cast with rerolls on your slann
    - 25" range for a chance to win 1/6 of your games with Astro+Purple sun
    - Rend 2 bastiladons
    - 2 chances on your 3+ so your flying dinosaur can become a rocket ship
    - And of cource some cute Skinks for taking objectives.

    Allegiance: Seraphon
    - Constellation: Thunder Lizard
    - Grand Strategy:
    - Triumphs: Inspired

    Slann Starmaster (265)**
    - Artefact: Itxi Grubs
    - Spell: Stellar Tempest
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (140)**
    Skink Priest (90)*
    - Universal Prayer Scripture: Heal
    Skink Priest (90)*
    - Universal Prayer Scripture: Guidance
    Engine of the Gods (265)*
    - Artefact: Fusil of Conflaguration
    - Universal Prayer Scripture: Curse
    Stegadon with Skink Chief (305)**
    - General
    - Command Trait: Prime Warbeast
    - Artefact: Cloak of Feathers
    - Weapon: Skystreak Bow
    - Mount Trait: Beastmaster

    5 x Saurus Guard (115)*
    10 x Skinks (75)***
    - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (75)***
    - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers

    Bastiladon with Solar Engine (250)
    Bastiladon with Solar Engine (250)

    Endless Spells & Invocations
    Purple Sun of Shyish (70)

    Core Battalions
    **Command Entourage - Magnificent
    ***Expert Conquerors

    Additional Enhancements

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 93
    Drops: 11
  2. Tombomb7
    Cold One

    Tombomb7 Well-Known Member

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    Thank you very much for sharing your list! Congratulations on your 5-0, that's pretty amazing!! I'll be heading to a 2 dayer in the next month and wondering what to run with TL being my favourite.
    How do you find the Skink Chief on Steg?! I am always worried his big damage attacks won't do enough and his wounds are just 12 so alsonckncerned about his survivability
    Did you find the AB range was worth it? Or could you swap for a Starpriest and cast through him via the Slann instead?
    Do you also mind me asking what types of battle tactics did you go for? I've looked and some seems OK but always good to ask!...
    Theo likes this.
  3. Theo

    Theo Member

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    Thanks a lot, the list did great, managed to table pretty much all my opponents by round 3. Toughest opponent was for sure the Skaven I faced game 5, he was running Thanquil, Verminlord Deciever and warpgnaw, along with a cannon and jezzails. So he had tons of ranged output coupled with so much deepstriking, really impressive list and of course great player!

    I absolutely loved the Astro bearer, him along with Slann were probably the MVP's of the list actually. Being able to get key spells off along with threatening such a huge range with the sun and stellar tempest was great. There was a lot of focus on spellcasting at this event, just in my five games I managed to run into, Teclis, Thanquil, another Slann and also an Eidolon with full rerolls. So investing in the astro along with Itxi grubs made me really dominate that Spell phase.

    Skink Chad is pretty much always my go to in all Thunder lizard lists, not only because I think he's a chad but also because when you pick him up along with 2 skink priests, you have triple artefact fairly easily available. You can rocket him across the entire map if you give him run/shoot/charge along with auto 6" run. And you can stack a bunch of abilities on him to make him take out that one key piece in melee.

    As far as battle tactics go I tried to make a prio list of which ones to use during the match.

    - Against the odds is of course always your first battle tactic.

    - For the 2nd one I always aim for desecrate their lands if I have it available as it's great to get out of the way early and they usually dont have enough ground covered to hold all the terrain pieces.

    - 3rd and 4th you just go for gaining momentum or eye for an eye depending on how much space your are holding.

    - And then you just have to fill in the last one like, This one's mine or Barge Through Enemy Lines. In the off chance that you actually don't have any good ones to score late game and have killed your opponent you always have the Thunder lizard specific one as your 5th.
    Tombomb7 likes this.
  4. LuckyKalle
    Jungle Swarm

    LuckyKalle New Member

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    it sounds like a nice list which is very similar to the TL-List I´m playing. I just don´t get it how you get the Rend 2 bastilladons. Please let me know if I´m missing out an opportunity the whole time :)

  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I like the list... do you fond that double bastiladon is worth it, even if you can shoot twice with only one of them?
  6. Kimbo

    Kimbo Member

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    Cool list, with The purple sun now going up are you changing your list?
  7. Nikolaj Kirk Jordansen

    Nikolaj Kirk Jordansen New Member

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    Think I’m gonna try this one next time against LRL. How do you execute these?

    - 25" range for a chance to win 1/6 of your games with Astro+Purple sun
    - Rend 2 bastiladons
    - 2 chances on your3+ so yourflying dinosaur canbecome a rocket ship
  8. Nikolaj Kirk Jordansen

    Nikolaj Kirk Jordansen New Member

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    And, how come the two basti and priest instead of a star priest for MW and/or something else? Would love to hear how you play it

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