7th Ed. My first campaign battle in local store. 1500 vs Daemons

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Gannon, Jan 24, 2009.

  1. Gannon

    Gannon New Member

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    Scar Veteran (Gen)
    Charm of The Jaguar Warrior
    Sword of Might, GW
    Sotek, Quetzl,
    Echanted shield, light armor

    Skink Priest lvl 2
    Dispell scroll
    Dispell scroll

    Skink Priest lvl 2
    Diadem of Power
    Blessed Mark of The Old Ones

    Saurus x10

    Saurus x10

    Chameleon Skinks x 5

    Skinks x 12
    Handweapon + Blowpipe

    Skinks x 12
    Handweapon + Blowpipe

    Skinks x 11
    Handweapon + Blowpipe

    Kroxigors x4
    Great Weapon

    Terradons x3

    Salamander Hunting Pack x2

    Daemon list:

    Herald lvl 1 wiz(gen)

    Herald lvl 1 wiz (gen)
    banner +3D combat res


    16x Plaguebearers

    16x Plaguebearers

    16x Plaguebearers

    3 x Nurglings

    2x Beasts of Nurgle

    Magic: I rolled Forked lightning and uranos for first skink priest
    and Forked + Portent of Far for nr 2

    He rolled nr 4 and 5 on nurgle magic list...

    Deployment :


    He was top I was down

    The chams were in top forest

    Skinks are obvious

    4 bleu are kroxi
    3 purple are terra
    en skirmisher purple are the sallies

    the Red are heroes

    Turn 1


    He moves everything. Magic does 1 wound on my general and he had no shooting.


    I move my chams behind one of his blocks (one near the water)
    Move all my skinks. (the ones near watter in flank of his one block)
    Terries stay and wai for the blocks to come closer, all the res just moves up.

    magic: brings down some plaguebearers
    Shooting: Kills lots of plaguebearers and does 1 wound on epidemius.
    Combat: none

    Turn 2

    movement: he moves his one block near the chams some further
    Moves his beasts of nurgle into my chargerange of both my blocks
    turns his epidemius to charge my skinks next, rest just moves up.

    Magic: All dispelled
    (every turn i saved 2 dispell dice to powerdice, he just didn't roll enough for his 7+ and 8+ spells)
    Shooting: none
    Combat: none

    Movement: Both my saurus block charges his Beasts of nurgle.
    Chams go closer to his one block of plaguebearers, sallies stay, other skinks near forest stay in range for his nurglings.
    Kroxies go a little further to be able to flank his most left block in some turns.
    Terries fly to middle behind all his blocks.

    Magic: Again some plaguebearers die..
    Shooting: same thing.. more plaguebeares bite the dust 1 wound on nurglings..
    Combat: I do 2 wounds he does 3 on general I save all with 1+ armor save...
    1 saurus dies... He loses Comat res with -5 he rolls a 7 -5 is 2 so 5 more wounds 1 beast stays with 1 wound...

    Turn 3

    movement: Epidemius charges skinks, I hold, he was to close to S&Sh.
    Nurglings go further to charge the skinks next turn, Middle block moves so they could charge my saurus next turn. other block near chams turn to charge my chams next turn. Left block keeps marching on.. with M4... God I love marchblocking :d (he was in water so he moved 2" :p)
    Magic: dispelled all
    Shooting: None
    Close Combat: My saurus and Scar vet do no wounds on beast.. he saves incredible all wounds I do to him...
    Beast tries to kill my general.. I save all instead. He loses Comabt res and the best loses his last wound.

    Movement: I charge my 10man block with scarvet into his Middle block of 10 plaguebearers
    (6 killed by sallies)
    Skinks go in the wood, chameleons go in the top forest.
    other chams can't get out of reach of epidemius so stay to shoot him on short range.
    2nd saurus block goes a little back out of reach from Left plaguebearer block.
    The terries go behind the Right block cuz they turned now face to chams who dissapeared in the forest :)
    Sallies march to middle water.

    Magic: Nothing this time
    Shooting: terries on right block 3 plagues dead
    no wounds on epidemius by skinks, 1 more plague dead by left skinks.
    Sallies fire on block, 1 missfire 3 skinks dead, panic test and fail... they run..
    Combat: Scar vet kills 2 plagues and saurus 1... 9 wounds in total, he saves nearly all...
    He has banner that gives D3 combat res and he rolles a 5 so +3 +1 +1 cuz of banner and battle stander bearer + he does 3 wounds on saurus so I have -4 combat res.. I roll 6... I run and he perseued me and killed my saurus with general...

    Turn 4

    Movement: He charges epidemius into skinks, I hold, and the nurglins also in skinks.
    Nurglins move further, Right block marches toward my left saurus block... Right block turns facing my terries.
    Middle block turns facing my skink priest to do magic on him.

    Magic: All dispelled
    Shooting: none
    Combat: Epidemius killes 6 skinks... I run 7" he 6" skinks live... 1" away from table end...


    Movement: I charge 10Saurus in front of his right block plagues, Kroxies in side, terries in rear.
    Chams go out of wood behind the right block of plagues.
    sallies contineu to flee. skinks near forest go side of nurglings to open fire once more.
    left skinks fo toward middle plagues to harres em some more. I move my priest of of reach of his middle block. I rally the skinks infront of epidemius.
    Magic: Some plagues die and thats it...
    Shooting: Nothing nothing can reach anything and skinks do no wounds on nurglins.
    Combat: I do 3 wounds he 2 He loses with -5 but he rolls a 4 so one more plague dead...

    Turn 5

    Movement: Epidemius charges skinks again, he turns his block oncce more toward my chams,
    nurglins charge my skinks and he moves his middle block toward my running sallies
    Magic: Nothing
    Shooting: Nothing
    Closecombat: He saves EVERTHING... he does 2 wounds..
    I lose with -1 cuz he had a muscisian... Nothing runs... uff :p

    Nurglins totally massacre the skinks.. damn poison ;)
    But I roll Insane Courage

    Epidemius completly kills the skinks, he persues off the board.


    Chams go to the side of his (7man) right plague block
    left skinks go in range of his middle plague block.
    Sallies are rallied... Skink priests moved out of range of his magic (souldbound lvl 3 D6 S5 hits Toughness test failed again D6 S5 hits and so on... was also the nr 4 spell he rolled, luckely he rolled to bad and I rolled to good in magic )

    Magic: he saves all wounds on his plagues...
    Shooting: Skinks bring another 2 of his plagues down.. now they're 6 left..
    Close Combat: This time I wind thx to 3 kills of the krox :D he rolls 5... no plagues down cuz of instability...
    But he killed a terradon so no more rear flank bonus... He kills all but 2 skinks with his nurglins..
    I have to roll again... AND AGAIN Snake Eyes :DDDD

    Turn 6


    Movement: Middle block charges Sallies, I flee, they r still alive :p
    Epidemius goes on.. Right plagues turn toward chams once more...
    Magic: Dispelled...
    Shooting none...
    Close combat: His nurglings kill last skinks ;(
    the big battle.. he loses CR with 1 and rolles 4 so nothing..

    Lizzies LAST TURN

    movement: Priests in line of sight for epidemius
    Chams out of range of plagues
    Magic: Priest does 1 wound to epidemius, HE'S DEAD ;D
    Shooting: chams kill last 4 plagues of his right block :p
    Skinks kill 3 more plagues on his front block leaving 3
    Combat: He loses all but his Herald.

    Shooting and magic rlly hurted the Daemons.
    5x15pt chams completely wiped a 16x12pts unit of plaguebearers.. the oponent couldn't watch it...
    Daemons in close combat are just a pain... even if they r nurgle... 5+ and 4+ ward saves... bah
    Sure sallies have Fire attacks but S3 vs T4 isn't much...
    But still a nice massacre in my favor, I just shot him crazy with all my skinks.
    the krox+ terries+saurus combo charge was nice too..
    I should have targetted the Herald from first round of combat, to get the regeneration away.
    btw for those who will advice me to take blade of chotec. It was a campaign battle and those lists are made before you know which enemy you face, so I just took a balanced list :)

    that was it for today
  2. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Very well done
  3. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Nice game and good report!
    Never faced a clean(or unclean) nurgle army before, but from what I've heard, they can hold out a fight pretty good and is one of the most durable factions of chaos... your tactic worked great :)

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