back in the days when I played warhammer (I quit playing because it was too time intensive for me), I played vampires up until the most recent update Lizardmen are something I've always wanted to paint so with a fair bit of effort I've managed to amount a large army to paint, joy! most of it is old however and needs stripping down and repairing I reckon the end result of this will be a nice looking army going up for sale on ebay etc. but hey who knows? so anyway i'll be posting pics and stuff every couple of days and less if I get held up with working on stuff Here's a handful of pictures to give you an idea of what I'm dealing with the carnosaur and lord kroak are both half way to being painted up feedback is very appreciated as is creative criticism thank you come again
There are some pretty awesome looking models in there, nice work! I really like the wet look on the carnosaur scales, and the body colour you chose goes very well with it. One question... What on earth is this??
@strewart: ever heard of the game monsterpocalypse? its a tower of planet eaters btw does anyone have any good hints for stripping paint of metal models because the carnosaur rider, lord kroak's palaquin and a saurus old blood are blocky as hell
Heard of monsterpocalypse, was almost interested in buying some actually, but haven't got into it yet. I don't want to invest in too many systems. Metal generally stands up to a lot more punishment than plastic, so whatever solvents you have should be fine. Mineral terps, any kind of cleaning alcohol, brake fluid. Just make sure you clean the model very very thoroughly with soap and lots of water after, because any residue is going to eat at the new paint you put on.
I havent used it on metal, but Simple Green works great on plastic. Plus you can just pour it down the drain & its not harmful. Only thing is I could buy it in Florida, but I cant find it here in Texas.
Simple green is the only way to go. Drop the model in that (plastic or metal), wait 2 days (at most...or longer) and the paint will almost wash off without taking a brush to the model. I get the cheapest simple green that the store has to offer (was maybe 5 bucks).
Dettol works just aswell, just pour some in a jar, dilute it with water (5x times or something) and voila. Works for plastics and metal. The only downside is that it doesnt dissolve the paint, it just breaks the binding with the metal/plastic. Aftewards you're left with globs of "paint" and it sometimes requires some brushing to get it out of the crevices (or however you spell that).