TOP TEN Lists - This Week: Movie and TV show locations

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Sep 5, 2022.


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    A good movie.

    I must admit, I do really enjoy the first Tremors movie.
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I've watched it when I was considerably younger, so it might still be freighting in my head :p

    Thanks, that was it. I knew it was something with Deep :)

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Bowser and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    The Descent should be on my list.
    But i struggle to find something to take off
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  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Jumanji is definitelyt a family movie, but it has some moments of tension in it. EWspecially if you are a child.

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Depending on which movie you swapped it out for, we could potentially have an overlap of 6 movies between our lists. :wideyed:
    Bowser and Lizards of Renown like this.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    it depends on my mood.
    It could be Jaws or Event Horizon, so no overlap of 6.
    But 5 is still pretty solid. ;)
    Bowser, NIGHTBRINGER and Imrahil like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That might just be the most substantial overlap we've seen between any two lists so far.
  8. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    A little late to the party. Man, Action/Adventure was too tough! As such, I will skip it (for now).

    I'm not a huge fan of horror movies. I'll try to keep it to mostly "scary" movies. I struggle between movies I have seen that scared me vs. scary/thrilling movies that I would watch again.

    HORROR (in no real order)
    1. Jaws - Great music sets the tone right away. With horror, it's often about what you don't see. Despite how the effects are perceived today, I still love the shark and big scare payoff in the final scenes. One of the best soliloquies from Quint. To paraphrase, "I'm gonna to need a bigger list".
    2. Alien - Jump scares, gradual building horror, good twist. Again, sometimes it's about what don't see/just quickly see.
    3. The Thing - Possibly my favorite horror movie. Creepy music, suspense and "what the hell is going on?" from first frame. I love the classic practical effects, too. Who can you trust?
    4. The Sixth Sense - This movie might be a bit spoofed and spoiled today, but I really enjoy it. Great performances too.
    5. Silence of the Lambs - Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins at their finest. Hannibal Lecter is a great villain and Hopkins chews the scenery.
    6. Fight Club - Maybe controversial if it's a thriller, but I think it fits despite not being "scary." A bizarre, but interesting movie with neat twist. It definitely gets more tense as it goes. Very well acted by Edward Norton, Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham Carter.
    7. Well... Seven - Brad Pitt? Again? Twisted and tense. Kevin Spacey's serial killer villain is creepy.
    8. The Howling, American Werewolf in London, Bad Moon - To me, werewolves are scary! I think the Howling is the scariest of these. I know American Werewolf gets comedy play now, and I get that, but it scared the heck out of me as a kid. Plus, that first practical effects transformation is amazing. Bad Moon isn't quite as good, but the werewolf attack at the beginning is brutal. I saw it in the theater and several people walked out.)
    9. Bram Stoker's Dracula - Vampires can be scary, too. I guess this is really "big budget horror"; probably more about the popular actors than the movie. But I enjoy the theatrical performances from Oldman and Hopkins and the special effects.
    10. The Shining - Heeere's an obvious one. I include it more for it's legacy since I've only seen it a few times. Still, that movie is messed up. Great performances.

    Honorable mentions (they should have a spot on the above list)
    11. Evil Dead 2 - A bonkers "horror" movie that I have to include. I love it for all of the goofiness, effects (both bad and good) and the over the top performance from Bruce Campbell... "Groovy!"
    12. Gremlins - Another movie I just have to include. I haven't seen it in years and it probably wouldn't hold up, but I loved it as a kid. Cute, scary, funny, slightly gory/gross. A fun "horror" movie.
    Out of respect for the genre, I have to finish on this number
    13. Halloween/Friday the 13th II - Here are two more that fall into "I saw them and they scared me as a kid, but I probably wouldn't watch again." For all of that, they are classic 70s/80s horror that started there own horror trends. I like Halloween more.

    Additional honorable mention: Event Horizon, Scream, No Country for Old Men, L.A. Confidential, The Usual Suspects, Lost Boys, Psycho, American Psycho, Poltergeist, 30s Dracula, 30s Frankenstein, 40s Wolfman, The Wolfman (Benicio del Toro), The Ring, The Blair Witch Project
    Imrahil, Bowser and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  9. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Alright, this is a tough one, horror generates some great pop culture icons. Even if the movie or franchise isn't top tier, you still walk away with a Freddy Krueger or Jason Voorhees. So I think I may have to do a second list for the monster/killer.

    Once again in no particular order, because quantifiable data be damned.

    The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
    The Shining
    It (both the TV movie and the remakes)
    No Country for Old Men
    Ju-On (The Grudge) Original Japanese Version
    Perfect Blue
    Trick 'R Treat

    And here in no particular order are my top 10 of the greatest horror icons:
    Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street)
    Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)
    Xenomorph (Aliens)
    Michael Myers (Halloween)
    Ghostface (Scream)
    Leatherface ( Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
    The Yautja (Predator)
    Chucky (Child's Play)
    Cenobites / Pinhead (Hellraiser)
    Pennywise (It)

    Honorable mentions to pretty much everything in Ghostbusters and Gremlins franchises, Patrick Bateman from American Psycho, Jaws, and Audry II from the Little Shop of Horrors.

    Dishonorable mention Gingerdead Man.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Interesting, I never knew that the Predators were called Yautja. Do you know where/when that term was first coined?
  11. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I want to say it was an Alien vs. Predator book or comic book. It was definitely given a species name for the versus series though.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That explains why I have never heard of it until now. Learned something new. Thanks for the info!
  13. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    You have convinced me to swap Jumanji out for Sweeny Todd: Demon Barber of Fleet Street

    Grrr, Imrahil
  14. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This is just a great movie, horror/thriller, comedy, musical, everything you could ask for in a movie! Solid choice!
  15. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Gods I forgot all about this one when writing my list. It can definitely be an honourable mention on my list at the very least.
    Just A Skink and Bowser like this.
  16. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Exactly, I did forget about it when I was first tinkering the list.

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Just A Skink and Bowser like this.
  17. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I didn't agree to that!

    Nope, I will double list as I see fit. Though at this point, The Dark Knight is the only one I'm likely to double list, I saw a list that put Clue and Beetlejuice as thrillers, that's iffy but I like the movie and I am struggling to come up with ten thrillers I really like.

    Initially I planned to double list the Dark Knight, but after googling popular thrillers I was able to squeeze it out though I might have to double list Beetlejuice for comedy movies. Clue was almost my twelfth choice.

    Favorite Thrillers

    Michael Jackson's Thriller
    Fight Club
    Event Horizon
    Doctor Sleep
    Joker 2019
    The Others
    The Shining
    Crimson Peak
    The Sixth Sense
    Imrahil and Bowser like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    It's not like I can exactly enforce the rule :p. I believe I have a fairly good reason for the rule, which is why I listed it, but in the end it's up to those interacting with the tread to follow or ignore it. When my friend and I discussed the rules for our lists (which is the inspiration for this thread), we didn't want the same few favourite movies to dominate genre list after genre list.

    For instance, what good is it if Star Wars tops several of my genre lists (which it easily could if one goes by what genres google/imdb/etc returns for it)? The same could be said for Braveheart and so on. Without the no duplication rule, I think I would probably cut away more than 50% of the movies on my lists as the slots would be filled by a select minority of movies dominating multiple genres. As such, the lists would become very samey and boring.

    There will be lists in the future that will be exempt from the restriction (for good reason), which I will detail when we get to it. But for the traditional genre specific lists, I personally feel that we get more interesting lists if we try to stick to the rule.

    Also, as an forum thread, it is more useful and interesting if everybody tries to play by the same rules. Inherently, the genre categories are already so flexible/undefined that it is difficult to compare apples to apples, so I personally feel it is best that we limit undo variances where we can. That's just me though, all I can do is put for the rules that I feel will create the best experience for everyone. After that, it is player choice.

    Bowser likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Topic #3 - Top Ten Drama movies.

    Same rules as before:

    Genres will always have a bit of wiggle room. Many movies will fall into multiple genres. You can google the genre of a movie as a quick guide (it is okay to deviate from this if you feel the movie belongs in a different genre). This is what I did for the most part, and then slotted the movie into the genre that felt best for me. Use your best judgment and a remember that is your subjective list. The only hard fast rule is that if you list a movie under one genre, don't list that movie under a different genre in a future weeks list. For example, if you put Rocky in your Action list, don't also list it in your Drama list a few weeks down the line. Choose the genre for the movie that feels right for you.

    You can condense a movie series into one single selection if you want to (i.e. Rocky series or Rocky I-IV, etc) or choose a specific movie out of a series (i.e. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade ) as you see fit. It's your choice for each of your entries.

    1. The Shawshank Redemption - I don't typically like prison movies, but this movie is my third favourite movie of all time (overall... across all genres). It's about as close to being a flawless film as possible. Everything about it is top notch. It has so many memorable lines and moments. The story is sharp and the characters are equally as good. I don't want to say more out of fear of spoiling it. For anyone who hasn't seen it, go watch it!
    2. Rocky (I-II) - very different to the sequels that followed it. Much more grounded and serious films. I don't think it needs much explanation, most people have seen it. In many ways a film about a loser who gets a chance and fights for it.
    3. Rounders - manages to make card playing exciting. Matt Damon, Ed Norton, John Malkovich and others bring us a set of highly entertaining characters. I believe it single-handedly brought interest to the "sport" (it's really a game) of poker. The ups and downs of the protagonist is a fun ride... and the big showdown is simply perfect.
    4. Amadeus - another movie that typically isn't my type. However, right from the onset I was hooked (one of the very best intros to a movie). Really shows the genius and tragedy of the man. The music is of course sublime... no surprises there.
    5. The Martian - this movie is pure fun. It's funny and exciting in equal measure. I love all things space and Mars is a fascinating backdrop for a survival story. Gives a glimpse at the harsh reality of life outside of earth but is able to do so while maintaining a jovial mood
    6. Arrival - this movie is different. Watching the trailer, you don't know what to expect. It's a smart film with some mind-bending flair. The ending, which I won't spoil, is top notch.
    7. Fight Club - another movie that is different. An interesting social commentary that does an exceptional job at leading and misleading. Lots of great easter eggs sprinkled throughout and a film that best deserves multiple viewings.
    8. The Godfather - another movie that is not typically my type. It's an absolute classic and is consistently rated as one of the top fan rated movies of all times on movie websites. It's been a while since I watched, I should probably give it another go.
    9. Faster - Yes... a Rock movie. I just simply like it. Very different from his usual types of movies. Love the assassin/killer character. The Samoan scene is epic. Billy Bob Thornton is solid throughout. Vengence... redemption... what's not to love?
    10. Titanic - I think this movie gets unfairly treated. A victim of its own success. People often forget just how special it was when it came out. The dedication to the recreation of the Titanic really pays off and it is obvious that it is a labor of love. Leo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are great, as is the supporting cast. I even like the character Caledon played by Billy Zane (even though you're not supposed to). The soundtrack is one of the best ever.

    Honourable mention: Cast Away - this one is a funny entry. I absolutely love the first two thirds of the film and absolutely hate the last third. When I watch the movie, I always turn it off at about two thirds of the way through
    when he gets off the island and is picked up by the ship
    . Wilson!!!!
    Bowser, Imrahil and Lizards of Renown like this.
  20. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    What an absolute stinker of a category this week. Most of the films I enjoy are either full of historical/fantasy/sci-fi action or comedy, animated or not. Will have to think hard about this one.
    Bowser and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

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