The statue crumbles, crashing into the stone ground with a massive thud. The group could hear the ground crack underneath them. The energy from the beast dissipated into the air, with a crackle and a pop.
Ilok immedeatly attended to the wounded. With several healing spells, the party was patched up. At least they could move on, healing takes time. The Hunted -8 for healing. +3.
Huaroc crouched down over the statue to examine it closely. His chest heaved from the Brad Pitt-like exertion of the battle. His Javlin was already sheathed after dusting it off and ensuring the blade was still tight in the shaft's end. Huaroc wanted to ensure there was nothing to miss in the room before they moved on. One never knew what secrets might be revealed in this temple...
A vision of the Old Ones appeared in Hexec's head, their beauty filling him with courage. "Your time has not come yet, Hexec, there is still much you must do." Hexec nodded his head reverently, as they opened their hand and pushed him. He began to fall, farther and farther, until... Hexec bolted back to life suddenly, and blearily opened his eyes. He saw his companions standing there, amongst the carnage that the statue has wrought. He patted himself, making sure he was indeed back in the world of the living. He noticed something odd. Looking at his skin he saw that it had becoming darker, and feeling his crest, he touched a number of new protrusions. Indeed, it was the work of the Old Ones. Shaking his head, he cleared his thoughts. He moved towards Ilok and bowed his head. "Thank you for saving me," he stated. "However, while I was unliving I saw a vision of the Old Ones. Perhaps you could glean something from it." Hexec told his story to Ilok. After he was done, he went and grabbed his weapons, waiting for Ilok to reply.
Ilok saw the life returning to Hexec, and was surprised to find out that he had seen a vision. This would take time to overthink, he'd love to read the sky now. Maybe that could tell him more. For now, it had to wait. They needed to get out of this place, and fast. The Hunted
As the group rallied themselves, there was a sudden creak in the ground, followed by a thundering snap. Suddenly the ground collapsed and the group was falling. As they fell the could hear the sound of rushing water, just as they crashed into it, they were helpless against the torrent, with nothing to hold onto in the dark tunnel. Suddenly light could be seen, then with glimpses through the water they saw an opening, and they where thrown out of it, falling through the air they managed to see a cliff face, and rapidly they reached out to grab the hanging vines protruding from it. Everyone roll a single d6 and PM me the results please
The group flew off the cliff, the skinks all managed to grab hold of vines and hold on, Xap grabbed hold but the branch snapped causing him to plummet, the saurus warrior had no luck either, no managing to grab hold of anything he fell as well. Just as the skinks where watching their comrades fall a single terradon came from the skies, and hovered by Hexec, its wing bore a long scar.
Huaroc knew that the Old Ones must have been looking down upon with as his fingers just barely managed to grasp the slippery vine. He was sorry to see two of his fellows fall to their death but was proud to see they did so in silent acceptance of their fate. Then the Terradon came into view and his eyes grew wide as he realized that his friend Hexec now had his mount he'd wished for so long.
Ilok had no possibilities to save his comrades. His hands firmly gripped the ledge, and his feet were never really able to do spellcasting of any kind. So he didn't try. He waited a moment, to figure out what they could do. Naturally, by the time Ilok thought he had the solution: he saw a terradon fly. Problem solved, he thought, just hold on a little longer.. The Hunted
Hexec looked up to the sky, the branch he was holding barely supporting his weight. A shadow passed over his head and to his amazement, he saw the Terradon that he had nursed back to health, from what had seemed so many years ago. The Terradon flapped over by him and hovered below him, seeming to invite him to jump on. Hexec felt no hesitation, and let go of his branch, plummeting quickly. He landed on the back of the Terradon, and immediately felt a connection to the Terradon. He could sense emotions and even some thoughts of the Terradon, knowing that both of them had just formed a nigh unbreakable bond. I shall name you Xlan, Hexec thought. The Terradon, Xlan, seemed to nod in approval. He looked up at his two friends, and moving quickly, picked them up and flew them to safety. ((I assume this will take all of the Beast Handling points?))
((which two friends did you pick up? There are the two falling lizards and the two hanging lizards, I'll make it 3 points for the bond, 1 point to save a skink, 3 points to save the falling saurus, and 6 to save the krox (as that would b e very hard for a terradon to do.)) ))
Hexec swooped and with Huaroc and Ilok in tow, dove to save the falling Saurus. Xlan grasped him with his talons and the Saurus was safe. The Kroxigor was still falling, but without the aid of someone else, there would be no way for Hexec to save him.
With his hands now free, Ilok instanty began casting. He cast a slow spell on the massive kroxigor, to slow his fall. He then wove a magical net in the air, to catch the mighty lizard. He was safe, for now. Ilok only needed to concentrate on the net to keep it intact. He padded Hexec on the shoulder to let him know he was in good order. "put me down" he told him, "so we can focus on the rest". The Hunted -5 magic
Hexec slowly drifted to the ground, letting everyone dismount quickly. He dismounted last and went to pet the head of Xlan, for a job well done. He would let Ilok deal with the falling Kroxigor, knowing that Xlan was very tired, and would need some care.
Ilok would take care off the kroxigor, after he noted that Huaroc was still hanging on a cliff. Xlan will be blessed and healed after it, Ilok said. In the meantime, he made a crude slide made out of energy. The net disappeared and the kroxigor fell a few feet, before he could slide down safely. The Hunted
Huaroc was thankful to have Xlan and Hexec snatch him from the cliff face. It seemed that fate and the blessing of the Old Ones was truely upon the group as they were all relatively safe and in order. Huaroc also knew that flying was definately not his thing. Remaining under the canopy and in the shadows was his true calling.
The group could smell the fresh clean air, morning light was upon them. The group felt refreshed and delighted to have survived the temple, it was agreed that the old ones had been watching out for them. As they looked at the morning sky, they noticed a dark unnatural cloud to the east. Ilok was the first to notice a beam of light shining through the gloom towards a spot eastward and took this as a sign to move in that direction. Need you all to roll 2d6 and total the result, then roll another d6 and tell me that result please.
Ilok was glad to be outside again. He let his lungs fill with fresh air, numerous times. Then he saw what the others did not. He pointed to the beam of light. It was a mystery. The skies were too dark to see anything, but after a short rest; the group pressed on. The Hunted
Huaroc ran his fingers through a firn's frons. He'd missed the feel of jungle vegitation upon his feet and hands and arms and legs. A Chameleon's true place was the deep jungle on the fringes of a warband or by himself, keeping the lands of the Old Ones safe. When the party was ready to move after sunning themselves Huaroc took his usual place in the lead as the scout to ensure everything would be secure. His skin changed color to mirror the surrounding foliage perfectly as he slipped silently forward. ((Burned a blend point))