Each month we will be making a thread for an army and filling it with detailed information on how to beat that army. This thread will act as an index so you can quickly and easily find the army you are fighting against. Dark Elves For now, this thread is open. I would like to see it used as a place for people to suggest the next army to work on and perhas designate/volunteer someone to launch the thread at the start of the next month.
Ofcourse I will volunteer for the next month . I greatly enjoyed it, and I actually did something usefull! For army suggestions, well...I don't really care There are armies which I know better than others, but it matters not. The Hunted
Doing the top tier armies might be what everyone would want to see. Especially the tournament players in here. However, I would love to see a Skaven one, if just to feed my personal vendetta against them...
i can do the skaven one but ti really depends on when it happens, i've got my hands full with reading for school so be sure to PM me at least 2 weeks before you want it up and running so i can plan in advance
I vote a tactica on Skaven as well. My friend plays them and they're absolutely brutal in the right hands. I also say a Tactica on Daemons and Vampire Counts. We need ways to deal with those two Top Tier armies.
It is now May so time to get a new Army of the month up! The Hunted, unless you have something planned/started already I suggest since this month is already underway we just launch a topic and let contributions fill it up rather than starting with a large first post. My first instinct is to go Skaven, but we might leave that until next month and get Bibamus to start it toward the end of this month. So Vampire Counts maybe?
Go for it. If I find time I might add in a good deal, but uni is just murderous with spare time... The Hunted
Hmm you know what I just realised? 8th ed is right around the corner, anything we write could very well be useless come July... People will be using different types of lists, LM lists will probably be quite a bit different, and things that are good now may not be. And of course it will take at least a few months of calibration and playtesting before we can really write solid tactics without being armchair generals. What do you think we should do with the index? Keep going and just have the first few 7th ed, or wait until 8th?
We don't know if the changes will be drastic or not. If so, our tactica so far are of far less use (NOT useless!). And a lot of effort is pretty much wasted, whereas a lot of effort is required to update it all (updating is far less fun than actual writing!) I figure I could wait untill July...Then get started again. But if the board decides we should keep going; that's what we do! My vote goes to waiting untill July. Personal choice The Hunted
Yep, July sounds good to me. We also might want to hold off on Tomb Kings until the new book comes out.
I agree with waiting until July, the armies won't chance that much, just the combinations. I believe the biggest differences will come from a change in general play.
Is this still running? I think this would be a really good effort to start up again now that we all have some 8th ed. play experience. I would love to see an 8th ed. anti-skaven tactica, also anti-dwarfs, and anti-empire. I can volunteer to help out with Empire as I have played them a bunch.
As a new player to WFB many-a-moons ago, I found tacticas higly valuable. Infact i printed a couple out so i could 'digest' them in the warm comfort of my bed. With the re-release of WFB in 8th ed, as a forum of experience, wouldn't it just be rude no to pass on our findings with armys we haved played against and/or with. With this I have now started to write up some important (and deffinately some major waffle!) information on our beloved dead, the VC. I should have it done in the next few days or so, when I have clarified with my gaming club here so they agree on it (they haved played my VC many times and have some 'interesting' counter-measures. Of course if there is not a need for it then I will just discard it. But i have nothing better to do with my time as yet! Toodle pip, Lloyd
There is álways need for tactica's! And besides, if you really have nothing better to do... Go ahead and write it, it might spark some more. Writing the tactica's isn't something you do every day. I've done some in the past, but they eat time. Time that myself and my fellow forum-users do not have. Which is a shame, but real life still has priority... The Hunted
Haha luckily real-life for me is one big game (thats a story for another time). And I might have it done by this week, maybe next week. With a new Deathwatch RPG starting in my club I have no option to write and epic blurb for that as well as I just love my waffle! And I thought it might spark it off. Oh and I will follow the format as the DE went by as It made sense to me! Lloyd EDIT : Due to the arrival of 160 quids worth of lizards my time is now going to be build build build spray and play. However I work on this a bit each evening and should smash it out by next week.............ish. I have done all the rules units and main items so far.