7th Ed. My Reptiles vs. Deamons

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Doom Lizard, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. Doom Lizard

    Doom Lizard New Member

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    Ok so this was an on-the-fly 2000 pt battle and he didnt have much to work with so this was deemed a terribly built deamon list. even so here we go.

    My List

    Old blood: LA,ES,Cold one, Blade of Realities :bored:

    Skink priest: lvl.1 cube of darkness

    Skink priest : lvl.1 dispel x2

    Saurus: 20 w/ hw/sh, FC x2

    SkinksaGor unit: 24 little guys w/ gear, FC + 3 Kroxies

    Skink skirmishers: 10 with blowpipes x2

    Chameleon Skinks: 6 w/ gear, Brave

    SCoR: 5 w/ gear, FC, Warbanner

    Sallies: 3 w/Handlers

    His List

    Keeper of Secrets

    Herald of Khorn

    Skulltaker on a chariot

    20 Daemonettes w/FC

    20 Bloodletters w/ FC (Herald goes here)

    10 Bloodletters w/ FC

    3 Flamers

    1 Blood Crusher champion (He only had one model)

    Ok so we set up Him from left to right. Flamers, Deamonettes, Bloodcrusher, KoS, Big block bloodletters, Skulltaker, little block bloodletters.

    ME from L to R: Sallies, Sk. Skirmishers, Saurus, Sk. Skirishers, SkinksaGors, Saurus, SCor w/ old blood

    I won first turn and got things rolling. LM Turn 1: 2 units of cham. skinks marching behind his lines march blocking dang near his entire army. it was pretty sweet. SCoR round the flanks and get ready to roll the line. Not much magic or shooting quite yet.

    CD turn 1: All move up as much as possible. only magic on their side was the KoS so/she/it started the party with Slicing shards of slannesh and rolling pretty high i used my cube and dropped a 4+ to end his magic phase. flamers couldnt see anything so no shooting or combat...yet.

    LM Turn 2: Chams keep march blocking and sk. skirmishers move up to unleash annoying little pointed doom on the deamons. they do so and dispite many hits/wounds this kid didnt know how to drop anything but a 5 or 6 on his dice. I'd get 5 wounds and hed save 4 of them. Gah. He was just on his dice that day. So not a whole bunch in the way of shooting but some funny stuff is about to happen.

    CD Turn 2: CHARGE!!!! KoS into fleeing skinks so that failed. then the bloodcrusher into Skirmishers.... So they are gonna lose. you know it, i know it. If the flee they are off the table and he will be back next turn to cause more problems. So i "STAND AND SHOOT" its really comical. needing 6s to hit 5 for my brave i let the darts fly. only 2 wounds... he fails his 4+ on both...and his ward!!! i stand and shoot down a blood crusher. so yeah i scroll and dispel the next round of pain from the KoS and its my turn.

    LM Turn 3 CHARGE!!! SkinksaGor into big bloodletter unit w/ the herald (man was this a bad idea) and my uber SCoR unit into 10 bloodletters. but wait... Failed stupidity so i sit there drooling as the deamons get ready to pounce (stupid stupid) My skinsaGor unit cause 5 wounds outta 9 or 10 scored. and they strike back with a vengance and do 5 wounds back due to hatred and high strength. I lose but manage to hold.

    CD Turn 3. Small letter unit charges my SCoR and KoS hangs back. I think he forgot to move her. I got lucky i guess. Oh and Skulltaker charges the flank of the skinksaGor unit (Guess whats gonna happen here) I forgot to mention that his flamers machine gun the hell outta my Chamies after they pop from cover and tried to kill them. he just kept making his ward saves. So skinks get eaten and flee a mighty...2 inches. the letters only follow 2" and skulltaker took off into my deployment zone right in front of a priest i forgot to move. His Small letter unit kill 2 SCoR and i stike back furiously. I claim several of them on my BoR (blade of realities) 4 or 5 more fall to the other riders. pop goes the rest and im set up to charge the flank of the big block.

    LM Turn 4. Which i do!! I acually end up killing the flamers with my last 2 chamies. And i pivot my right saurus unit to jump on Skulltaker when he comes back on the table next turn. I destroy the fighting rank of the letters and cause major damage but he rolls low enough that there are still demons left. Not much else.

    CD turn 5. KoS charge Saurus, Block of demonettes charge skirmishers. (guess what happens here) I stood and shot and actually took down 5. and skull taker chases the priest that runs off the board. KoS kills 3 and i actually wound the monster making the combat in my favor by 2. She holds. Combat between the SCoR and the letters sees the last of them killed absorbed (including herald :)) or pop leaving me free to charge the back of the KoS.

    LM turn 6. Charge the rear of the KoS with my Old Blood. Front of Skulltaker with my Saurus. KoS challenges my old blood and i dually accept. I hit with all 5 attacks! He passes the first two but drops a 10 on the 3rd and i add a Keeper of Secrets to my collection. It was after this we called the game seeing how he really didnt have too much left on the board. Skulltaker and a handfull of deamonettes.

    So a solid victory/massacre for the Lizardmen. I know i know that this list was improvised and not that scary but it still sucked and i have absolutly no desire to play a min/max tzeentch power dice army of doom ever. So yeah. Sorry i typed what seemed like forever. Thanks for listening/reading. Quick note i stopped telling you about my sallies because they really didnt do anything. against hoard skaven/goblin armies i can see their potential. They arent too great againt ITP armies with ward saves.
  2. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Nice game! I agree, this isn't the badest deamon list I've seen, but then again: 30 bloodletter is nothing to sneeze at...
    To me it seems you outsmarted him with your march blocking, and that Blade of Realities is just mean :bored:
  3. Doom Lizard

    Doom Lizard New Member

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    Yeah unless i know there is going to be the armor that makes all magic weapons mundane on the table I am never leaving home without this amazing blade.
  4. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Very well done! The Daemons will be trampled beneath our feet....mwuhahahahaha!

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