Hey everyone. It's been a long time since I have posted on the forum. In the past 2 years I have been getting back into the hobby and made a lot of new terrain pieces and painted up a lot of stuff for my various armies. Starting off I'm posting an Oldblood I painted up.
Thank you! I was torn between painting/repainting my army mostly green or a mostly orangish brown color. I tried the green scheme first and decided I liked it so much that I wouldn't bother trying the orange.brown scheme.
I made a stepped pyramid to go with my lizardmen. Carved from foam with a foam cutter, sealed with a few layers of wood glue, primed, painted and based on foamboard.
Welcome back! Great work on the Old Blood, I like the colorscheme and the layering you have done. And nice piece of scenery. Keep up the good work Grrr, !mrahil
I not only collect and play Lizardmen, I also play Warriors of Chaos, as well as other armies. As such, here is my slightly converted Chaos Lord on Daemon Posessed Zhaga (Daemonic Mount). Zhagas are large lizards that inhabit the Eastern Steppes/Shadowlands mentioned in the novel "Blood For The Blood God" by C. L. Werner. The model is the AOS Chaos Lord on Karkadrak that I based on a square base, swapped the left hand and added an Avatars of War shield to the side, as if it were hanging from the saddle.
A few more lizardmen for your viewing pleasure. A skink priest, which will be permanently designated with Lore of Heavens, and what will be the champion of a skirmisher unit. Both are from the Starblood Stalkers warband as was the Oldblood in my first post. A side note, I really should get a better camera and some decent lights for photos.
Another character from my Warriors of Chaos army. I use her as a second Chaos Lord or an Exalted Hero
Welcome back! (Funny coming from me for hiatus reasons) I really like the green Klaq-Trok! I hope to see more as you keep at it!
Here's another bit of scenery. I made a Hag Tree for my brother's Beastmen army. It's green stuff over a wire armature on a foam hill on foamboard base. Rocks, shields and skulls from the Citadel skulls set adorn the base.
I like it! I have a similar hill, still in pink, with an armiture wire tree sticking out of it; no greenstuff yet though. It's only been like that for 3 years...
I made the armature almost 20 years ago. It sat in the back of a drawer for all that time before I sculpted bark on it and based it.
I just finished these a few days ago. Figured I could use some water features to take advantage of the Aquatic rule.