Blog Suds 2022 Paint & Kitbash Blog

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Sudsinabucket, Jan 3, 2022.

  1. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Holy Cow what a load of plasticy goodness :woot::wideyed:

    I really like the cavalry unit and just adore the winged yak, impressive model it is turning out to be :happy:

    I like your blob of lore. The new name is a great one, it is more inclusive ;)
    (Hathorians still feels like a great name to me as well though)

    Did you forget to change Hathorian when you changed the faction's name or is it the describing form of things belonging to Haset?

    Looking forward to your progress

    Grrr, !mrahil
    Noxolotl likes this.
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, I absolutely love the Cav unit - may jeed to make 4 more down the line - I am glad they come in the Start Collecting box lol. The winged Yak - and I know I say this after like EVERY model, but, - this might be my favorite model to date I've made. I just hope the fur looks ok when painted - had to redo it many many times due to accidentally flattening it. A lesson hopefully relearned to only begin one side of greenstuff so you dont press from the other side on it :mad:lol

    I too like the new name, definitely more inclusive and allows me more freedom in the future if I wanna add something or even a new race.

    I most certainly did, great catch, ty!

    Hathorians/Hathorian is officially going back now to the racial name for Helaku and the Yak-minotaurs again - so the name is definitely staying, just more defined, I guess?
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2022
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    A slight revision of the small overall blurb for the *Adherents of Haset* and kinda what they reprent. This is the Hathorians renamed and expanded.

    I liked the comparison of Lumineth meets Woodelves but with Animal Spirits instead of tree spirits someone made - because without the connection before that is kinda what i was going for, or like, Aelves meet Good Beasts. So trying to go more down that trope some with my lore now as I refine it a bit, but with my own takes on it a bit

    *The Adherents of Haset are a remnant of a greater ancient power from an age long before the Age of Myth, forgotten by most but not by all. Numbers bolstered by younger races which flock to the banners of the Goddess Haset, the Adherents of Haset fight for the preservation of Hysh’s natural order, that of the greater realms, and to stave off extinction. In a never ending battle they fight against the threats of Chaos, destructive industrial expansion, and that which would corrupt the realms into wastelands void of life and creation beyond the hammer and flame. Now with the rise of Hashut, the Dark Cow God, the War Folds of Haset, the Light Cow Goddess, march with haste as they also battle rising threats within Hysh itself.*
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    First unit of Raptor Warriors almost ready to be primed - added wings. Love how they look!

    New Unit for the Adherents of Haset and DoK stand-in allies for my Lumineth 20221020_133108.jpg
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Little close up (one is kinda leaning back i noticed) of the two great weapon wielding Warriors I showed earlier.

    Here is a small blurb for em also:

    Raptor warriors are fast and deadly, stealing objectives or holding a line for a short time so that the Ursavine Calvary can flank the enemy before retreating into the sky to search for new prey with their keen eyesight. If needed to stay into the fray, the Raptor Warriors hawk-like eyes are able to make out even the smallest vulnerability of their enemies and are able to exploit them expertly.

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  6. Quetzalcoatlus

    Quetzalcoatlus Active Member

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    Those Tzeentch things are suitably warped!
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  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Haha, thank you! The changer of ways would be pleased with most of my work i think!
    Imrahil likes this.
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Doing a narrative event, and I am building a small Darkoath warband around my Darkoath Hunter kot that i bought awhile back

    The premise roughly is that my MC has visions of great hunts to do. These however could be anything from hunt a monster, a single mortal, a whole herd, or even an entire city. Nothing is too small or great to hunt, and it doesnt matter how the prey is brought down as long as it is.

    To help her, she has her warband, but also chaotic beasts - which she either captures as is or forces corruption upon wild creatures to suit her needs.

    A favorite however are her Gargoyles, hence her title as the Gargoyle Queen. These Gargoyles she carves herself and sticks the souls of the fallen into them, binded to her via the carved gargoyle.

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  9. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Loving the sculpt and conversions suds! You have a great imagination!
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  10. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks man! I am actually reallt loving these.... I even have all 6 of them at least started!! What is going on *confusion* Lol

    I really appreciate it. Fun thinking of a Chaos warband for once lol have never been a huge fan of chaos outside of bit sources lol
    Lizards of Renown and Imrahil like this.
  11. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    A little blurb of my warbands entry into the narrative event:

    Above the canopy of the forest which sits to the southwest of the city of Amasya a large swarm of unidentifiable creatures could be seen in the distance approaching, but as soon as they were seen - even if small dots - they soon vanished into the trees. The only feature that could possibly be made out, and even then it was questioned, was that the creatures looked stone-like. Needing to know more about the possible threat, soon a patrol was sent out, though small it consisted of experienced trackers accompanied by a small number of troops to protect them. Hours passed and no sign of struggle or of the return of the band had been seen until in the distance a flare was seen high above the canopy, then rifle shots were heard, and then silence.

    Before sunset there was noise coming from the trees near the southern gatehouse, and soon the whole patrol party was brought out at spear and arrow point, though out of range of any wall armaments - behind them stood a Darkoath Warband. Around them snapping their beaks ran flocks of Raptoryx, and then all stopped and spears were set against the prisoners abdomens. From the trees walked a beautiful sorceress, staff in hand and behind her Gargoyle-Imps dragged a large platform with other carved-out gargoyles - the amount matching the patrol party.

    The sorceress looked at the great city in front of her and cried out words in its direction and gave a crude laugh, and gave a signal. In an instant, the whole patrol party was slain, and in that same moment the sorceress began chanting chaotic words and an eye appeared from her palm - and a light appeared from the eye and the souls which left the bodies of the previously living instead of heading to the underworld they were captured within the palm of the Darkoath sorceress. Walking up to one of the gargoyles that sat upon the platform and placed her palm onto it while chanting quietly a binding curse, at the end, the gargoyle became animated and gave out a screech that sounded like the grinding of stone. She continued this until all of the gargoyles that were brought on the platform were brought to life, in a horrifying spectacle for those looking from the city.

    Turning to the great walls of Amasya the sorceress finally speaks in a coherent language,

    “I am Avalkra Wayfeather, the Gargoyle Queen. Just as you have seen the fate of these fools, so will it be your fate - your souls will be mine and your bodies will feed my beasts. You will be part of my rising, Soul and Body”.

    It was at that moment she gave a command and her chaotic beasts began to feast upon the bodies of the patrol - with no hope of being recovered. Soon after, the warband and its monstrosities went back into the woods, with the sun setting on the city - an Omen the Gargoyle Queen sees and embraces. Amasya will fall.

    So, Avalkra comes from a tribe that is known for its stonework and uses this skill to creste these Gargoyles. She carves some out of darker stone and some of lighter stone. The darker gargoyles have trapped within them darker, malevolent spirits - such as those of chaos, nighthaunt, or those mortals with much evil in their souls. The lighter of the gargoyles have within them souls of purity, or those that shine bright like that of the Lumineth Realm-Lords & Stormcast Eternals. All are made to do her bidding, eventually those that show promise are given larger more powerful forms beyond the Gargoyle Imp.

    Very excited for this small project! Still WIP
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  12. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Wow those conversions look fantastic! Really capture a great gargoyle feel to them too,
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  13. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Man, thanks so much! I was worried they didn't look totally gargoyle-like lol. They're a lot of fun to work on, and such a simple conversion that's doable with 1 kit. Gonna be doing more of these for sure in the future for a small warband
    Lizards of Renown and JTSleep like this.
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Here is all of them so far, and for once the group is all beyond the first stage lol. I am a bit lost on the base, but we'll figure it out.

    Eventually 3 total will be darker like the front one, while the others will hopefully remain more marble white with a hint of frost? Somethin. Lol.

    Anyway, hope y'all are doing well 20221025_005055.jpg

    May begin the Gargoyle Queen herself, which is simply the Theddra Skull-Scryer model from the Oathsworn Hunt box - still need to build the rest of the warband.

    For her I am thinking red-brown skin or an olive-Mediterranean skin? For the cloaks and such, I am thinking Magenta and a Grey-Blue to help coordinate with the Gargoyles.

    I also have a fun lore blurb to share later!
  15. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Most excellent bird-men you have there! I trust they are Tzaangors with Raptoryx wings?
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! I'm excited to paint em soon, hopefully. One of them (probably my favorite one, using the 2h sword) needs a little greenstuff work on one of the arms and maybe shoulder areas. I didn't plan the wings originally before doing the 4 arms, so lol if you do replicate these - plan your wings and arms accordingly lol or it'll be a "fun" pain.

    And yep! Just the Tzaangors and wings from the raptoryx needed :)
  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    When the spicy chicken fights back 20221025_174547.jpg 20221025_174620.jpg 20221025_180546.jpg 20221025_180616.jpg
  18. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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  19. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Small backstory for my character for the Animosity Narrative Weekender Event:

    Avalkra Wayfeather, the self-proclaimed Gargoyle Queen

    Worships the Great Beaked Gargoyle (also known as Tzneetch, though unknown to her)

    Reason to join: To capture souls of the fallen to grow her gargoyle host, and to grow her reputation as to grow a larger Warband to her name, and to spread the name of Vozun.

    Avalkra is a gifted sorceress and stonemason from a Darkoath tribe that resides within Ghur, the tribe is known for its stone and gem work. Their tribe worships a giant winged gargoyle and powerful magic user. Because of this, the tribe reveres the gifted and under tribal religious laws, Avalkra was near royalty. It is believed that those who are born with magic in their veins are blessed. Named Vozun, said to be a god of magic, stone, and wild beasts, it is said he can shapeshift his stone form but prefers that of an avian appearance with either bat or feathered wings.

    She was taken at a young age to learn under the tribal shaman when it was discovered her abilities with magic, the shaman teaching her his craft. What he taught her in secret however would prove to be what changed her life, that of binding spirits and demons into statues, bringing them to life, and even changing their form to fit her needs. This dark magic however came at a cost and an oath to the Great Gargoyle, not only becoming a herald and minion of Vozun but a great eye grew from her hand. Although the eye cannot control her outright, unknown to her it is the source of her visions, how she is able to capture souls and amplifies her own magic - a gift and curse of Vozun. For until a vision is fulfilled there is always an itch in the back of her mind growing in intensity over time, urging her to complete it at any cost, in the name of Vozun.
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Avalkra is a gifted sorceress and stonemason from a Darkoath tribe that resides within Ghur, the tribe is known for its stone and gem work. Beautiful, though with a dark soul, Avalkra was born half human half aelf, born of a Lumineth slave. Though born into slavery she rose out of it due to her magical affinity by tribal decree. Though of a primitive trive Avalkra took great joy in learning from those they captured, eventually stealing the clothes of prisoners so that she may sneak into cities to learn at the colleges and learn of the cities that she would eventually bring war to.

    Small edit to give a morr slight description of her and her past some

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