Blog in which snake blogs about spilt paint (and fantasy dinosaurs)

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by mrsnakedown, Oct 21, 2022.

  1. mrsnakedown
    Jungle Swarm

    mrsnakedown New Member

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    Yo! Uh, not sure how best to start this off. Just wanted to start a thing up here so I don't feel like I have to inundate all of my friends with my constant WIP posting lol

    Generally pretty new to model painting, and surprising myself with every finished product! While I have been making 2D art (link warning: gratuitous swearing, anime and old art) for the majority of my life, I've never considered myself to be much of a painter, and I can be pretty damn clumsy when it comes to these things too.

    Currently I'm plodding my way through the AoS Start Collecting Saurus box, with plans to get my hands on the skink box, an EotG and maybe a dread saurian down the line once I finish these guys. Maybe I'll throw some orks in too, who knows!

    To start off, here are some progress shots of my troglodon:

    Colour base established, beginnings of underbelly blocked in on tail

    Attempted to dry brush black over the more heavily scaled areas. Finished belly, painted green stripes; I think I finished most of the trog body this day but I can't find any other progress shots
    (post drybrushing)


    I finished them I guess?
    I think next time I'm going to try masking points of contact and leaving all the fiddly bits off when I'm painting, cause that skink kinda sucked to paint. Bits kept breaking off him - you can see his banner fell off between the two days of progress shots, and then I think the next day I snapped the tip off his spear. He's just a fragile lil guy.


    Tried to then take the trog, my paints, and my spray based cold ones to the club the next week and had my entire pot of blood angels red explode inside the box I was keeping my paints in while I was at work. None of my models were in the box with them, but after I cleaned it up I looked like I'd just tried to kill someone with my bare hands :') And of course it meant I had to buy an entire new pot of paint after having literally only used it on tiny parts of one model. Need to figure out a safer way to transport paints on a bike lmao
  2. mrsnakedown
    Jungle Swarm

    mrsnakedown New Member

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    And some WIPs from a couple of days ago, new models new post:


    Spilt yet more paint too! Spent a good 45 minutes coaxing about two thirds of my pot of terradon turquoise out of my chair and my carpet. All things considered I think I did a pretty ok job? My blankets are in the wash and I'm gonna get the Vax out tomorrow.
  3. Explodingzeb

    Explodingzeb Well-Known Member

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    Welcome to Lustria!

    Nice colour choices on your Troglodon. Very vibrant and venomous looking.

    I'm not sure how to stop paints exploding in your bag but when using pots of Contrast paint or washes at home I have a stand to hold the pots steady so they don't fall over (after having learned that lesson the hard way a few times). GW make their own paint pot holder product and there are many alternatives available online I think.
  4. mrsnakedown
    Jungle Swarm

    mrsnakedown New Member

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    Might be a shout, yeah. I've knocked over some of my other paints trying to get stuff out of the lids too, but I was able to mostly contain them to the sheets of newspaper I lay over my desk. Feels really bad losing three quarters of a pot of paint to a silly mistake though lol

    And thank you! Honestly my only thought process behind the trog colouring was, "hell, this burgundy stuff would look really nice with a sickly green on top of it," entirely forgetting that troglodons can actually spit venom x)
    Warden and Explodingzeb like this.
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Dang those are some vibrant colors on that troglodon!
  6. VikingRage

    VikingRage Well-Known Member

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    Loving the colour choices there! Can't wait to see more!
  7. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Looks epic!

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