AoS My first Warhammer Army - 750 pts

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Lennoth, Nov 2, 2022.

  1. Lennoth

    Lennoth Member

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    Hey guys! :D
    I've finished painting my very first warhammer army, recently. So here's an army list, waiting for feedback and your opinions. It's based on the Start Collecting - Skins Set, because ... well, that's what I got.

    Coalesced - Thunder Lizards

    Skink Starpriest (130 pts)
    Artefact: Incandescent Rectrices
    Command Trait: Master of Magic
    Fiery Convocation

    Bastiladon - Solar Engine (250 pts)

    10x Skinks - Javeline, Celestite Dagger and Star-buckler (75 pts)
    10x Skinks - Boltspitter, Moonstone Club (75 pts)

    5x Chameleon Skinks (115 pts)
    3x Terradon Riders - Sunleech Bolas (105 pts)

    Realmshaper Engine

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  2. VikingRage

    VikingRage Well-Known Member

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    In those low point games, bastiladon in thunder lizards veers on oppressive, pew pew pew!

    There are more efficient lists out there, buut unless you have other models to swap out for, what you have is functional for sure!

    Terradon riders to steal objectives, chameleon skinks to ambush small heroes and steal objectives too. Some cp gen, some screening units. Not a bad start!

    I do recommend you swap out your spell and maybe even the artefact on the starpriest. Fiery invocation requires you to get too close with a fragile wizard, and Hand of Glory is basically an auto-include with a bastiladon in your list. Every shot counts, and you probably want to put all of your cp and abilities into erasing your opponent with the bastiladon.

    Only other suggestion would be to swap out the javelins for boltspitters on the skinks. If able (you can proxy them if need be); javelins don't let you reach out far enough with your shots, 16 inches is further than most realize, and 8 means you have a decent chance of getting charged before you even get a chance to shoot. Also you are better off running them as a block of 20 instead of 2 tens since you get better returns from rally, and you double all of their attacks for having over 15 models.

    Also, gratz on the painted army!
    Lennoth likes this.
  3. Lennoth

    Lennoth Member

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    Alright, Hand of Glory is something I didn't think about. So your idea would be to keep the starpriest and bastiladon close to each other and reak havoc from distance. I like that Idea.
    The artefact has to be the Fusil of Conflagration, which is given by the thunder lizard keyword, didn't have that in mind when I build that army.

    I'd preffer to keep the javelins. As far as I see it, they're my only dedicated frontline. Not as tough as saurus, but enough to keep the enemy buisy. The bastiladon could probably help them out, but as as you said: every shoot counts. making them one block of 20 for the Swarming Cohort ist also a no-brainer, good point.
    VikingRage likes this.
  4. VikingRage

    VikingRage Well-Known Member

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    Precisely! You have to turtle up a little bit with most of our builds in seraphon, since much of the individual parts of our army are relatively weak, but our abilities and buffs in Serapon stack up very efficiently to become lethal!

    Definitely try it out with with the javelins if that is what you are going for, just make sure to ask youself if you would rather have the clubs or boltspitters in any given situation to get a better feel for what works with your budding playstyle. I generally prefer the clubs as a frontline unit if they are going to scrum anyways (there is a big jump in successful attacks between 5+ and 4+ to hit), and there is always the risk that they come in from a long charge, outside your shooting range, and then rush in to fight after passing the phase you get to punch back with.

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