I have a dream. A dream about making a pimp-slann with a purple coat and a purple hat with a feather. (both coat and hat got zebra skin on it ). He'll have the two dark eldar prisoners on his base and got them chained to his palanquin. Maybe make his standard to a sign with an arrow pionting down towards him where his name is on. BUT, what shall he be called. Pimp-slann? Pimp Daddy?, Suga Daddy/slann? I really don't know, so what do you think his name should be? I cant wait to hear some cool/funny names. Thanks.
Gonna have to take a Boondocks approach and go with "a pimp named Slann Back" ok slann back... no you have to say the whole thing a pimp named slann back. can i call you slann back for short? NOOO! Its a pimp named slann back.
maybe you should take a picture of it and show it to us so we can see what the slann is like. If you have to build him first, I would say take a look at bitz box. that's a nice site. i think you already know it. It's quiet popular
oh yeah, I would vote; Fat Froggy (with some kind of city name or else) (like: the conqueror, of Xhotl, the great, etc)
Purple eh.... Well you could put this gliph over his Paniquin. and call him The Slann formerly known as Slana the Hut...
going with the aztec theme of the lizardmen in general, i'd suggest Pimpalotl. alternatively, Jabba the Slann was good lol Edit: just thought of another one: The Real Slann Shady