AoS All Saurus All The Time

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Compo_S, Jan 7, 2023.

  1. Compo_S

    Compo_S New Member

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    I know competitively i should look at the synergies between skinks and the stegs etc. Slanns for magic and bastis/salamanders for range. And while planning for an upcoming game i fell into this mindset. I started building and EoG, finished a basti.

    But then i realised i bought into seraphon because i love the carno models. I love the knight models. In my head a coalesced army is all tooth and claw bearing down on whatever poor soul is in the way. So i went back to that and ive produced this list which i would greatly appreciate feedback on.

    ++ **Pitched Battle GHB 2022** 2,000 (Order - Seraphon) [1,785pts] ++
    + Core Battalion +
    Core Battalion: Battle Regiment
    Core Battalion: Warlord: Extra Enhancement: Artefacts of Power
    + Leader +
    Saurus Oldblood [120pts]: Celestite Greatblade, Warlord - 2-4 Sub-Commanders
    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur [250pts]: [Koatl's Claw] Dominant Predator, Beastmaster, General, Warlord - 1-2 Commanders
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur [215pts]: Celestite Warblade, Eviscerating Blade, Warlord - 1-2 Commanders
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur [215pts]: 1. Blade of Realities, Battle Regiment - 1 Commander, Celestite Warspear
    Saurus Sunblood [125pts]: Warlord - 2-4 Sub-Commanders
    + Battleline +
    Saurus Knights [220pts]: 10 Saurus Knights, Celestite Warspear, Reinforced, Saurus Knight Alpha, Stardrake Icon Bearer, Wardrummer, Warlord - 1-2 Troops
    Saurus Knights [220pts]: 10 Saurus Knights, Celestite Warspear, Reinforced, Saurus Knight Alpha, Stardrake Icon Bearer, Wardrummer, Warlord - 1-2 Troops
    Saurus Warriors [210pts]: 20 Saurus Warriors, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Celestite Club, Reinforced, Saurus Warrior Alpha, Stardrake Icon Bearer, Wardrummer
    Saurus Warriors [210pts]: 20 Saurus Warriors, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Celestite Club, Reinforced, Saurus Warrior Alpha, Stardrake Icon Bearer, Wardrummer
    + Scenery +
    Scenery: Realmshaper Engine
    + Allegiance +
    . Allegiance: Seraphon
    . . Coalesced: Koatl's Claw
    + Game Options +
    Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost
    Grand Strategy
    Monstrous Rampages
    Realm of Battle
    Triumphs: Bloodthirsty
    ++ Total: [1,785pts] ++

    As can be seen Ive a few points left over and could snag a few more when the new costs come onlie in battelscribe.
  2. Colossal Marlin

    Colossal Marlin Member

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    You will need at least a Skink priest in your realmshaper if you want to be able to really utilise it and make its presence known on the battlefield otherwise it will just be more terrain that you will find yourself having to maneuver around.

    I'm also a big fan of running knights at minimum strength for the ability to steer them a bit better and divide opponents attention, but you absolutely have the wiggle room to keep them reinforced with the points you have left over.

    What do you think about Kroxigor? They should fit in quite nicely with your love of big dinos.
  3. Compo_S

    Compo_S New Member

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    Krox would be cool. I’m likely adding a scar vet on cold one too And following your advice I’ll split the knights to 5 man units. I’ve the troop slots so could run them in this fashion to help flank opponents and screen out tree elf teleports. (A buddy plays sylvaneth and likes the whole teleport and shoot game plan )
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2023

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