Let's Get Motivated - New Year's hobby resolution 2022

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Imrahil, Jan 3, 2022.

  1. Y'ttar Scaletail

    Y'ttar Scaletail Well-Known Member

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    Finish Painting and Basing the models from Blackstone Fortress:
    I'm aiming to finish painting them all this month (three characters, one enemy character and four elite enemies) with a load of basing the following month.

    Build/Convert/Paint/Base the characters from my RPG group's Soulbound Campaign:
    Kallus Bane and Grymm Grunstock are built bar a few green stuff conversions. Morrig Crowcaller and Mairwen Halfhand are yet to be built, though for new aelf Mairwen I am planning on using the old Bret Damsel and do a little conversion work. Otherwise, i've done a test Black Ark Corsair with my basing technique (the four characters will be on a wooden dock jetty/pontoon.) Possibly will get back onto them Sep/Oct.

    Build/Paint/Base at least 1K points of Stormcast Eternals:
    Little to no progress, instead I got some Skelliemen...Erm...I will try and get some Stormcast painted...honest.

    Paint the numerous Underworlds Warbands I have now...including the Starblood Stalkers (actually painting Lizardmen!):
    One of the lizzies is basecoated...that's erm about it. Plan is for a month of Underworlds painting and building, possibly next month or month after.

    Extra goal: Paint the Fellowship of the Ring:
    Aragorn and Frodo were done earlier this year, Boromir was finished at the start of this month. Will probably throw in the odd fellowship member every month until end of year with maybe Merry and Pippin sharing the same month.
  2. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    End year update:

    - complete all models of the Easterling commission from my brother
    As the Battle Companies Campaign has ended it has come to a standstill with painting the rest of the Easterling models.

    - complete at least 2 scenery pieces(buildings)
    I have achieved this: I build and painted 1 building and build an painted some more city scenery

    - try again to finish painting my Orruk army. I have suddenly found some new motivation to work on them:angelic:
    After the mid year update not much have changed... other than a few more Orruks have made the list :oops: :)

    - paint something Seraphon
    Well I have completed one and just one model: Skink Starpriest

    Grrr, !mrahil
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2023
    Noxolotl and Explodingzeb like this.
  3. Explodingzeb

    Explodingzeb Well-Known Member

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    • Finish painting my 2k 8th Ed. Lizardmen List (30 TG, 1 Salamander pack). DONE
    • Paint at least 1 big monster (Bastiladon or Carnosaur). NOT DONE - I built and primed a Bastiladon with both weapon options but didn't get round to painting it.
    • Paint all of my built SW Legion models (ARC Troopers, Specialists for both armies, Maul, Anakin). DONE - Painted all of these plus 2 units of Commando Droids, a set of barricades, a box of battlefield objectives, a Super Tactical Droid and a Dwarf Spider Droid.
    • Build and paint 1 Heavy Vehicle for my Separatists and Clones. DONE - I painted a heavy tank for both armies.
    • Actually play some games. DONE - I played a game of Warhammer 8th Edition and a couple of games of Star Wars Legion.
    Noxolotl and Imrahil like this.
  4. Noxolotl
    Cold One

    Noxolotl Well-Known Member

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    Alright I can already tell that I did more of "things that pop up" stuff than the points from the list, but i'd still say that I made some progress that year

    • While I wouldn't call the lizards finished I have over half of them assembled so it's always something
    • Ive painted 1 and 3/4 warbands out of 4 that I own so Im counting it as "some"
    • Actually this Point has the most things done, I've made some terrain pieces that could be used for multiple types of games and while not really model related I helped out in making 3 pretty hard cosplay props for my friends.
    I wish I had actually painted more models but last year I was pretty busy with some personal life stuff, but hey this year I will probably have enough time to focus on my personal stuff and my hobbies so here's hoping that I'll actually manage to make more progress
    Imrahil likes this.
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Almost missed this one. Out of my resolution list from last year this is what I pulled off:

    2022 New Years Hobby Resolutions_Update.jpg

    Did not get through any Eldar whatsoever, same for my Platypus minis (which are sadly stuck in storage) or Blood and Plunder. I started my Grail Chapel but that project is on pause indefinately.

    In total however I did finish 192 miniatures this year, including 65 zombies I finished for Black Plague on New Years Eve.
    warden20230129_everything I planted in 2022 (1).jpg

    Many more pictures posted in my paint log. Well done to everyone who was able to paint last year, good luck in 2023!
    JTSleep, Explodingzeb and Imrahil like this.

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