Hey all, don't know if anyone's noticed but the Dread Saurian is sold out and saying last chance to buy on UK Forgeworld store? Have to say FW support for Age of Sigmar is trash.
Someone else noticed that the scar-veteran on cold one is missing from the GW site. I know this can happen occasionally, but it’s worth noting.
On the Canadian Forge World site there are only 6 models listed under Age of Sigmar, and all of them are 40k equivalents. I didn't bother to check for different variations by country, but if this is the case across the board, then Forge World AoS support is completely nonexistent beyond 40k crossovers.
Yep, the Dread Saurian is no more listed. Forgeworld has stopped supporting fantasy at all. I'm glad i have mine, but it's disappointing... i even wonder if it will still be playable with the incoming new battletome. I fear not.
How about some speculation? Maybe Forge World is removing their AoS support to make room for their upcoming The Old World release.