8th Ed. Black Iron Horde, Themed Warriors of Chaos 8991/9000 points

Discussion in 'Other Armies Discussion' started by Krox_v.2, Jan 20, 2023.

  1. Krox_v.2

    Krox_v.2 Well-Known Member

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    So, I decided to write up a Warriors of Chaos list based on my collection. The intent was to create a themed list using almost my entire collection. The theme is based around a future (discounting End Times) chaos invasion lead by the bastard children of Lord Mortkin from the Slaughter at Volganof narrative. 15-20 years in the future, prompted by a coven of chaos sorcerers following their own agenda, the twin offspring of Mortkin invade Ostland to avenge their father. As it is a themed list, not all of my unit choices were made with the intent for them to be overly effective on the tabletop.


    Gerad the Grey, Magus of Shadow

    Chaos sorcerer lord, lvl 4, Lore of Shadow
    Skull of Katam, Seed of Rebirth, Hideous Visage

    Ivar Mortkinsson, The Black Iron Bastard
    Chaos Lord w/ shield, Hellfire Sword, Talisman of Endurance, Soul Feeder
    mounted on Possessed Zhavag (Daemonic Mount w/ barding)

    Greta Mortkinsdottir, Black Iron Fury
    Chaos Lord w/shield, Talisman of Preservation, Ogre Blade, Other Trickster's Shard, Flaming Breath


    Dieter the Dark, Magus of Death

    Chaos sorcerer, lvl 2, Lore of Death

    Freya the Furious, Magus of Flame
    Chaos sorcerer, lvl 2, Lore of Fire

    Advar the Sarl, Jarl of the Black Iron Reapers
    Exalted Hero, BsB, Armour of Destiny, Scaled Skin

    Wulfrik the Wanderer

    Petyr the Pustulent, Warlock of the Leprous Legion

    Chaos sorcerer, lvl 2, Mark of Nurgle, Lore of Nurgle

    Delcar the Decadent, Grand Master of the Order of The Flayed Maid
    Exalted hero w/ halberd, shield, Mark of Slaanesh, mounted on barded chaos steed

    Ragnar the Raging, Jarl of the Aeslings
    Exalted hero w/ great weapon, Mark of Khorne

    Wrothmir the Warped, Jarl of the Draklings
    Exalted hero w/ shield, Mark of Tzeentch, Sword of Change

    Dalvar Drakespeaker, Shaman of the Draklings
    Chaos sorcerer, lvl 2, Mark of Tzeentch, Biting Blade, Lore of Metal

    Core Units:

    Ivar's Raiders, Black Iron Horde

    30 Chaos warriors, shields, FC

    Greta's Reavers, Black Iron Horde
    30 Chaos warriors, shields, FC

    Black Iron Reapers
    21 Chaos warriors, great weapons, FC

    Wulfrik's Crew
    20 marauders w/ flails, light armor, FC

    Last Savages of Kludburgh
    12 Forsaken

    Wolves of the Wastes
    5 Chaos hounds

    Hounds of the Steppes
    5 Chaos hounds

    Mongrels of the Taiga
    5 Chaos hounds w/ Vanguard

    Fist of Grandfather
    Chaos chariot w/ Mark of Nurgle

    Leprous Legion
    21 Chaos warriors w/ shields, Mark of Nurgle, FC

    Rabid Wolves
    5 chaos hounds w/poisoned attacks

    Dolgan Raiders
    5 Marauder horsemen w/spears, javelins, Mark of Slaanesh

    Dolgan Horselords
    5 Marauder horsemen w/ shields, spears, Mark of Slaanesh, FC

    Lascivious Legion
    12 Chaos warriors w/ shield, Mark of Slaanesh, FC

    Drakling Warriors
    30 Marauders w/ shields, light armor, Mark of Tzeentch, FC

    Drakling Hounds
    5 Chaos hounds w/ scaly skin

    Aesling Berserkers
    30 Marauders w/ great weapons, Mark of Khorne, FC

    Aesling Huscarls
    18 Chaos warriors w/ additional hand weapons, Mark of Khorne, FC

    Special Units:

    Thunder of the Steppes

    Gorebeast chariot

    Throgg's Tithe
    3 Chaos trolls

    Kholek's Kin
    3 Dragon ogres

    Black Iron Brutes
    5 Chaos ogres w/ addition hand weapons, FC

    Black Iron Knights, The Order of Hell's Fire
    10 Chaos knights, ensorcelled weapons, FC

    Dolgan Daemonkin
    5 Hellstriders of Slaanesh

    Order of The Flayed Maid
    5 Chaos knights w/ Mark of Slaanesh, ensorcelled weapons, FC

    Order of the Twisted Mirror
    5 Chaos knights w/ Mark of Tzeentch, lances, Champion

    The Filth Eaters
    3 Chaos ogres w/ addition hand weapons, Mark of Nurgle

    The Gore Gluttons
    6 Chaos ogres w/ champion, additional hand weapons, Mark of Khorne

    Rare Units


    Chaos Giant

    Chaos Giant

    The Lost
    Chaos spawn

    The Damned
    Chaos spawn

    Pus Gobbler
    Chaos spawn w/ Mark of Nurgle

  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    A nice thematic list you have there... no massive Warrior deathstars, Skullcrusher stars, uber-Daemon Princes or cheese Lord builds. Exactly the sort of lists players should be coming up with.

    Not a full expert on Warriors so can't help out with the specifics, but it's something I certainly wouldn't object to writing a 9000-point list to play a friendly game against (if I had that much of one army of course :p)

    You've earned my respect, sir. May your fun list tell a suitably grand story of Mortkin's twins!
    Krox_v.2 likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Mercy is for the weak! ;)

  4. Krox_v.2

    Krox_v.2 Well-Known Member

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    I remember a battle report from a white dwarf years ago, 20+ years or so, where one of the players said "it's a greater thrill to win with whatever you have rather than what you wish you could have" or something to that effect. It's stuck with me ever since.
  5. shattershell

    shattershell Active Member

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    I love the themed list! But 9000 points is so big that I almost can't get my head around it.

    What would you take if you had to make a 2400 point version, but keeping roughly the same overall theme? Perhaps a small vanguard element of this bigger army?
  6. Krox_v.2

    Krox_v.2 Well-Known Member

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    I did write quite a few smaller lists with a map based campaign idea in mind. I was trying to break them down based on contingents themed around the followers of 2 gods with an undivided character and/or undivided/monstrous units to represent an emissary or emissaries of Mortkin's bastards. Like the Nurgle and Slaanesh units were one army, Khorne and Tzeentch were the core of another and a third army was mostly unmarked/Undivided.
  7. shattershell

    shattershell Active Member

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    Well I'd love to see some of those smaller lists. I mainly play 2400 so that's what I have a good feel for.
    Krox_v.2 likes this.
  8. Krox_v.2

    Krox_v.2 Well-Known Member

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    Here's one version. I was breaking the army down into 2500- 3000 point contingents

    Delegation of Decadence and Disease 2500 pts


    Delcar the Decadent

    Chaos Lord w/shield, halberd, barded chaos steed and Mark of Slaanesh

    Petyr the Pustulent
    Chaos Sorcerer Lord, lvl 3, Mark of Nurgle, Lore of Nurgle


    Luitpold the Leprous

    Exalted Hero w/halberd, Mark of Nurgle

    L'Shar the Lascivious One
    Exalted Hero w/shield, Mark of Slaanesh

    Core Units:

    Leprous Legion

    21 Chaos Warriors w/shields, FC, Mark of Nurgle

    Dolgan Raiders
    5 Marauder Horsemen w/spears, javelins, Mark of Slaanesh

    Dolgan Horselords
    5 Marauder Horsemen w/spears, shields, FC, Mark of Slaanesh

    Grandfather's Fist
    Chaos Chariot, Mark of Nurgle

    Rabid Hounds
    5 Chaos Hounds, poisoned attacks

    Dolgan Hunting Hounds
    5 Chaos Hounds with Vanguard

    Foot Knights of the Flayed Maiden
    12 Chaos Warriors w/shields, FC, Mark of Slaanesh, Banner of Swiftness

    Special Units

    The Filth Eaters

    3 Chaos Ogres w/additional hand weapons, Mark of Nurgle, Ogre Mutant

    Order of the Flayed Maiden
    5 Chaos Knights w/ensorcelled weapons, FC, Mark of Slaanesh

    Exemplars of Excess
    5 Hellstriders of Slaanesh w/Hellreaver

    Rare Units


    Chaos Giant

    Pus Gobbler
    Chaos Spawn w/Mark of Nurgle

  9. shattershell

    shattershell Active Member

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    Very cool with the combined Slaanesh/Nurgle theme. Would love to play this with my Saurus-focused lizard force!!
    Krox_v.2 likes this.

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