6th Ed. Anyone familiar with Warhammer Reforged (ES)? I'm about to try a new list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Guillérmidas, Jan 12, 2023.

  1. Guillérmidas
    Jungle Swarm

    Guillérmidas New Member

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    Reforged is a Spanish initiative based mostly on 6th-8th edition and a few additions of its own. It is fairly popular here for people who still enjoy the OldHammer as an alternative to 9th age. It also adds a few things of its own, and the rules are very lore focused. They made army list for most subfactions as well, some of these very refined (Norsca, Hobgolins, Chorfs, Southern Realms, Kislev, Kurgan Warbands, Middenheim... the list goes on). I personally joined Warhammer in 6th edition and I'm very comfortable with this initiative for now.

    I'm afraid for now it only has rules in Spanish. I believe they are working on subs for english. I already played about 6 games with my lizzies, and 2 more with Ogres, My Lord.

    Important things to know about Reforged edition rules:
    • You charge the highest of 2D6 (or both for cavalry and such), and can measure whenever you want.
    • Estimate XD6 for cannons. Not sure exactly how much, I never use one.
    • Magic dices are 2D6 per turn (and dispell the highest of these) in small/medium battles, but can be agreed for more dices.
    • Mages can only cast spells 2 above its level (only lvl4 mages can cast the best spell of a school. The schools have an inner rule similar to 8ed, which I personally love.
    • Magic items are 2 regular ones for heroes, 3 for generals (one of these can be a Relic, a more powerful version). No limit in points for the items, just the amount of these.
    • The fight is per initiative, but remove kills from last row (so my saurus will eventually hit, unlike 6ed). No Always Strike first anywhere. But elves do have other things to compensate, like parry with Spear+Shield. No horde rule to promote huge units.
    This sunday I play a game with my eldest brother with/against his friends with my lizardboys in a 3v4, 4800 points per side. The battle will be Skaven (my brother)+ Lizardmen (me)+ Dwarfs vs Chaos + Demons + Bretonia + Empire. We agreed in our side to not use magic to benefit from Dwarf dispelling the most.

    My list very mobile, and it is as follow, made with battlescribe (apologies in advance for the mediocre translation and format):
    • 1 Saurus hero on Carnosaur (smaller version, monstrous cavalry) with Mark of the Old Ones (++5 and repeat 1D3 per battle), Draining 2H Sword (recover 1W each fight round) and Shadow Heavy Armor (-1 to wound him). Really tough guy in combat, and still hits like a truck. 318 points.
    • 20 Saurus with full command group, Jaguar Banner (+1M and Charge 2D6 like cavalry) and Tlaxla Mark (+1 Strength on charge). 323 points.
    • 10 skinks skirmishers with blowpipes. 79 points.
    • 1 Stegadon. You gotta pay 2 extra skinks (for a total of 6) and poison attacks. I skipped it. 230 points.
    • 10 Cold Ones with full command group, Xholt mark (++6 and magic attacks), and Vengance Banner (Repeat charge dices). The officer has Amulet of Fire (Spell Resistance of 3, One Use Only). 380 points.
    • 5 Ripperdactyl riders. 150 Points.
    • 2 Razordons with extra skinks. 120 Points.
    Another option I've consider is change the skink skirmishers for a skink block mixed with Kroxigors. I'd have to reduce the Ripperdactyl unit size or razordons in that case.

    Lizardmen army also have Skink Horned One riders, which I never tried. Skirmish cavalry 20 point each but very powerful for what it is. I just dont find any use of them against so much Chaos and Bretonian knights, and so little space to flank. For another battle I guess.

    Thoughts and questions you may ask? Happy to answer.

    For those interested, here I provide the links for Reforged. Rules are free to download:
    Main page: http://whreforged.blogspot.com/
    Army List downloads: http://whreforged.blogspot.com/p/seccion-de-descargas.html
  2. Guillérmidas
    Jungle Swarm

    Guillérmidas New Member

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    I've tagged the post as 6th edition since it has the most similarities with. I hope it is okey, mods.
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    English translations would be great - though I'm not bad at my Español, I'd rather still be able to read the rules in my native language, otherwise playing a game of it would take all day ;)

    I look forward to seeing how Reforged plays and which bits of 6th-8th Editions feature!
    Niño_Borracho likes this.
  4. Niño_Borracho
    Jungle Swarm

    Niño_Borracho New Member

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    Hello. My english isn't perfect neither but I could help you solving doubts. WHR takes elements from all editions, mostly 4th-6th-8th for its game system plus game options from all the setting. Yes, that means you can find options from other Warhammer Fantasy games like Warhammer: Invasion, WFRP and videogames like TTW.

    I will be happy to help you with that in any way I can. :)

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