Hi everyone! My name is Ben and I'm from the province of Québec in Canada. I have read a lot on the forum and decide to register today! I started playing WHFB in 1997 and stopped in 2002. I played differents army (Skaven, Dwarfs, Vampires Counts, The Empires, Tomb Kings and Dark Elves). Mostly 2500-3000 pts each.. not at the same time I've recently started WHFB again with my best friend. He decided to go Ogres and I've decided to go Lizardmen! Can't wait to get everything glued and be able to play my first game in almost 8 years! Note: What a relief to have almost all plastic models! See you in battle!
Welcome! I'm from Canada too! (although I'm currently residing in London for the next year ) Post your pictures once you start painting!
Welcome, welcome! I've just started collecting some Ogres in addition to my Lizardmen; both are great armies and you should have some epic battles against them. Have your friend check out this site if he hasn't already: http://www.ogrestronghold.com/ It's a great site for Ogre generals.
YAY fellow Canadians, and here I thought I was all alone! I play VC, WE, and newly Lizards. Nice meeting ya, virtually anyway. My sister is living in quebec right now
sweet! I'm from Bracebridge although I'm planning on moving back to the GTA (maybe Mississauga) once I get back from England.
Thanks for the welcome guys! I'm from Quebec City! Thanks for the the website Gor-rok, he's already register there! (or just reading )
Wow! It's been a year already! I posted a armylist I plain to use, Comments welcomes ;-) http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=8175