8th Ed. 3000 vs skaven

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by vict0988, Nov 14, 2010.

  1. vict0988
    Cold One

    vict0988 Member

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    lords 740

    slann cupped hands power stone focus of mystery (beast) focused ruimination higher state of consciouness
    oh yeah beast with that many chars dont know if i should shift the sword of bloodshed out with cupped hands or something along those lines?

    old blood blade of realities bane head la shield 250
    his job is to destroy bell/lords/furnace

    heroes 575

    skink cheif bsb anti skaven banner la shield
    hatred and frenzy is gooood!

    scar vet maiming shield sword of battle la
    up to 10 ws 5 s 9 hatred attacks i think thats ok? lol :D

    scar vet sun scimitar la shield
    same as before

    scar vet sword of strife dragon helm la shield
    same... again but its just.... sick

    speciel 498

    9 chameleons stalker

    9 chameleons stalker

    3x3 terradons

    speciels job is to kill all ranged fire

    core 1185

    105 saurus hw shield full command
    just somewhere to put my chars :D

    total 2998

    saurus just move up with all chars and kill anything in basecontact i dont really care about bieng flanked i will just start killing things in my flanks and then go on to front while my chameleons and terradons kill
    warmachines weapon teams and jezzails

    tell me what you think any ideas about small changes?
  2. ryan88

    ryan88 New Member

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    heres a clip from a slann build i LOVE that i wrote up i think it'd be great for you. I made it to mangle elves but skaven should suffer just fine from it too.

    Slann Mage Priest
    focused rumination
    higher state of conciousness
    obsidian amulet
    divine palaquin of protection

    WOW, that's expensive but as slann go i guess thats about right. My initial thoguh with this guy was that elves just can't hurt this thing, lets consider somthing. Elves are good at shooting, i have a 2+ ward to that. Elves are good at magic, i have a 2+ ward to that. Elves are decent in combat, that's ok i'm ethereal! This is normally a good all around slann for me but against elves i like to add a little spice. I take lore of life (SURPRISE!) and i cast the buffed (24 inch) dwelllers bellow with my power scroll added in, I use 6 dice and get a freebie 7th which overrides the 6 tops rule, therefore i can't not cast it with irrisistable force. true i suffer a miscast aswell but if this guy is alone he's really the only one getting hurt and even if he does he gains a free wound back for having cast the spell! this negates most miscast results. i have no idea how it works if he dies whether or not he comes back with 1 wound or not, i doubt it does thats a sweet bonus. The dwellers below is the perfect against elves since they cost a pile of points and are not that hard to kill off. Imagine a high elf archmage in a unit of archers, spearmen, etc... then karate chop that whole unit in half! nobody is safe, that mage has a 50% chance of going too. Can you smell the panic check. if you dont off the mage you still ruin any plans that unit had for the day and if you do thats a devastating blow elves can't get back up from. Even better than elves a tomb king hierophant, the potential is great with this "elf bomb".

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That is a pretty powerful combo you have there. One question though. Do you really need the obsidian amulet, seeing as you already have the divine plaque of protection which gives you a 2+ ward save against all ranged attacks? I'd figure a magic spell is still a ranged attack.
  4. carter
    Jungle Swarm

    carter New Member

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    I always bring a unit or two with flame banner to combat a HPA if theres even a chance your opponent might bring one. Getting rid of 4+ regen and its unkillable special rule is well worth the cost of the banner in my opinion.

    Also getting flanked by a doomwheel can be devastating. If he rolls a 6, 8, or 10 on artillery dice for strength, you very easily could lose 3D6 saurus in just his shooting phase. It only takes two or so units of skirmishers to deal with each one though so I'd certainly recommend bringing at least that.

    And lastly, becalming cogitation makes the dreaded thirteenth nearly impossible to cast. My first game against skaven saw two units of 20 saurus reduced to only 6 and 3 saurus left after two magic phases so now i always equip my slann with becalming and my friend hasnt cast it again yet!

    good luck, let us know how it goes
  5. HoverBoy

    HoverBoy New Member

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    Magic missiles yes, direct damage not so much.
  6. ryan88

    ryan88 New Member

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    exactly. you don't need it per se, but it really covers all the bases, only thing hurting this guy without a 2+ ward is a combat magic attack and thats why i put up a battery of 3 salamanders by the slan to barbeque anything that even tries to get close.
  7. vict0988
    Cold One

    vict0988 Member

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That sucks, do you have a page reference? Where does it say that direct damage spells are not ranged attacks?
  9. ryan88

    ryan88 New Member

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    yes sure its a nasty thing but as i am going for lore of beast i dont think its that good as your slann will just miscast and then die.....

    Not at all, if you have the throne of vines up, for one, you can discount a miscast on a 2+ but even if it does get through then the most likely option is you may take a wound, In which case you have a badass 2+ ward for the ones you are allowed to take it against and even if you don't, take 1 wound then get 1 back since you sucessfuly cast a lore of life spell. To die you'd literally need to roll a 1, then the first result on the miscast table, then after that the 1,2,or 3 to die and not take wounds. the likelyhood of that is very very hard.
  10. Daneish
    Cold One

    Daneish New Member

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    I have been thinking about the solo ethereal slann for a bit, but would run with the lore of light instead, I would also drop the power scroll and take the cupped hands. Have him sit behind a bunker of 2/3 saurus blocks, chucking out big buff spells, the end.

    You have to stop your slann getting in combat at all costs because he will get owned lose combat thanks to static res, and get run down, no amount of ethereal will save him then. The only way to use him as a bunker would then be to give him the crown of command, then he is an excellent anvil for a unit without a character.

    Could also tie up an h-bomb forever, hahahahaha mr hell pit, you can't hurt me, now your stuck forever while I buff saurus that are going to tear the rest of your rat friends limb from limb.
  11. HoverBoy

    HoverBoy New Member

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    Well techincally speaking not even magic missiles are marked as ranged attacks they're called sorcerous projectiles, so a TFG can argue that too, oh and all the spell types are explained on page 31.
  12. vict0988
    Cold One

    vict0988 Member

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    well lets say magnificent buboes (lore of nrugle) i would say its a ranged attack because it has a RANGE of 24 and it aint a magic missile so it must be a direct damage spell right?
  13. wolfmage
    Temple Guard

    wolfmage New Member

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    Can I just say my regular skaven opponent hates skinks of all varieties because i bully his HPA with them and he knows charging my skink skirmishers is exactly what i want him to do. The fact is that 3-4 70pt skirmisher units are invaluble against skaven monster players or even at just whittling away at things like plague monks.
    Recommend ruby ring on slann perfect for dealing with normal skaven or the HPA.
  14. vict0988
    Cold One

    vict0988 Member

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    but if i take ruby ring then i need 2 dice for an average of 7 slann 1 dice average 11 you see what i mean and 2 dice vs 2 dice 7 vs 14,5 thats over the doubled amount! i just cant see anything in bound items for any armies but tk! unless you dont use mages as tk

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