8th Ed. Lizardmen in 8th

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by TheChaplain, Nov 11, 2010.

  1. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    Here in Finland we have several comps in tournaments, one of them is max. 1 same rare unit. Same comps are usually used in friendly games too, just to make it more nicer game. Lone Sallies are pretty dirty
  2. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    That restriction is a bit harsh on Beastman, Orcs, WoC, Tomb Kings and Dwarfs. Sallies should definitely be 0-1 if you want balance though.
  3. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    Not really IMHO. Beasts get 0-2 spawns (2 in 1 slot) and Big Beastis, I doubt anyone would take douple rare monsters in any beast army. Douple Orcans are just awfull, TK can live with 1 skull chucka, Douple Hellcannon would be awfull, luckily I havent never faced 2 of them
  4. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    IMO double Cygor or double Jabberslythe is alot better than one of each. Rare is the only slot O&G can get anything good in combat that isn't infantry: Giants or Trolls. TK can't live without 2 chucka. Most WoC lists I see are either double Warshrine or double Hellcannon, they aren't overpowered so shouldn't be banned.
  5. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    Well, no one isnt using jabberslythe in 8th, it's pure crap atm. O&G wont take Giants in 8th, it's just free points to enemy. IMO Trolls and Doomdivers are the only rares worth to take

    Stone Throwers are so crappy in 8th so it doesnt really matter having one or 2

    The point was that by banning douple rares you get pretty good balance between different books (how about 2x Abos and 2x WLCannons/ 2x Doomwheels?)
  6. vict0988
    Cold One

    vict0988 Member

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    at my gaming clup everybody and i mean everybody just hated me for taking a life slann in 1500 its evil but when i met a de army with a shadow wizard he simply decreased my toughnes by d3 and killed all of my temple guard what im saying is just take shadow or death then slann and guard aint really a problem cause what is a lizardmen army were half its points is that unit without that unit? peoble still whine though
  7. Minuite
    Jungle Swarm

    Minuite New Member

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    Pardon me for sounding sarcastic but I am not even certain you have a valid question.

    Games Worskhop composed the rules and often release FAQ's for clarification and errata. If your army complies to the RAW (Rules As Written) then you are allowed to compose your army in any legal fashion.

    I find myself agreeing with the wisdom of those who wrote before my reply was posted:

    Sao wrote:

    I have never seen an army that could not be beaten. I play against a tournament champion all the time (and lose all the time). He sometimes takes my army and I take his army and he still wins. Why? Because he understands the game better than I do.

    JohnMavrick wrote:

    I only hope that John and his boys don't stomp them so badly that there is none left for me to beat a little sense into. I am not a proponent of violence to get my message across but it appears the ECT isn't up to thoughtful discussion.

    I find I completely disagree with kroxigor01 mostly because of what he says and partially because he brings up the ECT comp listing.

    The ECT isn't playing Warhammer 8th edition. They are playing their own highly modified version of the rules that must certainly favor their own agenda and interests. Calling it "Warhammer" is in name only and not the rules as written by GW.

    By the way, I can argue all day long about how poorly thought out I think some of GW's rulings are but they are the rules we play by. People like the ECT and whiners, in general, are attempting to manipulate you into doing things their way.

    The only two pieces of advice that I can offer you is to :

    1.) Always be courteous. No matter what happens, even in disagreements, you cannot find fault in your own behavior if you are sincere and courteous.

    2.) If someone whines, ask them to show you in the rules where you are mistaken. If you are mistaken, apologize immediately. If they are mistaken (and whining), demand an apology.

    Definitely, BY ALL MEANS, make your army as good and effective as you can. In the end, your friendly demeanor and sincerity, coupled with a bit of thick skin willl serve you better than if you listen to the self-serving whiners of the world who use whining as a weapon to get the world to change to their point of view.

    Last, but far from least, the wisdom of my favorite quote:

    vapor wrote:

    That is so true that it's hilarious.
  8. Daneish
    Cold One

    Daneish New Member

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    I am going to approach this from a different angle. I have not yet played with lizardmen as my collection is to small, so will approach it from an empire point of view. I play only in friendly games, but they are also competetive as lets be honest you play to win so you play to your strengths.

    An example of this is that my main opponents play skaven and dark elves so I am used to fighting against hpa and hydras, they only ever take one each as we still like it to be fun, but neirther of them ever said it was cheesey when I took the flamie banner on crossbows, dropped them a wound thus getting rid of regen and shot them in the face with a cannon ball. This is because they are players who can think and adapt. The next time I played them they made sure that they used cover better for their big nasties and had things to put the hurt on my ranged units.

    I think warhammer games are about being able to adapt to a given circumstance rather than keep hammering away at a tactic that clearly doesn't work. Every army has many ways to be played and I am looking forward to finding lots of different exciting combos for the lizardmen. I am sure some will work out really well and others will be god aweful for me but I will have fun in the heat of battle trying to best my opponent regardless.

    Plus games workshop have already limited the amount of rares you can take at any given points value, it is not your fault you can take 6 sallies, they are just clearly not that rare.

    I also don't think sallies are that over powered at all, about the same points as a mortar with less toughness a need to be very close to your target and the ability to eat handlers very easily. I think looking at it on paper it is a very fragile unit and will need to be used with care. I imagine most things that are good at taking out warmachines could easily put the hurt on a sallie.

    One thing to do is maybe politely point out to people post battle that had they used their wolf riders to charge your sallie it would have been of better use to them than trying to flank charge your temple guard or something. I think it is nice to discuss a battle after and try to help each other tactically for next time so you both have a more challenging game. For example one of my gaming buddies said I should keep a life mage near my steamtank, I did this and crumpled his war hydras for a few games, then he started using a pendent of any double=miscast and my life mage was suddenly a crater that had put a wound on my beloved tank which then got pit of shaded. No more tank hello more great swords.

    I am not sure there really is cheese in warhammer, not really. There are some things that seem unfair but that is usually just me moaning because I have not come up with a way of stopping something yet, but I will.

    Just my opinion
  9. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    6 salamanders arent problem, 2 Stanks+3 Mortars+2 Cannons are

    edit: and uncomped 8th edition is pure crap, who gets the first turn and dwellers enemys archmage wins. Good game indeed
  10. rammramm
    Chameleon Skink

    rammramm New Member

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    I realy dont believe that it has to be all that black and white as many of you make it out to be.

    Warhammer is played by alot of people who have very different opinion on how to play and what they want to get out of the game.

    If you want a game that is fair and that will give many opponents an (close to) equal chanse to win a series of matches with the same army in a tournament, then comp is necesary since there are armies in WH that can put together better lists than others.

    However if you are playing the same opponents over and over in order to find techiques to beat his new army, then comp will only be ridiculus and in the way.

    And for those of you who say that comping is against the rules, I am pretty sure that the BRB encourages players to make new rules and create whatever they want to make their gaming experience better.

    My conclusion is that you should find people who like to play in the same way as you do and then agree with them on how to play. If you dont want what your opponent wants then none of you are likely to have a good time.
  11. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    "If you want a game that is fair and that will give many opponents an (close to) equal chanse to win a series of matches with the same army in a tournament, then comp is necesary since there are armies in WH that can put together better lists than others."

    I play usually againt different opponents. 5 or so. We usually use comps that forbid douple rares and gives Look out sir! rolls vs dwellers , final transmutation and such.

    I've only once used ETC comps in friendly games (vs vamps) and neithers lists didnt really have a difference vs uncomped lists. 30sh Grave guard, check. Slann in TG, check.
  12. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    My advice is along the lines of what Minuite and others have said.. Just be as nice about the game as you can. Nobody builds a list to lose. If you are heading into a tournament you arn't thinking "I hope I lose so everyone else is happy."

    As Daneish said, Warhammer is about adapting to the situation. ANY list that is built to be 'overpowered' in any area will have problems in others. Any army that fields a few things nasty will have a few things nasty that can handle the problem. You just play the best game that you can and be a good sport along with it.

    Disregard the urge to point at your opponent and laugh in his face as you destroy his large unit of whatever-super-strongness, ignore the desire to smirk as your Slann quietly spells the destruction of countless points, just be there to have a good time and make friends. In the end, if you turn your opponents in game into friends in life, you will begin to hear a lot less complaints.

    Though Games Workshop may have faults in rules or design or whatever us hypocrites like to complain about, they didn't start this game so that the few and the proud could rule over it, they made it as a way for the meek and the humble to make friends, for the father and the son to come closer, for two people who didn't know each other to find a common interest.. This game about war and opposition is there to keep those kind of things in a game and to create bonds outside of it.

    At the end of the day, if I win or lose, if I'm with friends and could laugh, it was a day well spent herding my Salamanders forth, commanding Lord Elmquasmash upon his majestic Snow Leopard, and laughing about the 'dice gods' and their unsurpassed sense of humor ;)

    Just be a good sport. If you are following the rules and doing your best to keep the game fun and they still complain, then thats on them. We have the Old Ones on our side. Sucks for everyone else for choosing the wrong gods in this fickle game of faith.

    Lord Elmquasmash approves the above message...
    And so does his mother...
  13. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    8th edition was purely released because need to make more money, not because of OP armybooks released during 7th, not because it would make the game a better one. I think by basic rules, 7th is the best edition so far, and it was ruined by 3 Broken armybooks.

    Term "Balance" means in GW-English-GW dictionary releasing a crappy book after 3 Extremely powerfull ones (Daemons, Dark elfs, Vampires first, to "balance", let's make Beastmen book)

    8th would IMO be a better game with few changes: Power scroll or BoH doesnt exist, Look out sir! roll allowed vs überspells. and some sort of Max number of warmachines army can include.
  14. novatomato

    novatomato Member

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    *EDIT* warning long winded ranting
    The game of Warhammer (8th edition) does not lend itself to be a good design for tournaments unless everyone who joins the tournament takes a top tiered army top tiered list. The designers of the game have explicitly stated that the game is not designed for tournaments, hence to make people want to even go to a tournament the Organizer must find a way to get those with the 'lower tiered' armies interested in thinking they can do well. That is the reason for comp in tournaments, whether it is done well or not varies from tournament to tournament.

    As a player, I like to face a variety of opponents and well lets face it Lizardmen are a very strong army. If I took some of the power build lists would a wood elf player be likely to face it and think yeah I can win with my horribly outdated book or a brettonian player? Or tomb kings player? Those three armies are armies I love, they are ones I will at some point pick up because they are just freaking cool fluff/model wise.
    This goes along with personal preference but I also never 'design a list to lose.' If people don't have a chance to win/very small chance to win why would they even accept to play a "friendly" game?
    The army books are not made equal that much is obvious so it is down to the players to create an acceptable power level.
    People have said that by being a good sport, even if you are power gaming, your opponents will still have a good time. Well let me tell you this, no one is going to have a good time when they are standing at the edge of a table and purely going through the motions of the game as their opponent smiles and laughs and jokes. That person, even if you were the best of people, will most likely not bother to play you again because what is the point?

    Good Sportsmanship, is more than winning/losing graciously. I will use an example from soccer. During a game a certain player Di Canio made a fair challenge on the pposing teams goal keeper and passed the ball out to the flank. The winger got the ball and crossed it into the penalty area. Di Canio had a free header on an empty net and yet when he jumped up to meet the ball he caught it in. Why? because the keeper was down injured. Sure according to the letter of the rules he was free to score as the ref had not stopped the game yet he chose to stop the game.
    That is good sportsmanship, it is about not exploiting stupid little loopholes, being amenable and good natured. The very idea behind power builds is contrary to all that.
  15. Walgis

    Walgis New Member

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    lizardmen are powerfull in 8 ed basicaly because they made magic so much more stupidly less, but the same time so mucj more stupidly uber.... And its not lizardman fault that we are the best magic army (you can argue with teclis and Kairos). I loved 7ed more than no brainer 8ed, the only chalange i found is to pick a new army and learn how to play with it.
    the major problems that i see in 8ed:
    1) uber spells, no saves of any kind allowed. now lets see MR is that a certein guy is more imune to magic, so why the hell he doesnt get the save? as i would fix this thing i would make MR and ward saves work againts uber spells. Regenerate for some spells too.
    2) Regenaration or ward only. now i dont see anything that would stop me from having a magical protection and than regrowing my own arm as it was ripped of. just it doesnt make sence. i would say armour save or regen meiby, because the cracked armour that goes to your body could stop regenaraton.
    3) steadfast. now ok, i certenly dont think that skaven slaves no matter how many there would be of them would flee from a stegadon which caused ~15 kills. they would $hit in theyre pants and run away. i would say if you are engaded in2 or more sides you lose steadfast or even if you are only flanked or rear charged you still lose the stead fast no matter how many ranksoponent has.
    4) leting a mere lvl 1-2 wizard cast a spell in the same power ass LVL4, insane (that +2 efect for eing biger lvl doesnt do it) i would say max 3-4 dices per spell for lvl 1-2.
    5) a lot less tacticks in 8 ed. movement phase you can go where ever you want. shooting, no guesing, no bloking line of sight (this could be the prolem of bad terrain as we in our gamingclub aremaking big terrain block to lock line of sight), magic only uber spells play the game and on avarage theres 2-3 spells that 1-2 goes off.

    sorry for my bad english as its not my native language. no offence meaned its onlymy 2 cents :)
  16. Daneish
    Cold One

    Daneish New Member

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    Now this is what is so great about our hobby. It opens debate in a wonderful arena where people can feel free to express their opinons and discuss them. So in that sense I love it that the game is not perfect as that would not promote discussion amongst friends.

    I like both 8th and 7th ed but what I think needs to be changed may not be to everyone elses tastes as it is all subjective. There are few things better than a good game which it is all about really. I think as well sometimes you need to tweek things on the fly, either by mutual agreement or by just 4+ it.

    So to sum up my position 8th isn't perfect. Lizardmen are not unbeatable. Have fun (or else).
  17. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Sportsmanship SHOULD be a priority for people but not everyone will do it. That won't stop me from keeping up a sporting attitude I can promise you that ;)

    8th edition has changed a few things and made the game a little more basic and straightforward in some areas, but it has also become a lot more realistic in other aspects. I think it should be a little more realistic with shooting warmachines and such (auto hits from things like the organ gun just seems a bit retarded...) but all in all, 8th edition has definitely revamped my interest in the game..
  18. Idura

    Idura New Member

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    Here's from a relatively new player. I started playing in ~april-may this year so i only got a few months of 7th, hence i barely even remember the rules. I also only play against my neighbour who is playing O&G and we know nothing about tournament play. It's all friendly and good and even if i win ~70% of the games i still lose sometimes, even though O&G are a few notches in strength under Lizardmen afaik.

    I too agree with alot of things you are discussing, Dwellers for one thing, used it once and killed 30 goblins in one go along with 2 shamans and one bigboss. It just didn't feel right :s. I had a friend that had never played warhammer over with a brettonia army and no matter how much i tried i could not see how the heck he would beat me or my neighbour... My guess is that Tk and wood elves are pretty much the same. The thing is it made me not even want to battle his army because it would be so loopsided that he would get bored of the game...

    Would love if Gw would hire some more staff and balance everything quicker but that's just a dream :p. In the meantime i'll collect more "good" armies and leave the gimped factions for later.
  19. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    Should GW playtest things before releasing, or let players playtest rules etc, as Privateer Press did with Hordes/ WM Mk II rules, who knows how much better game 8th edition would be.
  20. BEEGfrog

    BEEGfrog Member

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    GW are not very good at play testing and balancing in the short term. In the longer term they tend to severely nerf things that are too good so the balance point moves around.

    8th has levelled the playing field compared to 7th so the gaps between armies aren't as large as they used to be.

    There are many things I still disagree with but most of the changes are positive as they have increased the need for better tactics and coordination and generally help the better generals rather than those with the better army books.

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