AoS New possible Saurus Old Blood?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Ge32, Feb 17, 2023.

  1. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    I've been looking at this artist's designs, and apparently he does stuff for GW. However this concept is from the year 2023, and I don't remember them releasing any saurians with two Clubs.

    This my dear friends, is a new unit that has not been released yet.


    You can also follow the artist on instagram and check out all his works.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2023
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  2. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    That's interesting and you very well could be right. However, it says "Cubicle 7," who publishes expansions for the AoS roleplaying game, I think. It's possible that this art is for that game. But it would make a pretty cool looking Oldblood or Temple Guard Alpha (with that bone helmet).
    Ge32 likes this.
  3. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    Second illustration shared by Midnightilustration


    midnightillustration: Aww yeah! We're going back to LUSTRIA with fresh hot new art for the upcoming Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay book - this is 'T’latl the Enigma – Coatl Patron or Nemesis'
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    this is just great.

    I would kill for a model like that.
    (so that i can rob the corpse and pay for said model, instead of selling a kidney)
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  5. Jason839

    Jason839 Well-Known Member

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    Its a shame we dont have some kind of Giant Coatl type monster to tie into Sotek.
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  6. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Yet ;) :angelic:

    (wishful thinking)

    Grrr, !mrahil
    Noxolotl likes this.
  7. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    Apparently it is part of the new Fantasy Role Play - Lustria material.

    Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: The Peril of Lustria

    When the adventurer Pirazzo returned from Lustria he and his men told a tale that has had the regrettable consequence of convincing many that a journey to the mysterious continent is likely to involve cooperation with the Lizardmen who make their homes there, payment in a fortune of gold, and easy living in a tropical paradise.

    For other visitors this idyllic conception is about as far from the truth as one could imagine.


    Rite to Sotek – art by Andreas von Cotta-Schønberg

    Before a visitor so much as sets foot on Lustria soil they are beset by maladies and madness. A great warding spell lies over the continent, designed to send explorers awry should they seek to find Lustria. Whilst this great work of ritual magic has weakened over the millennia since it was first worked, it still disorients those new to the land. It is the first of many distempers that can afflict a warm-blooded visitor to Lustria. Those who fail to keep their boots clean may find their feet eaten away by caustic loam, and the horrors that await those who become prey to parasites such as Blindwyrm Fits, Brainfluke infestation, or Fungal Takeover are too grotesque to contemplate.

    Lustria is also home to a bewildering array of poisonous, venomous, carnivorous, and gigantic species, from the humble patch of Impaling Spikethorn, to the noxious Blot Toad, the voracious Borer Snake, and the insatiable Dread Saurian, those brave souls who have sought to measure and describe the species of Lustria for the benefit of scholars of bestiara have paid a high price in lives for such researches.

    The Lizardmen are no less dangerous, for whilst they may be reasoned with in given circumstances, they abide by the Great Plan according to the meditations of their Slann masters, and as such they only seek to aid or comfort the warm-blooded races when such goodwill suits their own enigmatic agendas.


    T’latl the Enigma – Coatl Patron or Nemesis – art by Sam Manley

    With all the might and magic available to the Lizardmen and their allied species, there is little safety to be found in their territories. Yet the colonies of Humans and Elves on the coasts of Lustria amount to a few scattered and rare settlements — with problems of their own.


    Skeggi, a view from the sea – art by JG O’Donoghue

    The few small human settlements that exist on the shores of the Isthmus to the north of the continent are continually beset by extreme weather, dangerous animals and plants, and the hostility of the nearby temple-city of Hexoatl. Swamp Town and Port Reaver are young Old Worlder towns, almost certain to meet the same doom as Dalmark Town, Bregonne, or El Cadavo, whose ruins stand on the same stretch of coast.

    Only Skeggi, established by the famed Bjornling explorer Losteriksson in 888 IC, can claim to be a permanent Human habitation, with a proven history of surviving the worst that Lustria can throw at it. Yet it is a dreadful place in its own right, lawless, anarchic, and ruled by several rival Norse factions whose devotion to Chaos is as open as it in the frozen lands of Norsca. Yet so valuable is the trade that can be done in this forsaken place that the lords and captains of the Old World, who would defy Chaos to their last breath in their own countries, are willing to overlook the madness and mutation of Skeggi whilst they load and offload their cargos.


    Skrolk the Unclean – art by Sam Manley

    And Skeggi is not the only profane site in the mysterious continent. Lustria saw the birth of one of the most ruinous and pestilential threats the Old World has ever seen, for long ago a force of Skaven, far afield from their nascent Under-Empire, suffered greatly in the plague-ridden jungles and swamps of the Lustrian interior.

    To survive, the lords of the forlorn Skaven expedition beseeched a terrible deity for new reserves of resilience, giving rise to the mephitic might and mouldering majesty of Clan Pestilens. Many times the Lizardmen have endured horror and hardship to free Lustria from the influence of this menace, but the ratmen keep on creeping back…


    What’s Coming Up for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay?

    Cubicle 7 has plans in place to produce a great selection of supplements for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay over the next year, and whilst some of these projects are yet to begin development, we have three currently in the works that should be available over the next few months.

    Nearing completion is our hotly anticipated guide to the land and inhabitants of the continent of Lustria. This massive 224 page sourcebook goes into fine detail about the perils faced by those who are lured to this mysterious and exotic land. Wealth and renown can be found by those who adventure to the new world, but it is an unforgiving and perilous place. Only the most resourceful and good-fortuned visitors have any hope of returning to their home shores.

    Lustria is home to the Lizardmen civilization, and whilst it is a shadow of its former might, it is still more than capable of defending itself from intruders. Lustria provides everything a GM needs to know about the three species of Lizardmen, Skinks, Saurus and Kroxigor, their Slann masters, and many of the strange (and invariably deadly) creatures they share their habitat with. Many temple-cities and sites are described, with a close examination of the temple-city of Tlaxtlan.


    Crotaz’l the Saurus is numbered among the many formidable warriors who guard the temple-city of Xlanhuapec – art by Sam Manley

    There are other civilizations that have managed (at no small cost) to carve out a lair on the coasts or in the jungle. The book takes a detailed look at the haunted shores of the Vampire Coast, the Norse settlement of Skeggi, the High Elf fortress and harbour at the Citadel of Dusk, and the Clan Pestilens presence in the ruins of the defiled temple-city of Quetza.


    Arch-Grand Commodore Luthor Harkon rules his kingdom of the undead on Lustria’s Vampire Coast (or he does when he’s in the right mood, at least) – art by Ken Duquet

    In addition to this there is a guide to adventuring in Lustria, including four new careers and an endeavours system focusing on establishing and managing a (no doubt forlorn) settlement, several new diseases with which to plague players, options for playing a Skink, dozens of adventure ideas, and several astonishingly powerful NPCs to act as patrons, nemeses, or both.


    The Interpreter is one of four new Careers described in the book – art by Alessandro Boer

    Ubersreik Adventures III is next in line after that. The book revisits the city and explains the changes that are afoot because of the events of the Enemy Within Campaign. Previously published adventures, An Eye for an Eye, the Horror of Hugeldal, and Mirror of Desire, are given a fresh new look and updated rules so that they can be used with the current edition for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Ideas on combining these standalone adventures into a short campaign are provided alongside a comprehensive timeline of the events unfolding in and around Ubersreik with additional plot hooks and potential adventures. Additionally, an entirely new scenario intended to be played after An Eye for Eye, involves recent power shifts and a monstrous threat to the sleepy hamlet of Geissbach.

    We are also putting together a guide to playing Characters from the Rogues and Rangers classes. Deft Steps, Light Fingers will cover subject matter including the cult of Ranald, how to set up a gang of ne’er do wells, ideas for carrying out con jobs and forgeries, gamekeeping and poaching, expanded rules for wilderness travel, the cult of Taal, and a rogues gallery of famed bounty hunters, outlaws, crooks, and gamblers to provide inspiration, employment, or rivalry.


    Imrahil and Killer Angel like this.
  8. Krox_v.2

    Krox_v.2 Well-Known Member

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    I don't play Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay but I might get this for fluff ideas
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  9. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    To think many years ago I made a Saurus character that Dual Wields, did actually had rules for Fantasy Battle that the GW store was kind enough to allow me to test run them.

    Really like the artwork for it, not sure how full of artwork the Roleplay books are but might put it on the list as I am artwork is my weak spot and it's good for a quick reference look up.
  10. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    More Illustrations by:


    Looks Like:


    Illustrations by:
    Dave Gallagher
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2023
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  11. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    Illustrations by:


    Looks Like:


    Illustrations by:
    Dave Gallagher
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2023
    Just A Skink and Imrahil like this.
  12. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    Illustrations by:


    Looks Like:

    Illustrations by:
    Dave Gallagher
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2023
  13. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    Designs by Dave Gallagher that have not yet seen the light of day.
    Is it possible that we will have some of these soon?











    We will see some of this in the coming days...?
  14. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Great detective work ;)

    He has made so much incredible drawings :)

    Grrr, !mrahil
    Noxolotl and Ge32 like this.
  15. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    Thanks dude ^^
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  16. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    New illustrations created by artist midnightillustration
    At last we have something that looks different from the original concept.

  17. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    upload_2023-3-16_12-19-9.png [​IMG]

    The book is now on sale. And as we can see, there are still some similarities to the concept art of Dave Gallagher

    Just A Skink and Imrahil like this.

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