Army Fluff My Army Fluff

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by FavoredoftheOldOnes, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. FavoredoftheOldOnes

    FavoredoftheOldOnes Member

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    OK so I've been working on my Army Fluff for a couple of days now and was able to get a page and a half worth of stuff :). Don't worry it's a quick read due to paragraphs and whatnot. I'm not sure if I should do more and go into further detail of the city and maybe a battle or two ;-). Without further adieu:

    History of Xili: City of Fire

    The fall of Pahuax

    History tells us that long ago Pahuax (City of Ash) was lost during the Great Catastrophe. However, the reason for its fall lies explicitly within Lord Mazdamundi and Lord Xipil’s memory. At the time, Lord Xipil was in charge of defending Pahuax from the relentless Demon horde. Though Lord Xipil and the defenders of Pahuax slew Demons by the thousands they could not contain them much longer. Prepared to defend and die for his beloved city, Lord Xipil was visited by Mazdamundi and his guards. Mazdamundi told Xipil that he is to abandon his station and resign to Hexoatl and await further instruction. Lord Mazdamundi promised that this was part of the Old One’s Plan and that Lord Xipil would live to fight another day.
    Saddened by the idea of abandoning his city, Lord Xipil understood and humbly obeyed. Before being escorted out by Mazdamundi and his guards, Lord Xipil met eyes with his remaining temple guard who, being both brave and intelligent, understood what must be done. Lord Xipil gave a final, firm nod to his guard and left for Hexoatl with Mazdamundi. It was said that the remaining 200 temple guard fought for four straight days slaying hundreds of demons until the very last guard was killed.

    The Founding of Xili

    At this time, with many temple cities in ruin or under assault from the Demon hordes, a feeling of grief and vengeance came over Lord Xipil. A private meeting was held where only Lord Xipil, Lord Mazdamundi and Mazdamundi’s most trusted and most scholarly skink priest were in attendance.
    “Our skinks were out scouting the Vampire Coast for any other impending attacks from the Demons. Upon hearing a massive shaking of the earth, our skinks quickly turned their attention towards the Island of the Spitting Serpent. Soaring above on their loyal terradons it quickly became clear that the Serpent had erupted, smothering the land in a blanket of molten lava. They continued to scan the area and came across a most astonishing sight. The bodies of thousands of disease ridden Demons lay strewn about the base of the Serpent. Amongst the mass of the dead, the massive remains of a Greater Demon of Nurgle lay about the lesser plague demons,” Lord Mazdamundi explained. “Flying deeper into the island, under the dense jungle canopy, the skinks spotted a great temple city that they had never known existed. Led by a lone skink priest adorned with ceremonial and sacrificial trinkets and garb, the odd hews of yellow, orange and red lizards marched out of the great gates toward the masses demons, casting them into the flowing streams of lava.”
    Lord Xipil looked puzzled and indeed he was. Lord Mazdamundi nodded as he understood Lord Xipil’s confusion. “This city, Xili, as it is called, is part of the Old One’s Plan as it is written here,” Lord Mazdamundi said as he pointed to his priest holding one of the Lost Plaques. “Xili is without the guidance of a Slann as he was slain in battling against the filth of Nurgle. This is why you have been called here,” as Mazdamundi spoke, Lord Xipil’s eyes enlarged with excitement. “They, like you, seek vengeance upon the Demons for felling their leader. The Old One’s Plan is clear; you shall be named leader and ruler of Xili: City of Fire!”

    Note: Xili means "Fire" in Nahuatl (language of the Aztecs)
    Note: Xipil means "Noble of Fire" in Nahuatl

    Let me know what you guys think
  2. vict0988
    Cold One

    vict0988 Member

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    NICE! is your slann going to take lore of fire?
  3. Gor-rok

    Gor-rok Member

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    Awesome! I'd love to see some pictures of the fire-themed Lizardmen when you have some painted up. And vict0988 is right, your Slann just about has to take Lore of Fire...
  4. vict0988
    Cold One

    vict0988 Member

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    could be extreeemly awesome if he had lore of fire to show all the wrath and anger that he bears becuse of the daemons destroyed his old home maybe not that good against daemons but lore of light could go i guess and that is a much better lore and then just have the saurus heavy army and then sometimes take lore of fire probably only for friendly games
  5. FavoredoftheOldOnes

    FavoredoftheOldOnes Member

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    Thanks guys, I appreciae the comments. Haha I usually run my Slann with Lore of Life because it's so awesome but I will be sure to use Lore of Fire once in a while just to fit my army's fluff ;-). As far as painting goes I am at a slow start but yes they will be painted in firey/lava theme as assumed. Will keep you guys updated as I progress through painting or if I decide to write up some more stuff on my army.

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