Hello boys and girls and welcome to Let's Get Motivated - March 2023 This thread is too get us motivated each month into finishing projects that we have on the go, the rules are fairly simple. At the start of the month post what you intend to try and finish this month, it can be models/terrain/conversions of any game type. No pressure if you don't finish anything this is for motivation nothing else. Around the middle of the month post your progress, no images please, if you have want to share your progress with images, upload them into your blog and supply a link. Around the end of the month post your progress, again no images, if you have finished a piece upload the images into your blog and supply a link. The reason I don't want images in this thread is too get everyone that takes part views in their personal blog where the community can critique, etc. You don't have a paint blog? well get one started in this forum section. If you need advice etc. post here and the community will try and answer. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress Grrr, !mrahil
I've been looking for this thread since yesterday Man, you really hooked me up, this is great place to plan month and be able to quickly remind myself with goals I set up. Thank you for doing it every month. March will again be for various projects: -Glue and paint fourth unit of skinks -Finish painting last bastiladon -Glue and putty metal terradons (postponed from february) -Glue crusader tank formation for FOW (12+3 tanks) -paint at least one unit pf BA grenadiers -paint one enemy group for project Descent (ettins)
Another month and i'm lagging a bit from the last. Plan is to get the assembled models done asap and finish off the Starblood's bases. I have been working a lot on skin shading and highlights of late, so hopefully the Repentia should be fun to do next. Then it's either the Gnarlspirits or the Ghoul King. But we'll see. Assemble: 4 Sister Repentia: - 1 Model of the Month: - 2 Italeri Prussian Cuirassiers: – Completed! 1 Cado Ezachiar the Hollow King: - Completed! Paint: Gnarlspirit Pack Warband: - 1 Model of the Month: - 8 Sister Repentia: – 4 Grave Guard: - 1 Abhorrent Ghoul King: - Base: 1 Model of the Month: – Gnarlspirit Pack: – 4 Grave Guard: - 1 Abhorrent Ghoul King: – Starblood Stalkers: –
Paint Saurus Old Blood On Cold One 5 Temple Guard - completed! Nakai 4 Karnac’s Lizardmen Raiders - 1 completed Karnac Saurus Old Blood On foot Lord Kroak Stegadon crew - completed! 10 skinks - completed Tehenhauin 3 jungle swarm bases NEW Astragoth (Total War made me do it) Convert and paint Lotl-Botl - converted and painted Extras for Frostgrave Campaign Templar - completed Thug Warhound - completed Crossbowman - completed Thief Extras for BFG Campaign 3 Escort carriers - completed
Im busy with collage work so I'll keep it simple this month Come up with a color scheme for my skinks Set up my 3D printer so it can print better details and smaller models If I do anything else I'll just write it down here
In February I finally attack some minis with my airbrush I manage to play with it a little and prime Zénithal highlight them as well with ink !! now for this month I won’t have much time but would like to carry on with those 5 models and perhaps finish painting them and then start priming more model, let’s get this show in the road boys and girls!!!
My goals for this month will include: - finish painting my remaining 5 Saurus Knights - finish painting 5 Saurus Warriors - preparing scenery for a next scenario for the campaign - have game night with my brother to play the next scenario Grrr, !mrahil
10 days in: And as unplanned bonus: Skink priest with feathered cloak Gotrek Eternity warden Prophet of Sotek - need to finish base
Goals for the month: 100 miniature equivalency painted, based on the rules I set for myself in my blog. Current total for the month: 34 Painted this month: 6 kruleboyz gutrippas (1) 1 Reiksguard ogre (2) 1 headsman ogre (2) 6 dwarf pit fighters infantry (1) 9 assorted fist myrmidian ogres (2)
I have about ~15-20 infinity minis almost complete on my paint desk, going to try and smash them out this month to get them done!
20 days in: -Glue and paint fourth unit of skinks - currently on table getting painted -Finish painting last bastiladon -Glue and putty metal terradons (postponed from february) - nope -Glue crusader tank formation for FOW (12+3 tanks) -paint at least one unit of BA grenadiers -paint one enemy group for project Descent (ettins) - still waiting for putty and degrease -Skink priest with feathered cloak -Gotrek -Eternity warden -Prophet of Sotek - need to finish base When I write nope on those Terradons, I mean big time nope. I sat down with suprglue and milliput ready and prepared to work on them to find out plenty of hard supergue, ancient grrenstuff and filled connection slots. So I decided to play Nopestradamus card and keep terradons to yet another month Spoiler: Nope
I finished my mercenary Druze Shock Teams!!!! Hoping to paint more infinity minis this month, so far I have painted 11, and have another 12 that are sitting here ready to get finished. We will see what happens!
Question for all of you: I have a slew of models primed white with 1 layer of primer. specifically Rust-Oleum flat white primer. After deciding you want to paint them from a darker color, like black, would you: A) directly primer over the white primer layer with a black one. B) take the time to strip them all. Your thoughts are appreciated
if you have a airbrush prime again or strait up base colour it I guess …. If spray can then prime it again I guess …. It all depends on the model some are just too fragile to strip properly plus is it really worth all that extra work?
I'm loathe to use hobby paints in that endeavor, as this is something like 60 marines. But I mY be able to whip up something with painters acrylic and thinner. I don't have an airbrush setup at this time due to space concerns.
Maybe AP dip wash? Since you paint over it later, it does not need to be perfect. If you want DIY solution, don't use hobby paint for this. Rather use inks. Black magic craft made nice video couple years ago, I'll try to find it and post it for you.
A little update - finish painting my remaining 5 Saurus Knights - finish painting 5 Saurus Warriors - preparing scenery for a next scenario for the campaign - have game night with my brother to play the next scenario (This will most likely not happen this month anymore) Grrr, !mrahil