Hello boys and girls and welcome to Let's Get Motivated - April 2023 This thread is too get us motivated each month into finishing projects that we have on the go, the rules are fairly simple. At the start of the month post what you intend to try and finish this month, it can be models/terrain/conversions of any game type. No pressure if you don't finish anything this is for motivation nothing else. Around the middle of the month post your progress, no images please, if you have want to share your progress with images, upload them into your blog and supply a link. Around the end of the month post your progress, again no images, if you have finished a piece upload the images into your blog and supply a link. The reason I don't want images in this thread is too get everyone that takes part views in their personal blog where the community can critique, etc. You don't have a paint blog? well get one started in this forum section. If you need advice etc. post here and the community will try and answer. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress Grrr, !mrahil
This month will be less about dinos, but I'll try to do at least something. We'll see how it goes as I'll lose whole first week while working from home and then there is Easter. Paint Stegadon Glue and prime rest of krieg kill team-(currently waiting for models) Paint whole krieg kill team Paint tactical marine kill team Glue and paint last unit of german grenadiers Prepare and paint 3D printed Sd.Kfz. 234 Probably start working on some Death Guard models
This month is the month my Slaanesh models get a paint job! Take a lord of Pain accompanied by his unit of Painbringers from "Battle ready" to "Slightly more ready for battle". Paint Blissbarb Seekers. The mounts are coming along nicely but the riders haven't been touched other than a black undercoat. Paint The Masque. Love the model, one of the reasons I started a Slaanesh army in the first place. Currently only has a black undercoat.
The last couple of months my focus was a bit scattered. I was switching a lot between Middle-Earth, 40K, Kill Team, AoS and so forth, which lead to some fatigue. So I decided recently to mentally close all those different backlogs and refocus completely on my first love: Seraphon (that’s why I‘m here btw ). That being said: My goal for April is simply to paint my already primed Starblood Stalkers. It’s an intentionally small project to be achievable and a good base for any future Seraphon projects.
Saurus Old Blood On Cold One 3 Karnac’s Lizardmen Raiders Frostgrave Thief Frostgrave Thug Nakai Karnac Saurus Old Blood On foot Lord Kroak Tehenhauin 3 jungle swarm bases Astragoth 2 Falchion Escorts 3 Escort carriers Skink musician Stegadon Old School Scar Vet BSB
Goals for April: The next 3 months are going to be crazy for me In terms of work and personal arrangements. For April through June my painting goals are as much as I can manage.
My goals for this month are the same as the ones from last month: - finish painting my remaining 5 Saurus Knights - finish painting 5 Saurus Warriors - preparing scenery for a next scenario for the campaign - have game night with my brother to play the next scenario Grrr, !mrahil
Third of the month is here. Time for progress update. Paint Stegadon - primed Glue and prime rest of krieg kill team - glued Paint whole krieg kill team Paint tactical marine kill team - preshaded Glue and paint last unit of german grenadiers Prepare and paint 3D printed Sd.Kfz. 234 - base painted Probably start working on some Death Guard models - stripped old kill team, 90% of new models are at home.
Unsuccesful month this is for me… Saurus Old Blood On Cold One 3 Karnac’s Lizardmen Raiders - 1 painted Frostgrave Thief Frostgrave Thug Nakai - painted Karnac Saurus Old Blood On foot Lord Kroak Tehenhauin 3 jungle swarm bases Astragoth 2 Falchion Escorts - 2 painted 3 Escort carriers - 2 painted Skink musician - converted and painted Stegadon Old School - assembling Scar Vet BSB - converting Extra: Necron Destroyer Lord - converted
Unbelievable, but yesterday I finished my goal earlier than expected: https://www.lustria-online.com/threads/starblood-stalkers.25696/page-2#post-435717 A little teaser for May: I might get me good ol' Kroak this weekend . Until then I probably bring forward a Bastiladon from my pile of challenge
Second third of month progress report. Plenty of stuff done, absolutely nothing finished. Paint Stegadon - base coated and varnished to prevent reactivation Glue and prime rest of krieg kill team - Would you look at that, one thing is done after all Paint whole Krieg kill team- started Paint tactical marine kill team - 60% done Glue and paint last unit of german grenadiers Prepare and paint 3D printed Sd.Kfz. 234 - wash and details remain Probably start working on some Death Guard models - stripped old kill team, started converting rhino
Take a lord of Pain accompanied by his unit of Painbringers from "Battle ready" to "Slightly more ready for battle".- I got this done early Paint Blissbarb Seekers. The mounts are coming along nicely but the riders haven't been touched other than a black undercoat.-The mounts are done but the ridders are still untouched. Paint The Masque. Love the model, one of the reasons I started a Slaanesh army in the first place. Currently only has a black undercoat. - Not touched at all.
*Arrives late to the party* Assemble: 5 Seraphim: - Completed! 1 Model of the Month: - Completed! Skittershanks' Clawpack: – One Completed 1 Canoness: - Completed! Paint: Sons of Velmorn Warband: - One completed, second at wash and highlight level 5 Models of the Month: - One completed (Khornate Jackal), second on basecoat level (Jade Cultist) 2 Sister Repentia: – Completed! 4 Grave Guard: - 1 Cado Ezachiar the Hollow King: - Base: 5 Models of the Month: – Sons of Velmorn Warband: – One completed, other four stone work has been completed, just odd details and base rims. 4 Grave Guard: - 1 Cado Ezachiar the Hollow King: –
Unsuccesful month this is for me… Saurus Old Blood On Cold One 3 Karnac’s Lizardmen Raiders - 2 painted Frostgrave Thief Frostgrave Thug Nakai - painted Karnac - painted Saurus Old Blood On foot Lord Kroak Tehenhauin 3 jungle swarm bases Astragoth 2 Falchion Escorts - 2 painted 3 Escort carriers - 2 painted Skink musician - converted and painted Stegadon Old School - assembling Scar Vet BSB - converting Extra: Necron Destroyer Lord - converted Beastmen Slugtongue - converted Character for D&D Campaign - painted
Uff, I completely forgot that April ended. Paint Stegadon - base coated and started to repaint details... Which is horrible Glue and prime rest of krieg kill team Paint whole Krieg kill team Paint tactical marine kill team Glue and paint last unit of german grenadiers - I need to find them Prepare and paint 3D printed Sd.Kfz. 234 - just needs to assemble wheels, canisters and final varnish Probably start working on some Death Guard models - stripped old kill team, clipped whole combat patrol from sprue, assembled tank and painted blight hauler All and all, good progress.
End of the month recap: I did some scenery work and had a game night, need to finish up the report to share with you guys Still slow on the painting of my Lizard-boys... - finish painting my remaining 5 Saurus Knights - finish painting 5 Saurus Warriors - preparing scenery for a next scenario for the campaign - have game night with my brother to play the next scenario Grrr, !mrahil
I finally had time to write up a decent enough battle report of our last campaign scenario: - finish painting my remaining 5 Saurus Knights - finish painting 5 Saurus Warriors - preparing scenery for a next scenario for the campaign - have game night with my brother to play the next scenario Grrr, !mrahil