8th Ed. Tournament results

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Arli, Nov 21, 2010.

  1. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Tournament results. I had a tournament today. I came in first or second (it was not announced as the club was filling in 3 slots for a grand tournament in December). I faced three opponents. Orks (no goblins), Brettonia, and then Tomb Kings were my opponents. Here is my list followed by the battle reports for the separate battles.

    My list:
    Slann mage priest BSB (+1 combat rez), Cupped hands, Blood statuette, Becalming, focus of mystery, Rumination. Lore of Light
    Scar Vet Gold Sigil sword, Glittering scales, shield
    Skink Priest Lvl 1 forbidden rod (he is there to die for a good magic phase)
    Saurus warriors HW and shield x 27 with full command (scar vet here)
    Skink skirmishers x 10
    Skink cohorts x 10 with full command and 1 Kroxigor
    Skink cohorts x 11 with full command
    Temple guard x 16 with full command
    Chameleon skink x5
    Chameleon skink x 5
    Salamander x1 with extra snack
    Salamander x2 with extra snack
    Ancient Stegadon (blowpipes)
    That came in dead on at 2250 for the tournament.

    First battle: Orks
    The Battle type was Dawn attack (I deployed first and took first turn). The deployment was randomized per this battle’s rules. That hindered the use of my slann (in the temple guard) on the left flank. I was close enough to shuffle around and get in good position with the slann for the magic phase. On magic, I rolled a descent amount of power dice (10 or so). I casted Briona’s time warp at the higher value (all models in 12 inches) with IF. I then rolled a calamitous detonation as the miscast and used cupped hands to transfer it to the lvl4 Ork caster (It killed 4 black orks and wounded the caster). Shooting went well with my salamanders toasting up several Orks. Chameleons did next to nothing as the ork player had no war machines whatsoever. All they could do was pew, pew at the Orks. On his 1st turn, he got a Waaagh on a unit of Ork with a warlord and was able to charge my Saurus warriors (in the middle of the table), they held of course. He chose not to charge on my left flank with two chariots (big mistake for him). That combat was a tie. He did charge some chameleons with ork boyz. They ran and were caught.
    Top of turn 2.
    I declared charges from the cohorts with krox against his chariot. He chose to flee. Because of the double movement granted to the cohorts, I caught the chariot. I charged 5 chameleons into the second chariot. I charged the stegadon into a unit of boyz. He chose to flee and they were run down (and the stegadon plowed into his Ork unit that housed the lvl 4 caster).
    Long story short (too late, right?). The stegadon destroyed his unit with the mage. The saurus ran down the unit of orks with the warlord, and then the player conceded the game. I received 2250 victory points.
    Battle 2: Brettonia
    The battle type was battle line.
    I gained first turn (he prayed). This one went downhill fast. I got an irresistible force on something. The slann then failed the cupped hands roll and abruptly killed 14 TG and was sucked into the vacuum. Rolled a 4 on the miscast and a 1 on cupped hands!!!!! I lost within 2 rounds of that happening.
    Battle 3: Tomb Kings
    The battle type was blood and glory
    I gained second deployment. I placed my throw away skirmishers, skink cohort unit (both), and one salamander on the left flank. In the middle I placed the ancient stegadon and the unit of 2 sallies. Coming up the right flank I placed the Temple guard and the saurus. I was hoping to get Briona’s time warp on them to double their movement. I placed the two units of chameleons 12 inches from his back field to try to take out the catapult he had.
    I gained first turn. After movement (which consisted of me shuffling forward some), I started the magic phase with Blood statuette of spite (He let it through) on his Hierophant. He rolled a 5 and a 5 killing his Hierophant and removing the casket of souls from the table!!!!!! I then cast a couple of spells that killed off a few of his skeletal archers (which he grew back next turn). In the shooting phase, my salamanders toasted quite a few of his models. The chameleons took out the catapult (bests scouts in the game).
    In his turn, he focused all of his fire on the skink skirmishers and cohorts. He spared a charge for the unit of two salamanders (from a scorpion). He reformed his horsemen to take out the chameleons (he killed 3, then they passed their ld test). He shot into the stegadon killing 1 crew and causing 1 wound.
    Next turn, I charged his rear(horsemen) with the stegadon. The stegadon destroyed that unit, reformed and pointed toward the flank of his archers. He passed all of his ld checks this turn (nothing crumbled). He put 2 more wounds on the stegadon and took out 2 more skinks on it. He lost both his scorpions this turn (one to skink skirmishers, haha and the other to the sally unit of 2).
    Next turn, I charged the stegadon into the archers and moved everything toward his remaining 2 units. Magic phase, I rolled 12 for the winds of magic. First spell up was Briona’s time warp (just on the stegadon). He rolled all 6 of his dice at it and failed to dispel it. I then followed that up with Speed of light (stegadon), and pha’s protection (stegadon). Once that combat was finished, that unit was destroyed and I won the game.

    When it was done, I had killed 1699 points of his army and he had killed one salamander unit at 80 points!

    All in all, a very fun day. Myself, and two others are going on to compete in a 2500 point tournament on December 11th.
  2. Gor-rok

    Gor-rok Member

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    Sounds like some good battles... Well, maybe not the second one. I'm going to re-write my latest list to include Soul of Stone based on your experience. Hope to hear about the next tournament; it's good to see someone using Light in a competitive setting.
  3. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I plan on using Light in the 2500 point games also. Hopefully, the slann will not blow himself up again. I would like to include soul of stone, but I don't think I can work it in.

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