8th Ed. Neutrel no more.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Lolgamer, Nov 21, 2010.


Do you agree, should they have remained neutrel?

  1. Yes

    16 vote(s)
  2. No

    26 vote(s)
  3. I'm not sure

    5 vote(s)
  4. I don't care

    3 vote(s)
  1. Lolgamer

    Lolgamer New Member

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    I hope that this is the right section, if not, I aploagise.

    Now, in 8th edition we all know lizardmen are now good, I strongly disagree with this, I think they should have remained neutrel

    THink about it, if the lizardmen found a plaque telling them to go destroy all other races, they would do it, if they found constelations telling them to side with chaos, they would do it, they are single minded, and aren't nececarily good.

    The two biggest lizrdmen enemies are skaven and daemons, but just because their main foes are evil, doesn't necesarily make them good.

    Does anybody else agree with me on this?
  2. novatomato

    novatomato Member

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    Lizardmen most definitely serve the forces of good more so than they do evil.
    For starters they would never find a plaque telling them to serve Chaos as the Lizardmen are the srevants of the Old Ones who were battling chaos. It just wouldn't add up unless the whole of the Lizardmen Fluff was rewritten.
    As for being neutral, they will certainly go about destroying the other good races if said races are standing in the way of the Old Ones plans, however since all the good races were also made by the Old Ones they have a purpose that they need to fulfill and as such the Lizardmen won't destroy them completely.
    Should they have to go to war against them it would be to prevent a larger tragedy from befalling the world and never for a selfish reason.
  3. walach

    walach New Member

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    yeah they probably lie somewhere between good and neutral. i think you can justify either of them from a fluff point of view.
  4. venom_x51

    venom_x51 New Member

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    Lizardmen's actions definitely can't be taken as "Good". They're fundamentalists; giving their lives for whatever means have been derived from misguided translations of millenia old, partially destroyed text without question.

    You can't reason with fundamentalists; If they believe that they must wipe something out utterly, they will do it for no other reason than it was translated from a plaque found in an abandoned temple and they believe it to be the will of the old ones.

    They're frankly a whole level more scary than evil...
  5. rammramm
    Chameleon Skink

    rammramm New Member

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    I disagree.

    Since they are to the best of their abilities (and their abilities are vast with the mind of the slanns being extremely impressive) to interpret the will of the gods (who are the ultimate good-guys and defenders/creators of order) from what these gods have written.

    You miss the point where the plaques are not only prophesies but accuallly written down by the creators. Of course their interpretation is not allways correct but to say that someone who is dedicating their lives to restore order to the world is not good then I am not sure who would be. Elves, Dwarves and men have all slaughtered eachother for less noble purposes and are still clasified as "good".
  6. Guardian of Hexoatl
    Temple Guard

    Guardian of Hexoatl New Member

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    I agree with both of you lol So should we say that since they are fundementalists that act out through the noble intentions of their masters without hesitation, they are in fact niether? Are they simply attonomous being serving a figurative Hive Mind (The will of the Old Ones)? They do have free will and are self aware which gives them the capacity to be good, but they are incapable of acting on these singular Moral beliefs do to there extremist views of the Old Ones Plan. Liken it to Muslim extremists. Do they have Morals? Yes. Do they Feel Remorse? Yes. Do they kill mindlessly without cause? No. They feel that no matter how they percieve the world, The must act upon the wil of there diety because such things are larger than there own irational morals. Just like lizardmen, They aren't evil becuase they have moral standards that dictate what's bad, however foreign it may be to us. They aren't good, because while they are just acting out the will of the ultimate good, they still partake in brutal slaughter to achieve it. And they aren't neutral because they are serving the old ones plan to restore order and piece to the world (Good). So I say they are simply Consentually Autonomous :) Hope you guys get what I mean lol
  7. TheRolfgar
    Chameleon Skink

    TheRolfgar New Member

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    Going by D&D thinking about good/evil, law/chaos, I would consider the Lizardmen Lawful Neutral. They abide by their own laws and beliefs to the letter, but they do not actively go out destroying evil or trying to do harm.In fact they tend to attack anyone who enters their domain.

    From a fluff standpoint I think they would still never side with chaos, there is no "great good" reason for it. They would however side with someone not of chaos to help fight it (if it still served their own purposes).
  8. vict0988
    Cold One

    vict0988 Member

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    i dont relly know cause its probably most for terrain purpose and i think that is good cause they are against evil and it would be a drawback if they had all the drawbacks and no good stuff forom bieng good??
    and i agree with Guardian of Hexoatl
  9. rammramm
    Chameleon Skink

    rammramm New Member

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    How I knew that someone would bring in muslims the moment I read the word extremist :).

    "They aren't good, because while they are just acting out the will of the ultimate good, they still partake in brutal slaughter to achieve it"
    You cant put any value in this statement as I said before since there is not a single race in the warhammer world that does not partake in brutal slaughter from time to time.

    The lizardmen are the defenders of order and the sworn enemy of chaos (in this world Chaos represents everything that is bad in the world) and are therefor "good". Does this mean they will recieve a peace-price anytime soon? No. However it does mean that like the other "good" armies and nations of the world they fight chaos. They dont do it for their own survival like the other races (instead they do it for the very sake of defeating chaos which could be seen as a more honorable motive than the wars fought out of survival instinct) but this doesnt make them neutral.

    They fight for order. They fight against chaos in all forms. They do nothing for themselves and instead do everything to further the influence of order in the world and selflessly secrifise themselves in order to protect the old ones plans (which in many cases saves the younger races from extinction).

    In my book they are the ultimate good-guys even if they sometimes seem a litle excentric.
  10. novatomato

    novatomato Member

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    And right there rammramm has put an end to any debate there may have been.
  11. Chahlie
    Cold One

    Chahlie New Member

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    I would say that lizardmen are not good guys, but are even less bad guys, so "good" is the best place to put them.
  12. slann-ovk
    Jungle Swarm

    slann-ovk New Member

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    I would have to say Neutrel, to bring the world to what it was before Chaos might mean killing all races.
    Or just a few, its a point of view!!!

    To Lizardmen all good

    To Skaven all evil

    empire depends? good only when it goes there way lol
  13. Chahlie
    Cold One

    Chahlie New Member

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    I just realized something, Lizardmen are the only race who don't have an "evil" type:
    Wood/High Elves -> Dark Elves
    Brettonia/Empire -> Chaos Warriors
    Dwarves -> Chaos Dwarves
    So I guess lizardmen are the most good.
  14. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    I Dwarfs and Elves can be trusted allies, like hell Lizardmen can't also be trusted allies.

    I think this makes sense. If Lizardmen are completely goal based in their diplomacy as has been argued (ie - kill those Looters/Chaos, not "we don't like them" like most of the Mainland races' wars) then they would either be your enemy or completely allied. This is reflected in the rules.
  15. Kadzik

    Kadzik New Member

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    For me it's only for alliance purposes. For Empire Lizardmen can be trusted in the same amount od distrust as Elves. It's only that they fight against Chaos. Human, Elves or Dwarves could be evil, but c'mon! It's fantasy wargame, not f.e. World of Darknes RPG where you fight with inner beast to escape eternal damnation ;)

    We cannot treat this "good" as character or nature of lizard folk. If we follow D&D (which is stupid for me) LM should be lawful (exteremely)neutral, cause follow orders, but don't have any morality. They base on their instinct and don;t have any sense of distinction between good and evil. Yes, Chaos for them is evil, but in different (not moral or phylosophical) way.
  16. giant stegadon

    giant stegadon New Member

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    Just because someone kills someone else doesn't mean that its an evil act. The Lizardmen are just operating with a much longer view of time than other races. Calling them 'fundamentalists' doesn't fit. Its easy to wrap it up in a neat little package that way, but its missing the point pretty badly.

    The Lizardmens biggest crime is that they dont communicate with the other good guys.

    Its also important to remember the difference between Mazmudi & the Lizardmen as a whole.

    Additionally, in defense of Maz, I think the point of keeping the younger races where they started out is that it seems like the more sentient things that are running around on the planet, the stronger chaos can become.
  17. Kar Gor

    Kar Gor New Member

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    Just to point out unless im mistaken its called forces of order and forces of destruction
    Chaos strives in one way or another for destruction, whether by infecting warping tempting or sluaghtering. Dark elves are hell bent on destruction of the lesser races. skaven are the same and vampire counts are hardly man's best friend.
    The forces of order on the otherhand strive for balance and creation, empire want to defend and expand above all else, there methords may be unorthadox but rarley hell raising destruction.
    Elves and dwarfs want to rebuild there civilization and the lizards are the same. The rebuilding andresummoining of the old ones is there num 1 priority
    as such they are order as that is what they strive for.
    Ogers are a mercinary army (as are tombkings?) my personal belife is tombkings should be evil but thats a discussion for another page
  18. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    From the poin of view of Lizardmen,
    all races created by the Old Ones are
    alies and on the side of good and
    all races created by Chaos are to be exterminated
    for the will of the Old Ones, also all
    beings interfering or trespassing in Lizadmen
    teratory will be dealt with harshly.
  19. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Don't listen to GW fluff..... In the blog this week, they claimed Eldar and Dark Eldar would happily fight together in the right circumstances because 'they are the same race afterall'. The fact they are hated foes means nothing apparently. :rolleyes:

    I definitely see LM as more neutral than anything, in general we don't even stray far from Lustria, just stay at home and defend. In the same way I probably see TK as neutral rather than really evil, though they do attack sometimes.

    @Chahlie; Ogres don't have good and evil. :) Neither do orcs.
  20. HoverBoy

    HoverBoy New Member

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    I think you guys have it wrong it's not good and evil, its order and destruction. With that reclasiffication it makes perfect sense that lizardmen, the race that lives to complete a great plan, is classed as order. Oh and Orcs are pretty destuctive don't you agree ;)

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