AoS Y'all got anymore of that CCP? (new FoS - 2k)

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by 2Hands, Apr 20, 2023.

  1. 2Hands

    2Hands Member

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    Ok new rules are amazing, I'm so exited one could think I'm a warmblood. Jokes aside, here is a List I threw together in a fit of anticipation. What do we think and how would you build an Starborne list?

    What I aim for is a little bit of positioning and chip damage turn 1, then getting a big offensive turn 2 with a high value "Cleanse the Realms". I also tried to strike a balance between CCP generation and good units to fight for some ground.

    No Battalions caus I'm lazy and ill informt, but feel free to suggest.

    Allegiance: Seraphon
    - Constellation: Fangs of Sotek
    - Grand Strategy: Continuous Expansion

    - Triumphs: Indomitable (guess without a Steg, would be nice to get this, maybe the enemy has a 2005p Army? ^^')

    Slann Starmaster
    - General
    - Command Trait: Lord of Celestial Resonance
    - Spell: Comets Call

    Orcale Troglodon (270)
    - Artefact: Sacred Stegadon Helm
    - Spell: Cosmic Crush

    Skink Starpriest (130)
    - Spell: Speed of Huanchi
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (140)

    10 x Saurus Guard
    - 1x Reinforced
    20 x Skinks (170)
    - Boltspitter, Dagger and Buckler
    - 1x Reinforced

    20 x Skinks (170)
    - Boltspitter, Dagger and Buckler
    - 1x Reinforced

    3 x Kroxigore
    3 x Kroxigore (175)
    5 x Hunter of Huanchi (135)
    - Dartpipes

    Endless Spells & Invocations
    Quicksilver Swords
    Soulsnare Shackles (40)

    Realmshaper Engine

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 3 / 3
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 123

    Also this is my first Starborne List ever, is that crazy, am I crazy? Probaly gonna end up playing Koatl's Claw again none the less... Saurus RULES!

    Edit: Formating
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2023
  2. Lambs and Lions
    Chameleon Skink

    Lambs and Lions Well-Known Member

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    I would consider kroak for this list. Kroak's signature spell plays very well with the troglodon. Turn one you teleport the trog into the center of your opponents army, and then celestial deliverance 4 times. 18" range from the trog that is 9" away. 4 castes x 3 targets x D3 damage is an average of 24 mw or about 8 mw to three targets. That should be enough to kill key support pieces in your opponents army and really gut their whole game.

    As for CCP per turn
    Kroak = 5
    Slann = 7
    Trog = 1 or 2
    Starpriest = 1 or 2
    Astrolith = 1

    Which is enough for a salamander every turn.
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  3. 2Hands

    2Hands Member

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    That's... what the fuck? I love it, every day I get to field the big toad is a good day! So what do we cut?

    Kroak comes for 395p...
    +85p 1/2 of the Skinks
    +85p 1/2 of the Skinks
    +135p from hunter of Huanchi
    +60p from Quicksilver Swords
    +40p from Soulsnare Shackles

    So we would get 10p free wich could get us the triumph, but no good tragets to use it on. I guess we should change the triumph then. :confused:
  4. Lambs and Lions
    Chameleon Skink

    Lambs and Lions Well-Known Member

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    I would drop skinks, krox and swords. You can summon the krox back turn 1 if you get all your spells off. But I am still not sure what the best unit to summon is. Salamanders seem good as the can shoot the turn they come in, charge from 7" away and are a good distraction unit. krox seem good but you risk them not doing anything the turn they come in. I kinda like hunters with star bolas as a cheap annoying road block unit. They can't be shot at and they can redeploy for free in fang making them rather annoying and then you can spend your extra CCP on a bigger unit next turn.
  5. Acehilator

    Acehilator Well-Known Member

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    Kroak/Slann comedy list needs to go into Dracothions Tail to leverage the Spacefolder's Stave, imho. So all summoned units can have a 7" charge.

    Battle Regiment 1:
    Kroak 395
    Slann 275 (Lord of Celestial Resonances, Spacefolder's Stave, Comet's Call)
    Astrolith Bearer 140
    Saurus Guard x5 130
    Skinks x10 85
    Skinks x10 85
    Bastiladon with Ark of Sotek 200

    Battle Regiment 2:
    Skink Oracle on Troglodon 270 (Cosmic Crush)
    Skink Starpriest 130 (Speed of Huanchi)
    Hunters of Huanchi with Starstone Bolas x5 90
    Skinks x10 85

    Endless Spells:
    Chronomantic Cogs 70
    TOTAL: 1965

    Board presence is obviously rather nonexistent. I think the Bastiladon is too good to pass up for T1 charge shenanigans.

    First spellcast is Celestial Equilibrium from the Slann with +2 and from outside of enemy dispel range with 92% success chance, and snowball from there. 17 CCP maximum first turn. Cast stuff like Shield and Arcane Bolt with the Skink casters, I guess. Trying to secure the 16 points for a Spawn of Chotec. Maybe not summon anything for the first turn, let the Bastiladon soak up damage, and grab more stuff in T2? Which is probably the better play, you are probably going to reach only 14 or 15 CCP anyways... close, but no cigar.

    /edit: Forgot the Saurus Guard, and was looking at the wrong Warscroll for Cogs. Made changes accordingly.
    /edit 2: Was looking at the correct Cogs warscroll. Changed this post again.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2023
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  6. 2Hands

    2Hands Member

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    True, that seems very strong in combination with Spatial Translocation. I like the idea of dropping the Bastillodon right into a easy charge wherever you want. :D

    Do you think the +1 casting from Chronomantic Cogs is needed? It also gives a better chance at getting a big comets call, but other than that I find it a little redundant.

    Also cutting 10x Skinks lets us field 10x Saurus Guard, wich is something I don't want to miss. I just like to advance Slaan/Korak down the board in the mid to end game. Between Korak, the Astro and the Guard that seems like a realistic option.
  7. Acehilator

    Acehilator Well-Known Member

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    Spacefolder's Stave doesn't work with Spatial Translocation (check the timing), it works with stuff coming in from reserves via Dracothion's Tail, and with new summons. There is no rule against reserves coming in T1, right?

    I was working with the wrong version of Cogs and forgot the Saurus Guard, I edited the post above accordingly.
  8. Acehilator

    Acehilator Well-Known Member

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    God what a mess. So no, I wasn't working with the wrong version of Cogs. Wahapedia has the correct warscroll (reroll all spells if caster is wholly within 12"), it is from the General's Handbook 2022. I can't find the source for the current points value, it was 40 in Season 1, but 70 should be correct.

    Which is obviously goddamn friggin' OP for our needs.

    And if you decide to run the list as a four drop (Battle Regiment + Command Entourage) instead of a two drop (2x Battle Regiment), you can pick up an Arcane Tome and... *drumroll* put it on the Astrolith Bearer for another cast. And every caster apart from the Troglodon is going to be in range of the Cogs, and (almost assuredly) benefiting from Celestial Equilibrium. The Slann with +2 needs a 4 to cast Cogs, which is a 92% chance.

    Alternativly, you could use the Sacred Stegadon Helm on the Troglodon, trying to keep him alive for a turn. Which actually might be possible with the Bastiladon running interference.
  9. 2Hands

    2Hands Member

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    Yeah what I meant was, setting up our Troglodon with Spatial Translocation in herophase, then end of Movment we can set up the Bastilodon beside it, since the Trog is a Cosmic Node.

    Ups, don't know why, but in my head the Cogs just gave +1 for nearby wizards. I guess they are really good for an army that benefits so much from its spells.

    I feel the Troglodon is surprisingly tanky with the Steg-Helm on, you get a 3+ save and a -1 to hit aura. If you really fling him in, put mystical shield on and make it his finest hour, now you are at 3+ (negate -2 rend) save, next turn he heals 1d3. Very exited for the Trog, we can finally field it.

    Edit: spelling
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2023

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