I've been looking for ways to effectivly convert some models into Salamanders as I think that the current models are cack. I thought about using Flesh Hounds of Khorn then rather depressingly found out they were metal minis and now I'm at a bit of a standstill. Has anyone seen any good conversions that I can rip off?
OK I'm guessing by the stony cold silence that no ones got anything...in that case I'll blunder my way through a first attempt and you can tell me what you think. I'm basically going to mash up an old style cold one with a chaos dog thingy and my bits box and see what comes out at the end. Premise: I'm keen that it has those flappy neck bits but I think I'm going to have to green stuff them. I'll need to make it a quadruped. I want it to look mean. To get 3 Salamanders out of 5 old coldones. ...lets see how this pans out.
I was considering a potential conversion of the new Cold Ones by sticking a 'fin' on its back like a Spinosaurus, but something just doesn't feel right about it. Not sure what, maybe its too big?
So far it's been a bit of a rush but here's where I'm at. I used an old chaos marine head for the neck horns and to give the body a bit more length.
I haven't gotten around to converting DE cold ones into salamanders. I got as far as cutting off the saddles and bridles with a razor blade (stabbing myself pretty good in the process XD ) and I have't gotten any further. I look forward to seeing your finished product.
just an idea but you could use the chaos horns (if you still have them,) as the frills type thing on his back and then mold the inbewtween with greenstuff
Okay here's the latest update, I've made the neck a wee bit longer and got both the front legs on. lustria I tried doing the skin stretched between horns but I cant get it to look right so I'm going to try building on lots of extra scaly plates to stop it looking too much like a coldone.
That looks really cool, good work so far! For the skin between horns, you would almost have to use something like hardened tissue paper rather than glue, it would make it fairly fragile though. My idea for converting salamanders is to use razordons as the base model, add the frill thing down its back, and paint all the spikes in flame colours. I haven't got around to that yet though.
Sp I've stuck two armour plates and a horn on the head and neck, filed off any extra bits and green stuffed all the gaps. I'm not sure I want to add anything else as I dont want it to look cluttered, I'm tempted to give her a base coat. Thoughts?
Is it just the angle of that second picture, but is it standing up straight? To me it looks like it's slightly on an angle, don't know what you could do about it if it is.
Yeah it's standing straight, the picture just make her look like she's falling over. She's kind of twisting her neck and raising her claw. I'll take some better pics when I've base coated.
Maybe it would be cool to make some sort of dorsal fin, makes it more salamander like. But it still your model, so dont do stuff you wont like. So far it looks pretty cool. To you and some others who dont like the current salamnder models: You also dont like the old ones? I took some effert but I got a few from ebay.