New here

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Mictlan, Nov 24, 2010.

  1. Mictlan
    Jungle Swarm

    Mictlan New Member

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    Greetings all. I am new to the Great Plan of the Old Ones. In fact for the entirety of my Warhammer life I have been your enemy leading the varied forces of Chaos to victory (usually) across the length and breadth of the Old World. However; I find myself wishing for a little variety, and thought Lizardmen would fit the bill.

    On first glance through my newly purchased army book (I don't actually own, or even read others army books. I prefer to be surprised. I'm strange that way I know) it seems that 8th has given some powerful tools to this army that I look forward to learning to how to wield effectively.
  2. Gor-rok

    Gor-rok Member

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    Welcome! Lizardmen are indeed powerful, especially now in 8th edition. We're one of the most versatile armies out there, and have strong units for every phase of the game. More importantly though, Lizardmen are a ton of fun to play. You've come to the right place; enjoy!

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