Hello boys and girls and welcome to Let's Get Motivated - May 2023 This thread is too get us motivated each month into finishing projects that we have on the go, the rules are fairly simple. At the start of the month post what you intend to try and finish this month, it can be models/terrain/conversions of any game type. No pressure if you don't finish anything this is for motivation nothing else. Around the middle of the month post your progress, no images please, if you have want to share your progress with images, upload them into your blog and supply a link. Around the end of the month post your progress, again no images, if you have finished a piece upload the images into your blog and supply a link. The reason I don't want images in this thread is too get everyone that takes part views in their personal blog where the community can critique, etc. You don't have a paint blog? well get one started in this forum section. If you need advice etc. post here and the community will try and answer. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress Grrr, !mrahil
Plan for this month is simple. I have half done stegadon, unpainted Kroxies and 10 bolt action germans to do(last unit to list prepared for D-Day public play) and finish SdKfz234 puma (for same reason). Everything else is bonus added during month Stegadon Kroxies Germans with assault rifles Puma
I'm back baby! Realistic goals that might actually get accomplished since my wife has started painting with me once a week! Paint Kroak's palanquin Paint Kroak Paint new Slann Finish assembling Raptadon Chargers x10 -Completed (and primed yo!) Paint Terrawings x3
This month’s work will be: Saurus Old Blood On Cold One Karnac’s Lizardmen Raiders unit filler - completed Saurus Old Blood On foot Lord Kroak Tehenhauin - in progress 3 jungle swarm bases Astragoth 1 Apocalypse Battleship - primed 1 Escort carrier - primed Stegadon Old School - assemble and paint Scar Vet BSB - convert and paint 12 cold one cavalry (yeah…) extra Skink hero On Terradon - completed Slann OPR - primed Saurus Warriors Champion - primed edit: I clearly can’t commit to my Planning…
Well, here's my belated list for the month. Plan is to firstly finish of Velmorn's lot whilst slowly building through the Looncourt, then work on some of my backlog models of the month (Swamp Cultist, Lantern Lumineth Aelf, and Salamaders Primaris assault guy), before focussing on the single/character models, and finally hopefully having the time for the Gnarlspirits. Assemble: 1 Perry Minis Prussian Hussar - 1 Model of the Month – 1 Repentia Superior – Completed! Grinkrak’s Looncourt – Four Completed! 1 Sororitas Rhino - Paint: The rest of Sons of Velmorn Warband - One Completed! 4 Models of the Month - 1 Repentia Superior – 1 Astral Templars Vindicator - 1 Cado Ezachiar the Hollow King – Gnarlspirit Pack - Base: 5 Models of the Month – The rest of Sons of Velmorn Warband – One Completed! Gnarlspirit Pack - 1 Cado Ezachiar the Hollow King –
Well it took a while but finally my box of Lizards is due to arrive tomorrow and with that being said... Finish my entry for The Feathered Serpent competition. It's almost done but needs finishing touches. Assemble and paint the Saurus warriors. Display and photograph the above in my new cabinets(from a thrift store). Actually post an update on my blog and here Doable I hope
Third of month progress report Stegadon - quite a progress done on new one, dino itself is mostly finished except small details. Now onto howdah and crew. Kroxies - Done Germans with assault rifles - mostly done, I just need to add few camo lines Puma - probably done. I might add few scratches after varnish. Bonus for this month so far is Typhus, Biologus Putrifier and unit of Deathshroud terminators glued.
Bastiladon Some Skinks (to recreate from the Bastiladon and prepare for...) ...Lord Kroak (first steps)
Finished my entry for the forums' Feathered Serpent competition today! Shocked I actually got it done. Not sure what my next project will be, possibly some more Deathwatch or Infinity minis
Well, here are my goals, halfway the month - Read and vote on the Short story contest April-May 2023 - Write a review on all the stories in the contest - Make some progress on my 2nd Slannhood ascension project - Put some more paint on my last 5 Saurus Knights - Complete some scenery items for a new scenario for Game Night - Have another Game Night Grrr, !mrahil
Second third of month progress report: Stegadon - Done Kroxies - Done Germans with assault rifles - Done Puma - probably done. I might add few scratches after varnish. Bonus for this month so far is Typhus, Biologus Putrifier, unit of Deathshroud terminators and poxwalkers all glued to bases. Waiting for basing. I also managed to paint replacement Saurus warriors (as I had two banners and drummers per 10 models) And of course, Troglodon glued and primed.
My halfish month progress. Finish my entry for The Feathered Serpent competition. It's almost done but needs finishing touches. Assemble and paint the Saurus warriors. All assembled but only one if half painted. Display and photograph the above in my new cabinets(from a thrift store). Half done... Actually post an update on my blog and here Also half done Doable I hope Still promising
This month’s work will be: Saurus Old Blood On Cold One Karnac’s Lizardmen Raiders unit filler - completed Saurus Old Blood On foot Lord Kroak Tehenhauin - in progress 3 jungle swarm bases Astragoth 1 Apocalypse Battleship - primed 1 Escort carrier - primed Stegadon Old School - assemble and paint Scar Vet BSB - convert and paint 12 cold one cavalry (yeah…) extra Skink hero On Terradon - completed Slann OPR - primed Saurus Warriors Champion - primed 40 ghouls - 40 primed / 1 painted 1 strigoi - primed Tuskgor Chariot - primed
I have done the first and am working on the second The third got attention as well - Read and vote on the Short story contest April-May 2023 - Write a review on all the stories in the contest - Make some progress on my 2nd Slannhood ascension project - Put some more paint on my last 5 Saurus Knights - Complete some scenery items for a new scenario for Game Night - Have another Game Night Grrr, !mrahil