I've just gotten into Warhammer Fantasy after having a break of about 5 years from playing 40K and LOTR and I decided to go with a Lizardmen army. I'm trying to come up with a colour scheme for the army as like a lot of people I'm not a fan of the GW one. My brother has a High Elves army so I thought it would be cool to have a rival army for him so I'm gonna base the army on the story about the temple city Pahaux in the army book where High Elf explorers landed and were later destroyed. As this is the city of ash I was thinking of maybe a redish scheme (to signify the city) or a coastal/mangrove swap theme (to demonstrate that they are on the coast and are the front line against any invasions). Anyone have any ideas for colour themes or examples of similar themes in other people armies for me?
This should help a little.... http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/ye-olde-interactive-saurus-painter.4555/ check out the red abd black saurus... also the Voodo Lizards would be cool.
if they come from the city of ash you should paint them in a ashy way like a blend of grey and black to make a dark grey and then drybrush red over it as embers or instead of drybrushing put dots or streaks of red and orange to make it look as if it is on fire
if you went with the greyish scheme, you could make the cracks on the scales red inside so it' kinda like magma
some of my skinks are green others are grey like their made out of stone i olso have blue ones wich look quite cool so there is some coloures that you could noodle with
I like the idea of the red in the scales like magma I think that would look cool if I could pull it off
Careful, I did this with a tau army and it looked absolutely fantastic... Until I painted more and it is just TOO much the scheme. I ran red and black tau with lava bases and the model looked pretty cool but when I got more lava involved it went over the top and I went back to light brown with snow bases. (The lighting is yellow and terrible)
This? Don't do it... Takes waaay more time than its worth. I only have like 2 units painted. :S 7 layers of highlight on each scale.
It's a resin lava base that I just painted the flat bits with lots of different layers trying to slightly wet blend. That picture is actually my first (and worst) attempt at it Dark Red -> Mid Red -> Light Red -> Orange -> Yellow -> Bleached Bone -> White