They also skipped how the villains were sent to prison with no trial. At first that sounds good but then you start wondering who decides how to categorize what a criminal is. Obviously the comics had more time to set up Stark and the Illuminati running ideas with no checks and balances and them having world changing effects.
I’m a few years late to the party but I’ve only ever played 8th edition in terms of a fantasy tabletop war game setting.
@Lizards of Renown we summon you from your self imposed exile to update our list of noble 8th edition knights!
Fantastic! Welcome Brother, to the Sacred Knights of the Divine Order of the Knights of Eight! In the name of the Dark Father, it is done
The Sacred Knights of the Divine Order. @Lizards of Renown @The Great White Lizard @Kblock @Krox_v.2 @Karnus @NIGHTBRINGER With TOW eventually descending upon us, who will stay true? Who will remain pure?
Pure like Galadriel when Frodo presented her the ring I will still not play 8th edition, so no change there Grrr, !mrahil
I think I already said in a different thread that I plan on giving The Old World a try, at the very least I will be picking up the rulebook/rules to read. Honestly, I've been thinking that TOW might be useful as a way to introduce new players to 8th edition.