8th Ed. Lustria Campaign

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Sgiusini, Jul 3, 2023.

  1. Sgiusini

    Sgiusini Well-Known Member

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    That’s right, I can’t play an old edition Campaign using 8th edition rules, I have to play two Old edition Campaigns using 8th edition rules

    So, first game was Lizardmen vs Skaven, Battle for Axlotl, mission The Rise of Clan Pestilens.

    Lizardmen list
    Slann: banner os discipline, harmonic convergence, Becalming Cogitation, channeling Staff, lore of life.

    skink priest, lore of Beasts, level 2, dispell scroll, ancient stegadon, sharpened horns

    Temple Guard x28, full command, banner of eternal Flame

    Saurus Warriors x30, full command, hand Weapon and shield

    Saurus Warriors x30, full command, spear and shield

    skink cohorts x24, 3 kroxigors, full command

    troglodon, channeling ability (can’t remember the name Now…)

    skaven (sorry, but I don’t know the names)
    Lord for combat
    Wizard level 4 On bell
    Rats with halberds (40?)
    Clan rats (30?)
    Slaves x65
    Slaves x65
    Doomwheel x2
    Hellpit abomination
    Ninja rats x10
    Plague monks (36?)

    Later tonight I will finish the Battle report.

    Attached Files:

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  2. Karnus

    Karnus Well-Known Member

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    That’s a lot of rats!
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  3. Sgiusini

    Sgiusini Well-Known Member

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    Lizards Turn 1
    Movement: line Advance to engage.
    Shooting: no shots
    Magic: winds of Magic 3+1. Engine of the Gods reduções dificultou for the Lore of Beasts. Attempted Amber Spear On Hellpit Abomination, miscast, rolled 1 to wound. Miscast 2+1, Priest suffered a wound, no warp travelling this turn .

    Skaven Turn 1
    Movement: Doomwheels and Hellpit Advanced A LOT, plague monks March forward, clan rats, ninja rats and slaves On my right flank Advanced a bit.
    Magic: no spells cast succesfully.
    Shooting: doomwheels kill One Temple Guard.

    Lizardmen turn 2
    Movement: Skink cohorts charge plague monks, Saurus HW&S charge doomwheel to the centre, Temple Guard charge doomwheel On my left flank, other units reposition for Magic, abilities and next Round charge.
    Magic: Throne of Vines cast succesfully, skink priest heals a wound, Stoneskin dispelled, Earthblood cast succesfully.
    Shooting: all missed (stegadon and troglodon)
    Combat: Troglodon Roars, Temple Guard destroys Doomwheel and reform, Saurus destroys doomwheel and overrun clipping halberd rats and bell, skink cohorts obbliterated during pursuit, plague monks clipped Saurus with spears.

    Skaven Turn 2
    Movement: clan rats with Lord charges Temple Guard, slaves to my right flank charges Saurus Warriors engaged with plague monks, Hellpit abomination reatches Temple Guard.
    Magic: Throne of vines dispelled.
    Shooting: ninja rats caused 6 wounds to stegadon, failed 4 saves…
    Close combat: the Skaven Lord caused 2 self wounds (some rule for Roling two 1’s On to hit), Hellpit Abomination kills 4 Temple Guard, clan rats kills 1 Temple Guard, Temple Guard caused 5 flaming wounds On Hellpit. Temple Guard holds. Saurus HW&S kills 11 halberd Skaven and caused 1wound to BSB, 4 Saurus dies. Saurus with spears kills 6 plague monks and 6 slaves, 2 Saurus dies. Slaves brake from combat and “explodes”: 3 plague monks dies, 5 Saurus dies, 2 halberd Skaven dies, troglodon suffered no wounds.
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  4. Sgiusini

    Sgiusini Well-Known Member

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    Lizardmen Turn 3
    Movement: troglodon charges ninja rats, they flee. Stegadon moves to charge next Round.
    Magic: engine of the gods for lore of life. throne of vines dispelled, stoneskin scrolled, regrowth failed
    Shooting: no shots
    Combat: Hellpit Abomination, Lord and clan rats kills 11 Temple guard, Temple Guard caused 1 wound to Hellpit and it dies. Temple Guard holds. Saurus with spears kills 11 plague monks, 4 Saurus dies. Plague monks flee from table, Saurus Warriors failed to catch On pursuit. Saurus HW&S kills 11 halberd rats, 4 Saurus dies.

    skaven turn 3
    Movement: slaves Advance, ninja rats regroup.
    Magic: no spells succesfully cast
    Shooting: no shots
    Combat: Lord and clan rats kills 1 Temple guard, 6 clan rats dies, unit holds. 6 halberd Skaven dies, 2 Saurus HW&S dies.
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  5. Sgiusini

    Sgiusini Well-Known Member

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    Lizardmen Turn 4
    Saurus with spears and Stegadon Ready to charge, by this point my opponent conceded, no point to continue since there was no Punch left for him to compete with what was left of my Lizardmen Army.

    Lizardmen Victory, Axlotl Will be liberated soon!
    Imrahil likes this.

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